24996158? ago

Great find, thanks!

24995371? ago

Not burning the Koran, or Das Capital. Funny that.

24995046? ago

Stockpile bibles and prophet? offset lithography FTW let's print some early English adaptations? We can create at least twice as fast as they can destroy.

24994665? ago

Mostly "good" satanists?

24994608? ago

They're fucking COMMUNISTS


24994692? ago

Same thing!

24995818? ago

What the hell? No they aren’t lol

24994586? ago

and these stupid people give themselves away

24994463? ago

This is the time to burn Korans and Tanakh in front of the Mayors house. Then do the same to every city councilor who allows terrorist to destroy Portland.

24994436? ago

Real fascism has never been tried, but makes economies go zoom every time it starts.

Fascists burn jew-penned tranny faggot books.

24994553? ago

Benito Mussolini is the figure head of Fascism. While he was in power for only 21 years, his National Fascist Party became the Italian Fascist party for a few years (((after))) his death.

The Italian Fascist party was already international before Benito was scapegoated.

Collective Labor is the ONLY concept of fascism that made Fascism. Labor Enforcers are the real Shadow Government and the SEIU is just one of thousands of Occult cells. Pedowood has the Actors Guild, which is the most entrenched.

24994419? ago

Stop using words you dont understand.

Fascism = the combining of politics and big capital

No book burnings, no racism, no leader, no (national) socialism.

24994629? ago

Bullshit. Fascism is Collective Labor. Benito used the Guilds to control Nationalized Labor.

The most successful form of Capitalism is Black Marketing and Vice.

The most lucrative industry of Capitalism is Human Trafficking. Thanks to Adrenochrome and Organ Harvesting, China is a world leader. It used to be drugs with a close second in the sex slave industry.

Fascism includes the Assassin Guild and the Public Servants Blackmail Guild, who are also known as the Jesuit Occult.

24995015? ago

This Post is the real bullshit.

Maybe you educate yourself with real books and the theories plus the real experiences that where made with that.

It seems you got your education from random Internet posts and take the things you like to put a puzzle together that not fit.

I would recommend basic education in economics, history and politics.

Your text is like a homework for an 8th grader over holidays and he googled at the last day shit together from reddit etc.

But as long you are happy and trust the Plan everything is fine.

Farewell for you

24995601? ago

Over target, eh? Good. Your only defense is to make it personal and attack the messenger while mocking the message.

Unionist are rather predicable and desperation is why you are triggered.

24995874? ago

When someone started to take an Argument with bullshit to write an wild nonsense mix of bullshit i cant take it serious.

Maybe you take the time to educate him?

I am not responsible to teach him. Therefore its a too wild mix of missinformation. You can educate yourself for free in www but when you use it to build yourself a wild mix of fanfiction i am out.

You last sentence doesnt make sense. Wheres the Desperation showing?

You are a troll who jump aside another troll to disinfo and divide.

Farewell for you too

24994341? ago

Germans didn't burn the Bible. They burned Jewish propaganda. Just for clarification.

24994705? ago

If they were burning Jewish propaganda, they should have included the bible.

24994731? ago

You mean the Talmud, you piece of shit.

24995087? ago

No, I mean the entire Christcuck bible. The first and most insidious subversion the kike ever did was to erase and replace European's natural spirituality and convince us one of their false messiah's is our god.

24995536? ago

Go back to your Talmud.

24996604? ago

You believe in a Jewish God that was exclusive to Jewish people. A God who specifically said you're not getting saved. How much of a cuck can you be?

Here you go, cuck.

24994368? ago

And their pro degeneracy, pro homosexuality, and pro transgender propaganda....

Stuff being forced on our children... AGAIN

24994391? ago

Yep. Wiemer 2.0

24994448? ago

Current President: Heisenberg 2.0
A nation ready for Hitler 2.0

24994289? ago

clumsy attempt to pull counter protesters out of their homes

24994128? ago

Ban tik-tok, ban bibles.

Moves and countermoves.