Project Briefing and Background
In 1972, in a remote section of northern New Mexico, a group of hikers discovered an unusual artifact and pictographs within an obscure canyon. An archeologist from the University of New Mexico analyzed the artifact and searched the area where it was discovered, but found no signs that a prehistoric culture had established any permanent site in the canyon. It was presumed that a nomadic, Native American Indian tribe had occasionally used the canyon as a temporary settlement and had left behind a few artifacts of their presence as a consequence. There were, however, two very puzzling questions. All but one of the artifacts could be dated to the 8th century AD. The exception, known as the "compass" artifact, appeared to be an unusual form of technology, and was found among more typical artifacts like pottery and simple tools. The compass was covered in strange hieroglyphic symbols, some of which were also found on the pottery. Secondly, the pictographs that were found in the area had inexplicably appeared, and they were strikingly different than any of the other native petroglyphs or rock art found in the southwest or the entire continent for that matter.
Because of these two anomalies, the artifacts and the entire project quickly became the property of the US government, or more specifically, the National Security Agency. It was decided that these artifacts might suggest a pre-historical, extraterrestrial presence on earth, and that the NSA had the appropriate agenda and wherewithal to initiate a full-scale, scientific expedition to determine the nature and significance of the site.
The site was completely searched by a secret department of the NSA in 1973, but it only resulted in a few additional findings, and none of them were designated as technologies or evidence of an extraterrestrial presence. Additional pictographic symbols were found, but decoding them was a difficult and frustrating process. Experts were called in to help, but it was impossible to reach a consensus as to what the pictographs meant. As quickly as the project had risen as a priority investigation, it fell into the archives of the NSA under the code name, Ancient Arrow.
Twenty-one years later, in 1994, a series of rockslides opened up a section of the Ancient Arrow site. The canyon was in a naturally obscure section of park land held by the state of New Mexico. After its discovery in 1972, it had been officially sanctioned off-limits to hikers and campers and was to be left in its natural state. From time-to-time, scientists -- sponsored by the NSA -- would visit the site hoping to uncover new evidence, but were invariably disappointed.
Shortly after the rockslide occurrence, a small team of operatives from the NSA visited Ancient Arrow canyon to do some follow-up research. They discovered the rockslide had exposed an entrance to a hidden cavern that led deep within the canyon walls.
At the back of this cavern, the research team discovered a well-hidden entrance into the interior of the canyon wall or rock structure of the Ancient Arrow site. There they found a system of tunnels and chambers that had been carved out from solid rock. There were a total of 23 chambers, all intricately connected to an interior corridor, and each chamber held a specific wall painting, series of pictographs, written hieroglyphs, and what seemed to be dormant, alien technologies.
Once this entrance to the cavern was found, a report was immediately filed with the Director responsible for the Ancient Arrow project. The project was then formally brought under the jurisdiction of the Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO), which organized an inter-disciplinary research team to assess the exact nature of the site and attempt to discover additional artifacts or evidence of an extraterrestrial visitation.
Anne: "When you say 'visiting you', what evidence did you have that the WingMakers might be visiting you?"
Dr. Anderson: "I was spending 70 hours per week working on the decoding formulas for the symbol pictures, and this went on for about 8 months. During this time I tried every conceivable combination to create an access code to the optical disc. I was convinced it was the only way to open it. I was also convinced that it was purposely made to be difficult, at least to our presentday brains. It was almost as though the struggle to decode their language was exercising a part of my brain or nervous system that was enabling me to communicate with them.
"I began to hear them speaking to me. It began as a word or two . . . then a sentence . . . maybe just once a day. It didn't make much sense . . . what I heard. But then one day I was working on a chamber painting and I saw something move in the painting. One of the symbols moved and it was absolutely not an illusion or trick of the light. Then I realized that the WingMakers could interact with me, that they were time traveling to my time and that somehow their paintings were actually portals in which they moved through time.
"It was then I began to hear their instructions, or more precisely, their thoughts. I was given mental images on how to use the Sumerian language to decode their own symbol pictures. I thought I was possibly going crazy. I felt like my mind was playing tricks on me . . . that I was working too hard and needed to take a holiday, but I listened to the voices because it seemed plausible what I was being instructed to do. When I finished with the access code and it worked, I knew then that I was indeed communicating with them. Anne: "Did you tell anyone? I mean about the fact that you were communicating with the WingMakers?"
Dr. Anderson: "I kept it a secret. I wasn't sure how I would be able to explain the phenomenon and I didn't want to arouse suspicions, so I went about my business and began developing the translation indexes for the 8,110 pages of text that was discovered within the optical disc. It was essential that we had a letter-for-letter index in order to retain the meaning of their language . . . we called this translation granularity. And as I started the process of translating the optical disc, I began to see fragment images of the WingMakers . . . sort of like a holographic image that would appear and then disappear in a matter of seconds.
"They visited me a total of three times -- always in my home at night -- and told me that I had been selected to be their liaison or spokesperson. Of course I asked them why me and not Fifteen, and they said that Fifteen was unable to speak for them because he was already the pawn of the Corteum."
Anne:"Tell me about Fifteen. What is he like?"
Dr. Anderson: "Fifteen is a genius of unparalleled intelligence and knowledge. He's the leader of the Labyrinth Group and has been since its inception in 1963. He was only 22 [twenty-two] years old when he joined the ACIO in 1956. I think he was discovered early enough before he had a chance to establish a reputation in academic circles. He was a renegade genius who wanted to build computers that would be powerful enough to time travel. Can you imagine how a goal like that -- in the mid-1950s -- must have sounded to his professors?
"Needless to say, he was not taken seriously, and was essentially told to get in line with academic protocols and perform serious research. Fifteen came to the ACIO through an alliance it had with Bell Labs. Somehow Bell Labs heard about his genius and hired him, but he quickly out-paced their research agenda and wanted to apply his vision of time travel." Anne: "Why was he so interested in time travel?"
Dr. Anderson: "No one is absolutely sure. And his reasons may have changed over time. The accepted purpose was to develop Blank Slate Technology or BST. BST is a form of time travel that enables the re-write of history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points are the causal energy centers that create a major event like the break-up of the Soviet Union or the NASA space program.
"BST is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of BST, can defend themselves against any aggressor. It is, as Fifteen was fond of saying, the freedom key. Remember that the ACIO was the primary interface with extraterrestrial technologies and how to adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications. We were exposed to ETs and knew of their agenda. Some of these ETs scared the hell out of the ACIO."
Anne: "Why?"
Dr. Anderson: "There were agreements between our government -- specifically the NSA -- to cooperate with an ET species commonly called the Greys in exchange for their cooperation to stay hidden and conduct their biological experiments under the cloak of secrecy. There was also a bungled technology transfer program, but that's another story . . . [--] However, not all the Greys were operating within a unified agenda. There were certain groups of Greys that looked upon humans in much the same way as we look upon laboratory animals. "They're abducting humans and animals, and have been for the past 48 [forty-eight] years . . . [--] they're essentially conducting biological experiments to determine how their genetics can be made to be compatible with human and animal genetic structure. Their interests are not entirely
24893824? ago
When I throw a rock and hit you in the head but you don't know what hit you, it's a UFO.
24892047? ago
Had the most unusual happening a few summers ago, i was digging hard into the alien and reverse-engineered technology and focusing on figuring out if its all real or am i just insane. For a long time i carefully attempted to reach these higher beings through my primitive understanding of telepathy and i think i made it as far as my "skills" allowed. I was sitting on a porch in daytime, skies were clear except for some minor clouds. Out of fucking nowhere a lightning strikes maybe 50 feet or less in front of us with a massive boom and crackle and ive never heard such a boom from a lightning, only the usual heavy crumbling in the cloud. My friend almost fell out of his chair and was scared shitless, i was more curious about the fact that theres zero clouds on top of us and the only "reasonable" explanation i could come up with was that my endless calls for a sign were heard and somebody up there figured that fuck it, lets give the dude a proper sign then. Peace
24887505? ago
Try Project Blue Beam instead.
24887712? ago
I prefer the hidden stuff!
If you read all the material I presented here, you will understand this is the TRUE reason the USA went to Iraq in 2002.
7 WingMakers sites total.
7 Rings to rule them all?
7 Dragon balls for ultimate power?
24886625? ago
Friendly? Humane? Non menacing?
24886731? ago
Giff Upboat Pliz so we can discuss this topic.
24886301? ago
Q's drop ID is encoded with Dec 03rd, 2002
What happened on that day of importance? Seems to have some Saddam stuff when I look back in old newspapers?
Also these "big" movies were released:
Catch me if you can and The Hours which contain all kinds of the pedowood people being focused on by Q. Chock full of em.
but how to pinpoint what Q is referring to with this date?
EDIT: I downloaded and watching "25th Hour" from Dec 03, 2002
Edward Norton character just said, at 36:25 mins into the movie:
This movie is from Dec 2002, Q's tripcode is encoded with it 03decb0 and so I started searching for things around 03rd Dec, 2002...
This is from the movie "25th Hour" with Edward Norton.
36:00 mins into the movie:
Where'd you think that money was coming from -- Donald Trump?
That was a mistake.
Let's just forget it, then.
There were lots of mistakes.
I should've stopped drinking when your mother passed.
Please don't do this.
-year-old boy with a dead mother and a drunk father.
I got no one to blame but myself.
Oh, stop. Stop.
It wasn't you, Pop.
I'm gonna take a leak.
Yeah, fuck you, too.
Fuck me? Fuck you.
Fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it.
No, no, no, no, no.
Fuck the panhandlers grubbing for money,
smiling at me behind my back.
Fuck the squeegee men
dirtying up the clean windshield of my car.
Get a fucking job.
Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis
bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs,
curry steaming out their pores, stinking up my day.
Terrorists in fucking training. Slow the fuck down!
...getting one of those operations
that elongate your penis.
Fuck the Chelsea Boys
with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps,
going down on each other in my parks and on my piers,
jiggling their dicks on my Channel !
Fuck the Korean grocers
with their pyramids of overpriced fruit
and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic.
Ten years in the country, still no speakee English.
Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach.
Mobster thugs sitting in cafes, sipping tea in little glasses,
sugar cubes between their teeth,
wheelin' and dealin' and schemin'.
Go back where you fucking came from.
Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim
strolling up and down th Street
in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff,
selling South African apartheid diamonds.
Come on. Your wife deserves this.
Fuck the Wall Street brokers.
Self-styled masters of the universe.
Michael Douglas-Gordon Gekko wannabe motherfuckers
figuring out new ways to rob hardworking people blind.
Send those Enron assholes to jail for fucking life.
You think Bush and Cheney didn't know about that shit?
Give me a fucking break.
Fuck the Puerto Ricans.
Twenty to a car, swelling up the welfare rolls.
Worst fucking parade in the city.
And don't even get me started on the Dominicans,
'cause they make the Puerto Ricans look good.
Who's this fuckin' guy?! Get the fuck outta here!
Fuck the Bensonhurst ltalians with their pomaded hair,
their nylon warm-up suits, their St. Anthony medallions,
swinging their Jason Giambi Louisville Slugger baseball bats
trying to audition for "The Sopranos."
Fuckin' crack your fuckin' head open!
Bensonhurst! Bensonhurst!
Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves
and their $
Balducci artichoke.
Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted
and stretched all taut and shiny.
You're not fooling anybody, sweetheart.
Fuck the Uptown brothers.
They never pass the ball,
they don't want to play defense,
they take five steps on every layup to the hoop,
and then they want to turn around
and blame everything on the white man.
We not giving it up! We not giving it up!
Slavery ended years ago.
Move the fuck on.
Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers
and their shots,
standing behind a blue wall of silence.
You betray our trust!
Fuck the priests who put their hands
down some innocent child's pants.
Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil.
And while you're at it, fuck J.C.
He got off easy --
a day on the cross, a weekend in hell,
and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity.
Try seven years in fucking Otisville, J.
Fuck Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda,
and backward-ass cave-dwelling
fundamentalist assholes everywhere.
On the names of innocent thousands murdered,
I pray you spend the rest of eternity with your whores
roasting in a jet-fuel fire in hell.
You towel-headed camel jockeys can kiss my royal lrish ass.
"l notice how many of what I once thought
"were evidences of repression, sexual or otherwise..."
Fuck Jacob Elinsky.
Whining malcontent.
Fuck Francis Xavier Slaughtery, my best friend,
judging me while he stares at my girlfriend's ass.
Fuck Naturelle Riviera.
I gave her my trust, and she stabbed me in the back.
Sold me up the river. Fucking bitch.
Fuck my father with his endless grief,
standing behind that bar, sipping on club soda,
selling whiskey to firemen and cheering the Bronx Bombers.
Let's go, Yankees!
Fuck this whole city and everyone in it,
from the row houses of Astoria
to the penthouses on Park Avenue,
from the projects in the Bronx to the lofts in Soho,
from the tenements in Alphabet City
to the brownstones in Park Slope
to the split-levels in Staten lsland,
Iet an earthquake crumble it, let the fires rage,
Iet it burn to fucking ash, and then let the waters rise
and submerge this whole rat-infested place.
24890197? ago
You mean what DirectorAnon calls “jar people”?
24886129? ago
Just curious... Why would people with spaceships use clay pots and draw stick figures?
24886401? ago
Read the posts man.
24886060? ago
I have known they were real ever since a friend and I observed a full fledged flying saucer hovering right behind a big oak tree on a farm. It was close enough that I could see the portals (windows) around the perimeter. That was 1966.
24886385? ago
I also saw Three very odd lights in the early 2000's leapfrogging thousands of kilometers overhead. Me and three other friends saw it.
We were smoking weed on a backroad about 9 PM and my friend told me to pull over because he saw some crazy shit in the sky.
I pulled over and we all witnessed this display from one side of the horizon to the other.
We all stood there in silence watching them leap frog accross the sky and out of sight; it took less than 3 mins for them to dissapear completely. It was like a three pointed triangle in the sky but one point would suddenly vanish and then appear "in front" of the other two and they continued to do this, leapfrogging, until out of sight.
I've seen Orbs flying above my city downtown, recently, on numerous occasions.
I attempted to film one with my tablet and when I zoomed in, there were many smaller balls leaving the larger ball and ZOOMING all over the fucking place but they certainly seemed intelligently controlled. The smaller balls were bouncing off building to building, WILD!
You could not see the smaller balls with the naked eye, only my zoomed in Tablets camera could capture them!
24885937? ago
pfft..isn't it interesting that other reports of contact tell of the benign nature of the aliens in that they would not interfere in our affairs, but must persuade us to do things. Same is said of contact with the demons, we must be willing participants. and it's a luciferian principle as well. So yeah, chat away with them if you wish. God wins.
24885920? ago
By the way I was permanently banned after being doxxed, from /r/conspiracy
Fuck China in the ass.
I made a second part to this whole post and it can be found here:
24886331? ago
My posts under here are CONTINUATIONS of the main OP (as OP)
24885823? ago
understood, but if you accept their stated agenda, it's to perpetuate their species. Their species is nearing extinction and they're fearful that their biological system lacks the emotional development to harness their technological prowess in a responsible manner. "Fifteen was approached by the Greys in his role at the ACIO, and they desired to provide a fullscale technology transfer program, but Fifteen turned them down. He had already established a TTP with the Corteum, and felt that the Greys were too fractured organizationally to make good on their promises. Furthermore, the Corteum technology was superior in most regards to the Greys . . . [--] with the possible exception of the Greys' memory implant and their genetic hybridization technologies.
"However, Fifteen and the entire Labyrinth Group carefully considered an alliance with the Greys if for no other reason than to have direct communication with regard to their stated agenda. Fifteen liked to be in the know . . . [--] so eventually we did establish an alliance, which consisted of a modest information exchange between us. We provided them with access to our information systems relative to genetic populations and their unique predisposition across a variety of criteria including mental, emotional, and physical behaviors; and they provided us with their genetic findings.
"The Greys, and most extraterrestrials for that matter, communicate with humans exclusively through a form of telepathy, which we called suggestive telepathy because to us it seemed that the Greys communicated in a such a way that they were trying to lead a conversation to a particular end. In other words, they always had an agenda, and we were never certain if we were a pawn of their agenda or we arrived at conclusions that were indeed our own. "I think that's why Fifteen didn't trust the Greys. He felt they used communication to manipulate outcomes to their own best interest in favor of shared interests. And because of this lack of trust, Fifteen refused to form any alliance or TTP that was comprehensive or integral to our operations at either the ACIO or the Labyrinth Group."
Anne: "Did the Greys know of the existence of the Labyrinth Group?"
Dr. Anderson: "I don't believe so. They were generally convinced that humans were not clever enough to cloak their agendas. Our analysis was that the Greys had invasive technologies that gave them a false sense of security as to their enemy's weaknesses. And I'm not saying that we were enemies, but we never trusted them. And this they undoubtedly knew. They also knew that the ACIO had technologies and intellects that were superior to the mainstream human population, and they had a modicum of respect -- perhaps even fear -- of our abilities.
"However, we never showed them any of our pure-state technologies or engaged them in deep dialogues concerning cosmology or new physics. They were clearly interested in our information databases and this was their primary agenda with respect to the ACIO. Fifteen was the primary interface with the Greys because they sensed a comparable intellect in him. The Greys looked at Fifteen as the equivalent of our planet's CEO."
Anne: "How did Fifteen become the leader of both the ACIO and the Labyrinth Group?"
Dr. Anderson: "He was the Director of Research in 1958 when the Corteum first became known to the ACIO. In this position, he was the logical choice to assess their technology and determine its value to the ACIO. The Corteum instantly took a liking to him, and one of Fifteen's first decisions was to utilize the Corteum intelligence accelerator technologies on himself. After about three months of experimentation (most of which was not in his briefing reports to the then current Executive Director of the ACIO), Fifteen became infused with a massive vision of how to create BST.
"The Executive Director was frightened by the intensity of Fifteen's BST agenda and felt that it would divert too much of the ACIO's resources to a technology development program that was dubious. Fifteen was enough of a renegade that he enlisted the help of the Corteum to establish the Labyrinth Group. The Corteum were equally interested in BST for the similar reasons as Fifteen. The Freedom Key, as it was sometimes called, was established as the prime agenda of the Labyrinth Group, and the Corteum and Fifteen were its initial members.
"Over the next several years, Fifteen selected the cream of the crop from the scientific core of the ACIO to undergo a similar intelligence accelerator program as he had, with the intention of developing a group of scientists that could -- in cooperation with the Corteum -- successfully invent BST. The ACIO, in the opinion of Fifteen, was too controlled by the NSA and he felt the NSA was too immature in its leadership to responsibly deploy the technologies that he knew would be developed as an outgrowth of the Labyrinth Group. So Fifteen essentially plotted to take over the ACIO and was assisted by his new recruits to do so.
"This happened a few years before I became affiliated with the ACIO as a student and intern. My stepfather was very sympathetic to Fifteen's agenda and was helpful in placing Fifteen as the Executive Director of the ACIO. There was a period of instability when this transition occured [occurred], but after about a year, Fifteen was firmly in control of the agendas of both the ACIO and the Labyrinth Group.
"What I said earlier . . . [--] that he was viewed as the CEO of the planet . . . [--] that's essentially who he is. And of the ETs who are interacting with humankind, only the Corteum understand the role of Fifteen. He has a vision that is unique in that it is a blueprint for the creation of BST, and is closing in on the right technological and human elements that will make this possible."
Anne: "What makes BST such an imperative to Fifteen and the Labyrinth Group?"
Dr. Anderson: "The ACIO has access to many ancient texts that contain prophecies of the earth. These have been accumulated over the past several hundred years through our network of secret organizations of which we are a part. These ancient texts are not known in academic institutions, the media, or mainstream society; they are quite powerful in their depictions of the 21st [twenty-first] century. Fifteen was made aware of these texts early on when he became Director of Research for the ACIO, and this knowledge only fueled his desire to develop BST."
Anne: "What were these prophecies and who made them?"
Dr. Anderson: "The prophecies were made by a variety of people who are, for the most part, unknown or anonymous, so if I told you their names you would have no recognition. You see, time travel can be accomplished by the soul from an observational level . . . [--] that is to say, that certain individuals can move in the realm of what we call vertical time and see future events with great clarity, but they are powerless to change them. There are also those individuals who have, in our opinion, come into contact with the WingMakers and are provided messages about the future, which they had recorded in symbol pictures or extinct languages like Sumerian, Mayan, and Chakobsan.
"The messages or prophecies that they made had several consistent strands or themes that were to occur in the early part of the 21st [twenty-first] century, around the year 2011. Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android
I present to you the complete first two interviews between Anne and Dr. Anderson (obviously not their true names THE EDITS SHOW THE DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN!)
VERY IMPORTANT: interview number 3, 4 or 5 were NEVER RELEASED. One can see the full breadth and scope of the disinformation compaign when we attempt to google search organically for the term "WingMakers":
we are presented with disinformation (WINGMAKERS (dot) COM) and without proper discernment, many will completely miss the and the large differences. HERE. THIS IS THE COVER UP. DR. NERUDA is invented by whoever chose to cover this all up. Interview 3, 4, 5 have no source. The original interviews have been HIGHLY MODIFIED by James Mahu and when one analyzes the differences - the whole conspiracy gets even crazier.
https:// wingmakersDOTus
How about this?
(July 30, 2019)
The WingMakers aka Cosmic Central Race
The Cosmic Central Race has been in the spheres around planet Earth for some months now. They have already made contact with various Key Lightworkers on the surface and can also be contacted at any time in meditations. The Wingmakers in their non-physical form usually appear gigantically large in brightly shining silhouettes. But they can also turn into giant spheres that can actually serve as spaceships too. Sometimes they also seem to have a kind of beak, which is why they are often portrayed as birds or eagles.
The eagle can actually be regarded as the representative animal of the Central Cosmic Race, since it is completely free, stands above things and overlooks everything. This is also the reason, why the Native Americans worshipped the eagle and often wore feather decoration as headgear.
24885886? ago
Two centuries ago, it was also the last time that the Wingmakers actively appeared as Walk-ins on the surface of the planet. Because of the fact that many positive indigenous tribes were so pure, the CCR were able to go into the avatars of a few lightful female and male shamans for a short time and thus could provide important knowledge to the people.
However, the Archons separated this connection by triggering the extermination of those tribes through the colonization of America, so that the CCR no longer had clean vessels available on the ground.
As with many other symbols (Swastika, All-Seeing Eye) the Dark Ones have also taken the symbol of the CCR, the eagle, and have attached it to their own flags. This is also the reason why many royal houses or nations have a one or double-headed eagle on their emblems (or see the Roman Aquila or the Imperial eagle of the Nazis). It’s all about appropriation of the radiant power of originally positive symbolism, because the Dark Ones have nothing comparable of their own.
But now, after a long journey from the Center of the Galaxy,
the “real” eagles are back and about to land. <-----------
And that means that the end of the Quarantine is approaching, because the CCR is energetically superior to the Chimera, comparable with a real eagle in the sky to a spider on the ground ... the Chimera fears the CCR.
Tolkien also referred to the Wingmakers, in form of the eagles which appear whenever the situation is most hopeless:
The most visible operation of the Light Forces is probably the Epstein case, which will crack the protective wall of the Cabal around the global paedophile system and will mark the beginning of a subsequent chain reaction of (worrisome) disclosures that will at some point end in the collapse of the matrix.
After the resignation of the English Prime Minister, you can also see further physical effects of the energetic liberation of the British Isles, by the publication that parts of the English (Fake) Royal Family are also involved in the Epstein case, which will at some point lead to their demise too...(and it continues https://
It is quite evident when one reads the comparisons of the two interview changes that Fred gracefully laid out for us in the provided pdfs, that they were hiding something and not "Adding to it" as James Mahu stated in his email exchanges with Fred, that Fred has also published on his website.
see those email exchanges here and notice how Fred mentions "Alice Bailey" whom is a new ager pushing theosophy and luciferian trash, to let "James" know that he [Fred] knows very well what he has done with the interview and site modifications and what he is up to.
Fred is just too nice about it!
See those emails here: https://
Fred provides further analysis of the changes to WingMakersDOTcom :
What I offer here is just the tip of the iceberg.
Check this (once again, this ain't for normies, and I do mean that. If this information intimidates you (be honest with yourself) you have much more contextual research to do):
Below you may find my fragmented and expanded information and my >>personal opinions<< on the whole thing here, warning that this is, again, not for "everyday people" - also known as 'normies' (not trying to patronize just being honest, not all people dive WAY INTO the rabbit hole, most get scared away by their unknowing of what may be possible - its fucking natural - alas! You must persist).
Within the ACIO, there are 14 distinct levels of security clearance. Those who are at level 12 and above are aware of the Corteum/Anunnaki Technology Transfer Program (TTP). >>>There are only 7 who have level 14 clearance. <<< [Less than 10] - [Qanon]
is Qanon = Labyrinth Group ?
more positive music to assist in this search for truth:
https:// (watch what you eat, what you drink, and also what you listen to). The all seeing eye does not belong to them - it is representative of ALL of our THIRD EYE - our pineal gland - our antennae to communicate with the Prime Creator.
(PRO TIP: TO VIEW THE URLS IN MY COMMENTS ABOVE ^^^ REPLACE "DOT" with simply a PERIOD. Remove the spaces between "https://" and "www", three spaces).