24893416? ago


24892050? ago

https:// rightwingtribune.com/2020/07/22/hundreds-charged/


24891318? ago

8 terabytes = 1 pedobyte

24888131? ago

parallel civil forfeiture action

are you sure it isn't malware droping CP on peoples computers?

24894230? ago

Shapeshifting Copyculture already exists in Korea. Some of the are weird and linked to S Korean? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3938328/24859054

24894301? ago

Korea is a rabbit hole, the North is fucked up commie, the South have a shit ton of global weirdos who hate their own culture, it could be in their DNA from the days of rapes and invasions, they want to be British, Jewish, Chinese, French, American, Japanese, Vietnamese anything but Korean...you have also some normal patriotic people but a shit ton of cults, old Voodoo shit, Moonies, Rape cults, Pagan weird religions etc @cookienomster @One-Way_Bus @The_Venerable @ARsandOutdoors @HarlandKornfeld14 scientology also grows in Korea. The minority cults are religions are probably less than 5% but enough to make Koreans fucked in the head, also other belief like Cheondoism, Daesun Jinrihoe, Islam, Daejongism, Jeungsanism....all mind control cancers? ... that dumb soap box japanophile white ronin had intresting stuff to say about them, also a lot of conspiracy posts on Korea in the pizzagate sub

24887284? ago

"...The nine-count indictment was unsealed today along with a parallel civil forfeiture action."

That one out of... what's the count of sealed indictments up to now? (No need for pedo-shills to respond.. if there any left - kek)

24888619? ago

Thousands and thousands, actually. Liar. Asshole. Person who’s constantly wrong because he believes in a LARP and belongs to a community that is riddled with liars and mentally ill fanatics who fall for every false lead the DS drops in front of them.

24890024? ago

your faggot response: derp

24887112? ago

This is one of the main things I use to talk to dems about why I support Trump.

The numbers of human traffickers/cp group being arrested have gone way up and it can't be denied that he is a big part of the reason. His executive orders have made most of it possible!

24887011? ago

Gotta love those young tender Korean girls. Mmm...

24886400? ago


If this is laying the foundation for super Elites like the Clinton and Bill Gates to go down for WORSE CRIMES on children and SEDITION against the United States, then fucking great.

If it's a roundup of the Usual Suspects and Killary is free 2 years from now, then fuck off.

24885921? ago

While this is fantastic news, especially for the children saved, it’s not a very big bust when you consider it is worldwide. It’s also mostly users, not the people that produce the material. Those are the real sick fucks.

The good part is the viewers are now exposed so people in their communities know, and will prevent them from volunteering or working in roles that have contact with children.

24892156? ago

Yes, but he was indicted recently. I didn’t know about it back then. Why not? It’s still big new worthy in my opinion.

24887268? ago

I have to disagree. The leader of the site was charged... you think this fucker or his accomplices won't sing? I do.

24888549? ago

Yes. That’s exactly what I think because usually when the sort of thing happens they have nothing to sing about. They don’t know any of the producers, normally. I mean, you guys are the ones ALWAYA talking about all the research you do: don’t you already know this? Oh, you mean you people talk out your ass constantly and get everything wrong? That’s what I thought. By the way, what was the big “happening” on July 22 everyone was talking about? What was it? Just curious. You know, the worldwide earth shattering revelation?

24891184? ago

Word salad.

24890033? ago

Okay keyboard warrior panti-fa faggot

24888237? ago

I hope so. Another site could pop up tomorrow though.

24887752? ago

Yes, I also think that they won’t sing.

24890045? ago

I think they will.

24885742? ago

Almost daily we are seeing these pedo arrests. Winning.

Wondering what is the future of cryptocurrency in light of so many criminal rings being operated on this currency:

hide behind the dark web and cryptocurrency

24888250? ago

They used Bitcoin.

Only idiots using Bitcoin are not aware that the blockchain is fully viewable to anyone who wants to see it.

These include the idiots that go to Coinbase, give all their AML/KYC information to them, buy the coins and then immediately spend or drop into a local wallet to spend at a questionable place, like this or a drug market. Without even mixing the funds they do not have any plausible deniability that the transaction came from them.

There are other coins that address issues like this for actual anonymity but have other trade-offs.

24885909? ago

Wasn't very smart of them to use a public ledger.

They never thought she would lose.

24886813? ago

They can do things largely in the open because most people are governed by the naive belief, "they would never do that".

A prominent Senator wears a huge ring with a pedophile symbol on it. Point it out to people and they will say you're crazy because "they would never do that".

24888600? ago

To be fair, most times it’s true, and they wouldn’t be so open about it. Think very carefully, you do remember a certain politician recently sent well-wishes to Ghislane Maxwell...

24885405? ago

So the FBI finally quit peddling CP on their servers, then?

24888263? ago

FBI does it for freeeeeee

24884645? ago

Old but still great news: https :// www (dot) justice (dot) gov/opa/pr/south-korean-national-and-hundreds-others-charged-worldwide-takedown-largest-darknet-child (Wednesday, October 16, 2019)

24884226? ago

I wonder how many qtards they caught

24887637? ago

This makes no sense, since "Qtards" are actively exposing pedophiles.

24887025? ago

Probably most of them.

24886815? ago

Clearly you're the only retard here

24886417? ago

Lololol what a lame duck attempt. Like we are all desperately trying to get society to pay attention to the rampant abuse of children so it will be easier for us to abuse children? What an absolutely shit tier take. Low effort shilling to be sure.

24885310? ago

weak.....just like most aspects of what's become of your life, I imagine...

24885132? ago

how does it feel being a Qtard shill trying to make Qanon look bad?

do you know who Q is or even whats going on?

24884504? ago

Fucking Jew, go back to Israel you pedophilic prick.

24884417? ago

Nope, just a few shills that frequent here. Good riddance.