24893766? ago

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24689777? ago

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24650047? ago

So this just basically confirms that all of that was a Mossad operation. Although you'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to not know that already. These fucking jews after bombing the shit out of those nations then fund the boats to send the brown masses into Europe. They've also clearly infested and taken over the US. So not only are they bombing arabs, they're trying to destroy all western nations too. Fancy that, despite our difference us and the arabs really should be fighting together against the same enemy. You can best fucking believe that the Jews will ensure arabs and whites hate each others guts so that sort of an alliance never happens. Meanwhile the real enemy is the Jew.

24689762? ago

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24648501? ago

Syria and Libya, note the Satanic Babylon Anti-Christ Art with a Naked Batman paid by tax payer money? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3915088/24647522

24648445? ago

IOW, every Maxwell in that family tree is a player

24655684? ago


24648366? ago

24647706? ago

They're all connected.

25018629? ago

The War Mongering Bankers, the Art, the War, the Embassy, moving cash through Paintings, the Human Smuggling the Mafia all one and the same?

“Alexander Djerassi was a nonresident associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, where his research focused on Tunisia and U.S. foreign policy toward the Middle East and North Africa. From 2009 to 2012, Djerassi was chief of staff and special assistant in the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, covering U.S. relations with Arab states, Israel, and Iran. He worked on matters relating to democratization and civil society in the Arab world, the Arab uprisings, and Israeli-Palestinian peace. Djerassi has served as a U.S. representative to the Friends of Libya conferences, Friends of the Syrian People conferences, U.S.-GCC Strategic Coordination Forum, and several UN General Assemblies.”

The Maxwell family has drawn scrutiny for its association with the Bronfman family, which counts NXIVM child trafficking cult benefactors Clare and Sara Bronfman as members. Jeffrey Epstein served as patriarch Edgar Bronfman’s tax mitigation specialist when he worked for Bear Stearns in the 1970’s.

Dale Djerassi took part in a blasphemous art display that caused some political trouble for Hillary Clinton when she ran for Senate in New York in 2000.

The New York Post reported on the blasphemous art display in 2000.

Catholic League president William Donohue wrote in a September 2000 statement:

“I was disturbed to read an article in today’s New York Post by Robert Hardt Jr. and Gregg Birnbaum that cited a donation of $8,200 by Dale Djerassi to the ‘New York Senate 2000’ committee of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. They reported that Djerassi had participated in a ‘St. Batman Crucifixion’ in 1994. As they said, ‘The performance art piece was a re-enactment of the crucifixion of Jesus, featuring a naked man wearing a Batman medallion and mask being tied to a giant cross by Djerassi and another man.’ (Pictures can be accessed on the web at popov.com.) Their description is actually an understatement: the pictures show full-frontal male nudity complete with a graph of the Christ-figure falling to the ground carrying the cross.


“It should also be known that the ‘St. Batman Crucifixion’ was performed at the Djerassi Foundation in Woodside, California. The secretary of the foundation is Dale Djerassi. The foundation, now known as the Djerassi Resident Artists Program, is a current and past recipient of NEA money.

“Not surprisingly, Djerassi runs in the same circles as Mrs. Clinton: in June 1999, he was one of 30 people at a private fund-raising event that was organized by Mrs. Clinton’s friend, Susie Tompkins Buell (Hillary was traveling at the time and couldn’t make it).

“The Catholic League wants Mrs. Clinton to return the money. She set the precedent: in April of this year, she returned a $22,000 donation from a Miami businesswoman tied to international drug trafficking. The woman, Vivian Mannerud, made the contribution in the form of ‘soft money,’ exactly the kind of transfer made by Djerassi in June.

“There is no room to equivocate on this: Djerassi’s work is Christian bashing at its worst and that is why Mrs. Clinton must return the money.”

William Donohue’s Catholic League statement ends

Here are censored images of the art display via The Storage Unit blog:

? ... Maxwell's siblings... Libya/Syria, $ Donor Dale Djerassi, US taxpayers & Satanic Art, son of Carl Djerassi. What became of Robert Maxwell's children? Isabel, Ghislaine and Christine?? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3957063/25018204

24646072? ago

Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

24644487? ago

Problem is thar the MSM is the propaganda arm of the DNC. That's why Noone ever hears about any if this. Someone needs to make a info graphic of all the connections

24643999? ago

Who the fuck puts a 25 year-old in a position like that? I don't care how smart they are on paper, any 25 year-old is still a dumb ass. The only people who don't think that are people who haven't been any age greater than 25 for any significant amount of time. In other words, people with no way of knowing whether they were smarter at 25 or a dumb ass.

24644441? ago

Jewish nepotism is a nasty thing.

24787853? ago

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24643640? ago

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24643446? ago

which led to the flooding of europe with savages with millitary age fighting men ready for jihad and all of this encouraged by multiple jewish non profits seeking to flood europe with muslims. if somehow the truth came out it would be nice if europe said thats enough all muslims have to go back all of them period end of story. but europe is dead so it would never happen.

24648379? ago

24643372? ago

At this point, what difference does it make? /s/

24643279? ago

Solid, any sauce that would be more cut and dry for the npc’s?

24643322? ago

It’s public record, find any source you want. Wikipedia, foia, there’s a million options.

24643212? ago

This article does hit on one thing.....HRC jumping into the 2020 race at the last minute....I still think she will.

24645364? ago

They're desperate and deranged, but not that level of fullblown retarded. At I don't think so. Would love to see them put up an unlikeabke cunt again.

24644322? ago

This is all for her. Of course.

24643390? ago

I agree. I think August.

Is that not what Q alluded to? Her jumping in with Hussein as her running mate?

24651308? ago

Obama does not qualify to be president, so cannot serve as vice president

24655671? ago


I know, I know; chew the meat, spit out the bones. Their argument appears sound.

24642806? ago

When I knew Isabel (briefly), she spoke often of her son Alexander. This is all mind blowing to me.

24642805? ago

Wow! This article is from December 17th 2019. How did we miss this?


24643305? ago

It was barred from appearing in search results until rather recently.

24643455? ago

Interesting.... If that is true then what else are they keeping from us???? Besides the Virus BS!

24655653? ago

Lots of land, for one thing.

24655710? ago

What about your money. They take it in the form of taxes! Then abuse it til it ends up in their pockets. Only idiots will be playing the game any longer. Time to throw the Tea in the Harbor!

24644299? ago

LOL! What else are they keeping from us? Not trying to patronize, but you must be a fairly new anon. To answer your question, just about everything, that's what.

24644332? ago

LOL! I am not new here. I was referring to that in a sarcastic manner!

24643638? ago