24880463? ago

Yeah but: "Preska also said personal identifying information contained in the documents, as well as the names of many “non-parties,” will be redacted.

24875541? ago

[DS] will get that changed.

24874175? ago

With all the arrests in Portland and now with Operation Legend focusing on Chicago and New Mexico, y’all really should go watch Isaac Kappy’s Epstein song video again. You won’t be disappointed.

24873949? ago

off topic a bit: was browsing palm beach court records looking for anything on Maxwell and came across an old closed case from Epstein against a moving company. The moving company was a company that specialized in moving fine artwork. I will have to look see where I put that info now.

24873864? ago

and the internet goes dark in 3...2...1

24872024? ago

Alex Jones and Joe Rogan will be on the flight list

24871722? ago

Hope Fatty Cheeks Teigan, the Pervo Bitch of the Year, is on that list!!!

24871991? ago

She has to be. Shes so off the fucking rails man

24876247? ago

She is. John legend too

24870975? ago

huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge mufverfuffers

24870612? ago

Yes. Many of us have seen them. But I don't think the actual logs have been brought up in an "official" manner yet, until now. I wonder if this goes to trial, any name on the list could be brought to the trial to testify in person. Suicide watch alert.

24874329? ago

Especially those names where the flight originated from or departed to Little St. James Island.

24870273? ago

Uuh... We already have them?

24869771? ago

24869363? ago

Trump is worried, hope he doesn't let her "commit suicide" like he did with Jeff

24870250? ago

Worried that the information that is already in the public domain will get released to the public domain? Seems like a strange fight to me.

24869477? ago

I just love how President Trump reels you 'Trump Haters' in every single time...and then he lowers the boom on you. I see why you are all going bat crap crazy!

24871629? ago

Reels us in with 150,000 dead from coronavirus. The "boom" is him finally admitting we shout wear masks

24872627? ago

Sure and how many pneumonia and influenza deaths have there been so far this year? Can you look that up and report back?

24869085? ago

Seems a little late. Haven't we seen them already here?

24868967? ago

The unsealed documents include a seven-hour, 418-page deposition Maxwell gave as part of a now-settled defamation lawsuit filed against her in 2015 by Virginia Giuffre and to emails between Maxwell and Epstein.

Over Maxwell’s objections, U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska in Manhattan said the presumption the public has a right to access large portions of the more than 80 documents at issue outweighed Maxwell’s arguments for keeping them under wraps, including that they could prove embarrassing.

They include flight logs from Epstein’s private jets, deposition testimony in 2016 in which Maxwell’s lawyers said she was asked “intrusive” questions about her sex life, and police reports from Palm Beach, Florida, where Epstein had a home.

Deep State: We want Ghislaine dead.

Potus: I wish her well. 😎

24873281? ago

Bret Baier asked Kayleigh McEnany about it this morning.


The way in which Baier asked her about Trump wishing Ghislaine well is just gross. Bret Baier is a Deep State faggot.

24872021? ago

Preska also said personal identifying information contained in the documents, as well as the names of many “non-parties,” will be redacted.

24869391? ago

In response = deepstate “let’s release everything because Trump must be guilty”. Reality “fooled you”.

24868908? ago

For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known. Luke 12-2