25911396? ago

Mystery Babylon and the Jew Blackmailers https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/4057587/25910351

24906845? ago

24869776? ago

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24788349? ago


24787408? ago

I bet she does have a deep hole.

24787649? ago

like walking into a warm room

24786801? ago

This post was interesting.

Imagine being dumb enough to read about the cult of saturn and thinking “it’s the joos!”


24786808? ago

You're worse than the "blame the joos" people, you glowing faggot.

24791195? ago

They learned talmudism from the babylonians. Do you believe the people they learned from vanished?

24786026? ago

It isn't that deep or hard to understand. She is a jewess mossad agent who blackmails politicians and others around the world for israel.

24786530? ago

How's that depression treating you?

24789733? ago

Hows that baby dick blood taste, demon

24786287? ago

It isn't that deep

See this is exactly what's wrong with you and people like you. For the sake of clarifying, I mean the so-called nazi-tards.

You stopped doing any honest legwork when you hit the "OMG JEWS!" stonewall. While you just piss and moan about "jews" for literally decades, you don't actually do anything to really name names and expose the active and indeed very deep network. (No, that stupidly outdated "jews working at msm outlets" meme doesn't count - or your incessant blathering about "REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY!")

You may be content to piss and moan forever, but to diminish the impact of fully exposing (to others) that which is linked to Maxwell et al, only defeats that pissing and moaning if you happen to actually want to see any change. People have died trying to expose this network, so by all means be a whinging pussy and hide from doing any heavy lifting, but don't shit all over the efforts of those who are actually trying to shine a light on specifics beyond your pithy rhetoric and talking points.

24789773? ago

oy vey stop naming us jews

24786704? ago

They aren’t hitting a wall. They just want us to.

They don’t want us talking about the illuminati.

24786791? ago

They aren’t hitting a wall. They just want us to.

Bitta both, really.

They don’t want us talking about the illuminati.

Actually, they kinda love that, because using descriptors such as "Illuminati" serves 2 purposes in their favor.

Wanna take a step in the right direction? Help expose The Octopus (relevant to the Maxwell rabbit hole).

24791323? ago

As a leaf, I’ve been more interested in the organizations having a direct hold on my country.

Consider the Ismailis. Their leader, Aga Khan, is a sovereign leader of a stateless people, the Ismailis. They’re crypto lucifer worshippers who, in times of victory, break out into violent cross dressing orgies with young and old alike. Aga has an island near Epstein island, which Justin visited then ditched his security team for an indeterminate time. Ismailism hails from Syria, where you can find temples thematically similar to that on Epstein island. Ismailis revere a leader who assembled a paradise garden full of willing nymphs. He drugged people, put them in the paradise for a week, drugged them again, then told them he had killed them and sent them to paradise and controls access thereto. See parallels to Epstein island?

Then there’s the communist party of China, which is just another very successful illuminati cult, replete with initiation, blood oaths, founding myths with crypto sun worship embedded therein, and a dynastic leadership core. They’re even inducting foreign members through the Confucius society. Get em young! They ensnare young impressionable men using... you guessed it, willing females.

Q was right. Symbolism will be their downfall. The gig is the same, worldwide.

24786487? ago

And what are you doing about it other than being content to piss and moan about other anons comments on a fucking bullshit message board? Fucking retard

24786497? ago

Aww, what's wrong, did I strike a nerve in pointing out how fucking inept and lazy you are?

24786015? ago

worth reading. good links inside. thank you. ^^^upvote.

24787841? ago

Sisters and Finders Cult? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3911730 Xavier https://voat.co/v/QRV/3916020/24656531 Crazy days https://voat.co/v/QRV/3894890 Podesta and Maxwell https://voat.co/v/QRV/3918186 reddit conspiracy https://voat.co/v/QRV/3914577 Nephew, Satanic Lucifierian Art and Syria https://voat.co/v/QRV/3914549/24644441

24805442? ago

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24788028? ago

Don't link my fucking post to your propaganda garbage attempt to distract people from objective investigation into the Maxwells, you glowing cunt.

24788228? ago

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