24844783? ago


24843043? ago

Black Cube? What's that?

24846066? ago

Weinstein had hired Black Cube, which markets itself as a group of ex-members of Israeli intelligence units specializing in weird satanic luciferian shit? ....also Maxwell and the Bank? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3936867

24865766? ago

Thanks. Had a hard time finding info on the interwebs. I guess they've been busy scrubbing shit off, maybe? Will be diving into this ASAP.

24841696? ago

Um yeah. God could come down and knock you right between the eyes and you dumbfuck hillbillies would say it's fake news and take Trump's word. YOU REALLY ARE THE DUMBEST, FUCKING DUMBEST MOTHERFUCKERS ON THE PLANET!

24841007? ago

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