YogSoggoth ago

Heavy just did a huge disinfo campaign against someone recently. Never to be trusted ever, but surprisingly, in the past, had some truth inserted. RT is, well, RT. It is so important to archive these old articles because of the truths and the lies. Who leaked this "information" to Vanity Fair, the snob site? Leaks everywhere are hard to pinpoint. It's like, "Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you," said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Six ways because they rest on Saturday? 7 days in a week folks. They start on Sunday.

Joe10jo ago


Vindicator ago

Nice digging beyond the weird MSM reporting, argo.

think- ago

According to Vanity Fair, Kroll himself was hired by newspaper baron and Israeli spy Robert Maxwell – father of now-imprisoned alleged Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell – to uncover “people out to get him, to destroy his empire, to cripple him financially, and to destroy his life and business in any way they could.”

You don't -say.... O..o


MercurysBall2 ago

Thanks for the ping.

On his Russian ex-wife: “While managing a private detective agency in Russia, I met and married this 6’ 1”, vatdyed blonde with grey-blue wolf eyes. Brought her to NYC.”

That's just what Will Draper did with Ella, the mother of the Hampstead children. Brought her back to London from Russia. Going to have a look...

SearchVoatBot ago

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Roughpatch ago

Knew there was more..great digs.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Wow. Just, wow.

Great sleuthing.

argosciv ago

I can't take credit for this work. All I did was pull up the supporting material.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Gumbatron ago

Other than the FedEx uniform he was wearing when discovered and a package in his car addressed to the judge, however, it’s not clear what links him to the scene – or what his motive was, if indeed he was the shooter.

What better way to create a believable patsy than to dress up the killer and the patsy in a recognisable uniform and leave a parcel with the victims address on it.

The guy might have some pretty shady shit in his past. Maybe that's how they found him. Still seems really fishy too me though.

argosciv ago

Well yeah, the question is raised as to where the fuck he would even get the uniform or the package.

Can they establish that he either worked for or knew anyone working at FedEx?

Did he rob (and/or harm in the process) a FedEx worker he somehow knew would have a parcel for her?

Lotta questions still, even more important to investigate with the Kroll link in play.