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24789974? ago






24798521? ago

24793732? ago

You were never with us but always against us. For every win we see, you will call it a loss. Negative people do not inherit the earth. Positive ones do. Which side do you ultimately want to be on? These are critical times calling for critical decisions.

24802925? ago

Fool me once shame on you, fool me 3000 times, you're an idiot.

Humanity has never won any of these games, not one.

24790656? ago

Shills love to move the goal posts. They don't understand they will move them right into Hell where they will eternally burn.

24802916? ago

So they arrested someone no one had ever heard of before the election.

Then they say if you're not happy wit that you're a shill.

Classic. lol

24812757? ago

The other option is you're stupid as fuck.

24814662? ago

There is no other "option", you idiot.

24819184? ago

You're 100% stupid as fuck.

24819192? ago

You are a nigger retard.

24819198? ago

Good one.

24800279? ago

Say "days of darkness" and qultist will spend hundreds of days analyzing it's meaning

Say "arrests now" and they'll scream "BUH BUH YOU SAID ARRESTS, THAT MEANS ANY ARRESTS"

24802796? ago

How about you and your shill family? That would directly make my life less annoying.

24792126? ago

goal posts were never moved. until ceo and congressional cunts get arrested, these little arrests are just fodder.

24790470? ago

Go to hell shill. Your divisive tactics don't work. They have arrested over 10k people worldwide.

24790237? ago

Yep. Election here. It’s time to go.