24805428? ago

a sunday as usual, not diggin', just, surfin' ...

1 - Gesara/Nesara (if you ask me it's just a -socialist- fantasy, maybe i'm wrong)





2 - Gold Standard





3 - The Steinlight Plan


4 - NSU-Leaks/Pedophiles

connected? german article: https://www.merkur.de/politik/hessen-finanzministerium-selbstmord-suizid-thomas-schaefer-tod-abschiedsbrief-coronavirus-todesursache-nachfolger-bouffier-zr-13631954.html

5 - Doubts about "The Plan" / Financial System/FED


6 - HM The QUEEN


7 - Maxwell





8 - Covid Masks Wave 2






9 - Q worldwide


10 - Green Party Germany / Pedophiles


...and so on

24804597? ago

PS Free Speech is awesome, demands on compliance questionable.

mockNbryd and twitter panic suggest much good is happening.
End the masks

Arrest the BLATANT law breakers
Enough of the abuse of innocents and elders.

24804547? ago

Interesting how Q has went fear porn queen on us. Back in the day, all the color coded warnings. Now masks are OK with much of govt, Election warnings; the norm. careful now, they will bring back the bogeyman. They brag of their strength; yet suggests that the abuse and torture of innocents are for our own good. Show us some more world wide humbaya moments Q, chant some stale mantra. Remind us how abuse of our innocents, our elders, are necessary. ENJOY your abuse; stay united in your pain, wear your masks; COMPLY. Enjoy watching the governors and mayors make a joke out of the 'movement. Enjoy the 'ride'. One you will never forget.

24804283? ago

Source says ALL IS WELL
The critters say hey
The lake suggests dive on in

24803704? ago

It was the warriors, the warriors killed cletus

24802991? ago

Digital warriors are crushing it wwg1wga

24801857? ago

question @ Q

without end the FED all is nothing.

more and more easy money is not good for we, the people

obama + FED created moneymoneymoney = debtdebtdebt

now Trump + FED creating much more moneymoneymoney = much more debtdebtdebt

same agenda?

same handlers?

same winners?

new actors but business as usual?

how to "Trust the Pan"?

is gold the solution?

pls say something in crumb.

thank you.

a patriot/worldwide.

24802099? ago


Mc Kinley?


24795909? ago

Fuck off Q. After a month of silence this is the standard of post. Encouragement from you is pointless. We failed. We did everything asked of us and more but you didn't. You were betrayed and nothing was done.

Your own side refuse to do anything. What a joke the Senate and Mitch is. What the fuck is the point of all this if Mitch is terrified to do anything. If you are all terrified to fucking arrest someone. Wtf are you lot doing at this stage. Fucking pathetic.

We've been played.

The Steinligh tg Plan.

The Kalergi Plan.

The Q Plan.

Eat a dick

24796255? ago

It’s truly hopeless.

You should kill your self to escape.

24798981? ago

Nope just getting on with my life without the need for all this fake "saviour" drama.

Started spending my time trading stocks and crypto instead of arguing with liberal and conservative NPCs online. Its amazing what i have been able to accomplish with that time. Feels like I've escaped a cult like situation not unlike the situation the blue haired soy boys find themselves in. My life and the lives of those around me and dependant on me have improved drastically since I stopped getting strung along by the lynchpin in the Steinlight Plan. Q and Trump. Look up the Steinlight Plan before replying..

I check back in just to reinforce the fact that I made the right decision. And today's posts are all the proof I need.

Even Trump and Barr are openly dismayed at the inaction.

Why aren't you??

Trump and Q keeping you distracted while people like me aware enough to know it have just taken this opportunity to escape the rat race. While you were all worried about your jobs and your retirement I was 20x my investment in Crypto. Never been more well off. Why? Because I accepted Trump and Q were distracting me from something. But what. The Bolshevik takeover and the greatest wealth transfer in the history of mankind.

He kept you on the sidelines. If Trump and Q were on our side they would be teaching you about crypto not hating on it.

I just turned 10k into 200k, paid off my mortgage, laid down a %15 deposit on a second property and finished fitting out my mobile architects office.

^^^All because I stopped being strung along by the Steinlight Plan.

I'm still speaking my mind in real life about the Bolshevik kike takeover but fuck this Q shit. I can only be fooled for so long. What about you?

24795509? ago

I’m pretty sure Dems are not the only party in the world controlled by foreign interests like the NWO and/or China.

There will however be a great worldwide awakening, putting the spotlight on the parties in question all around the world.

I strongly recommend party leaders from non corrupt parties to position themselves as patriotic entities, and be ready to quickly assume power in their native country.

It’s time to erase the myth that patriotism and nationalism are bad, and take back our countries from the evil forces currently leading us by tyranny.

WWG1WGA around the world

24795363? ago

This is day 995 lol what a fucking scam

24795358? ago

So they just let three Spacey accusers die?

If we have everything already why do we let them kill more people?

24795204? ago

Did Jizzlaine get bail conditions or something? Is that why/how Q is suddenly back?

24794222? ago

as soon as the mullahs are out, which is soon, some u.s. politicians and ex secretary types got some splainin to do lucy

24794211? ago

I have NEVER seen a Democrat say or do anything patriotic, and I've been around for a long time. I will make an exception for JFK, but that's probably what got him killed.

24793534? ago

Q in 4588 do you mean like clooney tooling around with an eighth grader and a president riding shotgun in a speedboat?

24793511? ago


Regarding player 28 Snowden at CueMap. CLICK on Snowden get Kevin Preiss.. Any ideas ?? Weiner's Lap Top ??

24792686? ago

I trust my self. It's the voters I don't trust

24792633? ago

In drop 4592, it says "at oath" instead of "an oath" misspellings matter...

24800255? ago

Caught that as well. If it's a misspelling, Q always will point that out in a future drop. Usually it's when they're on the move.

What it means if it's not a misspelling? I don't know.

24792884? ago

Except when they don’t.

24792099? ago

you know how you can tell that we're still sheep? q is pushing the dem vs repub nonsense. ironic since q keeps preaching unity not division. true change would be getting rid of the false choice of dem or repub voting.

24805119? ago

As people we are one, but our politics are divided... patriots and [F]oreign provocateurs... currently called ]R[ and [D].

24807186? ago

it's the politics that got us in the mess.

24802022? ago

you know how you can tell that we're still sheep? q is pushing the dem vs repub nonsense.

And "muh Satanics!" and "muh everything is a plot against Christianity! Nevermind the bigotry and hatred Christians express to this day and the centuries of bloodshed they've wrought".

The whole thing has become (or always was) a partisan, Christian-pandering circle jerk preying on a genuine desire to tackle corruption. Q isn't doing shit except perpetuating centuries-old mind control.

"But so many people are talking about corruption now because of Q!"

Oh fucking spare me, the cunt is part of the problem.

24792895? ago

Do a little research and you will eventually understand that this is not a contradiction. Dare to think outside of the box.

24793031? ago

explain how it isn't. cause pushing for more of the same isn't change. you should think bigger.

24794483? ago

I'll explain the difference in one word: TRUMP

24793392? ago

You should learn to thing more accurately. It takes practice. Define REASON.

24796856? ago

no. how bout you back up your claims with proof first.

24798380? ago

lol, bye.

24798498? ago

that's what I thought. faghot joo

24793532? ago

Unitard here. Can confirm. Wrestling w the truth Not mental gymnastic event but does require reasonable affection for human race. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. See you on the podium.

24793574? ago

Yep, just I thought, you are incapable of truth and the real meaning of words like "reason". Oh well, there's always the next lifetime.

24793933? ago


the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.

"there is a close connection between reason and emotion"

24791941? ago

Any insight into what or who [F] is?

Referred to as a group or entity in previous posts. Those who control the D party.

24792917? ago

[F] = Foreign

[D] = Domestic

24793088? ago


24792889? ago


24792394? ago

Doesn't it mean [f]oreign?

24791815? ago

A seven month old article. That's some high-level intelligence!


24791168? ago

Wow. I mean. Wow. These are blowing my mind. I was almost ready to give up on Q but this is the real deal now, I’m certain. Remember. Trust the plan. Vote Republican! Wwg1wga!!!

It’s finally happening. It really is.

24794771? ago

None of it is fake. But the plan was not for you, it was for them. “ It’s a big club and we ain’t in it “

24795112? ago

Ninja editing.

24792488? ago

I agree, this batch of drops is so different from the last one, and the ones before that. This is tangible useful information.

24791454? ago

Wow. Wow. Wow.

Citizen investigation. Citizen investigates and exposes corruption. Citizen gets targeted and suffers for truth. Wow.

24793617? ago

Kill yourself.

24792356? ago

Go bury your fucking head in the sand. We'll let you know when it's safe to come out and celebrate.

24792841? ago

There’s retarded and then there’s you.

24791012? ago

I don't have faith in humanity. China, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Mexico Drug Cartels are shiny examples of humanity

24797517? ago

There's a lot of good people though, you're just focusing on the bad.

24802891? ago

Not in those areas, muds have never done anything good.

24790555? ago

Notice the name Gideon in the pinocchio story, think Biblical and Armor of God.

24792507? ago

Think who gives a fuck

24799614? ago

Think eat a bag of hemlock

24797186? ago

You do. You're here. Scared or paid? Pedo or pedo mercenary? Either way, you're going to hell.

24797908? ago

Lol you really think highly of yourselves, like anyone gives a fuck about you or your delusions

24800140? ago

God does. :)

24803029? ago

According to you

24792875? ago

You’re late for your soy appointment.

24793097? ago

Did you learn that one in digital soldier boot camp :)

24790495? ago

Have faith in Humanity.

It's not OK for Humans to ever hate other Humans. We are ONE people with ONE "Hive Mind". Hate of Humans is self hatred and is not healthy. Even the top 'useful idiot' Human member of the cabal could've been a wonderful Human Being under different circumstances. Understanding, discernment, and compassion are like hot coals to those filled with hate, lets dump some on their heads. We will kill 'the cabal' with kindness and wisdom, not by being more clever or more ruthless.

Have Faith God knew what He was doing when He made us!

24791509? ago

Just a hypothetical here. Someone who likes to bring a hammer down on heads and injure people is not someone that I can dump compassion on. Nope. Not. My. Job. Isn't it more kind to be kind to myself and just keep my distance and have nothing to do with the hammer wielding fiend who wants to harm me?

24792247? ago

hammer wielding fiend who wants to harm me

I have eyes to see, so I have no desire to harm anyOne with a Soul. "Vengeance is mine sayeth The Lord" I did say "kill the cabal" but I meant the mentality, the organization, not its members (can't (You) see?). Jesus said it would be better for [them] to kill themselves, but not better for Us... "The meek shall inherit The Earth" We're going to NEED all the information we can get to administer it to our fullest potential. These 'fiends' will become a valuable asset to the future of our species, after we stop the predatory behaviors. Exposure to the public is a fate worse than death for the betrayers of Humanity, the pact breakers. The only hammer We should be wielding is one of TRUTH. Every Soul is infinitely valuable to The One Infinite Creator.

IMHO any Soul strong enough to truly come back into The Light will wind up being heroes in the history books. Who will be the 1st? There is a future throne of excellence just waiting to be claimed, a place filled with more honor than shame. Who will be the prodigal son of Humanity? That Human will need nerves of steel to survive the burden. "There go I but for the grace of God". (Vader/Anikin)

I Am here to be of service to Other Selfs, through unconditional Love and compassion, not by pacifism, and not by violence, but through understanding, through Truth, and by bringing his will on Earth as it is in Heaven. In All things moderation fren. As above, so below.

I'll pray for the best possible outcome for (You) fren. Thank (You) for bringing this to my attention, I do not consent to any harm being done to any being. Defense is a sacred last resort though fren, its why Jesus said to bring 2 swords. "Golden Rule" is always in effect.

May (You) find yourSelf in your place of highest expression, to be healed, uplifted, enlightened, and forgiven.

Godspeed fren.

24800308? ago

This^ is what I've been meditating on lately. Excellent post. Peace and God's Blessings to you, Anon.

24793682? ago

Glad I'm not alone in this pack of wolves crying for vengeance every day. Love and light to you fren.

24793973? ago

"The Great Awakening" = "The Great Dark Night of The Soul"

Wisdom = pain + time

No worries Fren, "The 99%" isn't there yet, but they will be,... they will beeee. ;-) (lol Yoda)

Much Love Fren!

24790484? ago

Thank you Q team. We trust the plan. We are fighting with you as children of light.

24803083? ago

Lol keep trusting that plan, it's worked well for you so far.

How about also researching these amazing drops? Where's our resident NMBRFG? What's the numerology on the URLs?

24802025? ago

blind faith and a satanic comment. lol.

24801427? ago

I’m not sure I understand this anymore. We’re supposed to investigate, post and discuss, but the discussions and posts still get censored on a larger level (twitter, Facebook and YouTube censor as soon as a Q influencer gets too many followers). They’re comfortable as long as the research is contained to a small fraction of the population. Q supposedly has access to far more top secret corruption, illegal research and testing, blackmail, etc than we do, so what’s the purpose? Look at the post today about Idaho on voat, they’re suspending laws to allow state kidnappings, the people there are protesting but what will happen when the first kids are taken? Remember the red flag laws that have killed innocent gun owners? What about the innocent Americans that have been killed by rioters and anti-white racists? It seems that Q wants us to stay busy researching things that get censored while the deepstate actively carries out their increasingly aggressive plan.

24795380? ago

Children of sickly boomers

24790419? ago

If the war is real, we must fight fire with fire. Otherwise, we just watch it all fade away. We are getting closer to our D-Day, Nov. 3. Each day that passes without actual action by the supposed white hats makes me a bit angrier. The Marxists must pay for this shit they have caused. It is time to unleash the Rule of Law on all of them, governors included.

24790231? ago


Ottawa is a distant imperial capital!

24789974? ago






24798521? ago

24793732? ago

You were never with us but always against us. For every win we see, you will call it a loss. Negative people do not inherit the earth. Positive ones do. Which side do you ultimately want to be on? These are critical times calling for critical decisions.

24802925? ago

Fool me once shame on you, fool me 3000 times, you're an idiot.

Humanity has never won any of these games, not one.

24790656? ago

Shills love to move the goal posts. They don't understand they will move them right into Hell where they will eternally burn.

24802916? ago

So they arrested someone no one had ever heard of before the election.

Then they say if you're not happy wit that you're a shill.

Classic. lol

24812757? ago

The other option is you're stupid as fuck.

24814662? ago

There is no other "option", you idiot.

24819184? ago

You're 100% stupid as fuck.

24819192? ago

You are a nigger retard.

24819198? ago

Good one.

24800279? ago

Say "days of darkness" and qultist will spend hundreds of days analyzing it's meaning

Say "arrests now" and they'll scream "BUH BUH YOU SAID ARRESTS, THAT MEANS ANY ARRESTS"

24802796? ago

How about you and your shill family? That would directly make my life less annoying.

24792126? ago

goal posts were never moved. until ceo and congressional cunts get arrested, these little arrests are just fodder.

24790470? ago

Go to hell shill. Your divisive tactics don't work. They have arrested over 10k people worldwide.

24790237? ago

Yep. Election here. It’s time to go.

24789889? ago

Follow the Puppet strings


24797077? ago

The only thing you need to be putting money on is the fakeness of Q, foo.

24795215? ago


24799868? ago


24792479? ago

Follow the boring.

24797105? ago

Follow the bong, dude. You’ll find the glory of Q.

24796253? ago

Yet here you are, like clockwork

24789529? ago

Exactly what I've been thinking and commented here multiple times.

Epstein was a front man and a "beta tester" for the operation. He was not the boss.

24789671? ago

What are the odds that the boss is someone we've never heard of? Or is it more of a "hiding in plain sight" deal?

24793747? ago


it's turtles all the way down

it's bosses all the way up

24792499? ago

Your "thoughts" are really useful

24790244? ago

Dalai lama

24790802? ago

That's interesting enough that I've got to ask for links. And I've got plenty of reading time this weekend.

24791997? ago

Nothing to read, but to watch:

(Sorry for the yt-link)


24791137? ago

Enjoy, anon:


None of my post is to say talmudism doesn’t exist or isn’t a problem. I’m just saying they are not the top of the pyramid. They’re relative newcomers.

The nazi archaeologists found “aryan” civilizations in south America and in ancient Greece. They worshipped the sun in Tibet too. Aryan = sun worshipping, human sacrificing, dynastic totalitarian regimes with a unified church and state? Would the dynastic leader of such a state be considered as a god? Their will is law?

24791176? ago

Gracias. That ought to keep me busy enough to stay out of trouble.

24790061? ago

No chance we've seen the real boss, Epstein knew Maxwell no chance either one is a boss. Maxwell probably took orders from an anon source she never met. [They] love their cloak and dagger code words, always set up to expose the least amount of names going up the chain. That's what I gather from the best sources we have on 'the cabal".

| Illuminati News | Dialogue with "Hidden Hand", Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider

24803542? ago

Lex Wexner is the head of the snake. This is how you know how controlled the media is. Who mentions him ever? No one. Wouldn't want all the Karens to find out their $75 PINK sweatpants were funding child sex slavery.

Epstein is the low level fall guy.

24795541? ago

Totally reminds me of my years at the C_A. They loved the cloak and dagger bullshit but it never appealed to me.

24803097? ago

Were you trying to bait attention with this post? Go back to your Tom Clancy collection boomer

24790451? ago

Soros is the puppet-master.

24790566? ago

Soros is most likely above Maxwell, but its not a sure thing. The very top isn't "Humans" though. (Long skulls among us: "bloodlines" not human)

Sauce: Elongated Skulls Of The Ancients; Akhenaten, The Paracas And The Black Sea Connection

24795453? ago

I'm not so sure they were the bad ones or they would still be around. Seems more likely to me that there is good and bad in all animals (yes, we are animals) and if they were entirely taken out there's a reason. Why hide the skulls and this history from view? It's sucked into the basement by the Smithsonian institute and hidden... why hidden? What might be uncovered about the nature of the beast if artifacts weren't hidden?

24797954? ago

Why hide the skulls and this history from view?

Maybe because [They] are not taken out? [They] like to wear weird long pointy hats in the vatican... Perfect for hiding weird shaped heads. Look at the top banking families too. "The sons of Man, the heroes of old" I don't think the Anunnaki are gone. Plus its not cannibalism if your not the same species, the long skulls are not Homosapiens, no cannibal shakes (kuru). Lots of dots line up in this theory, but it out there for sure. Same thing with "giants", are they really gone, or just hidden from public view like child trafficking?

By some accounts [they] have had time-travel and anti-grav since [they] got here when the asteroid belt was formed by the wreckage of [their] home planet Tiamot or Electra. Mars was the moon of the anunnaki home world if [their] legends are true.

This is a collection of legends about the origins of Mankind, whether true or not its close to what [they] believe with cool pictures:

Terra Papers - Hidden History of Planet Earth

Think this is crazy? Here's how Electra blew up, oh and by the way, We Humans knew about "The Face on Mars" in 1958, apparently. Page 28 of 36 (can't link directly) of this free online historic comic book, cool reading too:


24803569? ago

I cant find anything on the 8 ft tall man who was part of Trumps security team. Can anyone remember his name?

24804016? ago

I didn't hear about that one, sounds about right though. Seems most likely to me, that most of our legends are true, but misunderstood with all proof being hidden underground. Plus Trump seems to have ties to inner-Earth...

Common sense can debunk flat-earth in mere seconds, but "Hollow Earth" or "Honeycomb Earth" not only has hard to deny evidence, it explains SO much about why our history is hidden and can't be found. I think the flat-earth psi-op is a limited hang out to prevent us from researching the real stuff. The data about where Earth's gravity balances out with the Moons' gravity (LeGrange points) shows about 2,000 miles difference from where it would be if Earth was solid to the core, meaning there is likely 2,000 miles of open space under our feet. If true, the surface of Earth has less livable surface area than the inside. Many legends talk about advanced people going into a cave and never coming out.

That's not all, we also have "The Adventures of Little Baron Trump" from the 1890's which is all about inner-Earth civilizations in different underground caverns large enough to hold a nation. It's by the same author who wrote "1900 or The Last President" that predicts many events from Trump's presidency. I could see where, if we have advanced civilizations living below from our history that have been hiding out from surface Humans (slave sheep farm) then, maybe those people would want to help our best chance for freedom. I could see (some) giants wanting to help The Patriots.

Here's the links (free) to the 1890's books:




24807277? ago

I'll take a look. The Bible discusses the concept of entities of the depths of the sea, and "in" the Earth. Personally, I believe that is "why" God had to reveal himself as the human Christ - in our image - so we would recognize him and not be decieved by the unhuman "them'.

24798809? ago

I don't think it sounds crazy. I just take every individual on merit. Doesn't matter if they are human or other. I train animals and even an individual of the same species and breed can be very different in nature.

Thank you for the links. I'll check out the Terra Papers.

I have seen the face on Mars and the pyramids in pics way back in school. But a comic book sounds fun! Thanks again.

24797427? ago

I'm not ready to totally buy into some of these theories, but I don't dismiss them either. I do very much enjoy when the conversation here goes this direction as I always learn new stuff I'd otherwise likely not find.

24797892? ago

It's been a long strange trip. But it's an honest one ; ) I'm happy to have helped even a little on your journey to find the truth.

When you have questions just ask. Most people here will give you the background if they can. Some of this stuff is rather embedded and there's a ton of background to get thru before one's up to speed. I don't have all the answers or facts at hand but I did start down this road way before Q. That helped me to vet Q. I ask a ton of questions. lol

You made my day. Thank you!

24797968? ago

No, thank you.

I can write novels about the economic side of this, and some pretty good papers on all things ClimateScam, as that's where I got red-pilled years ago. The origins theories have tied into and expanded upon my own findings, and I've seen enough of the world to not dismiss much without at least a cursory look.

When I red-pill others, I stick to what I can prove.....but I love it when the conversation goes deeper. I just wish I had the time to really deep dive into the mystical side of things. I hope to know the whole truth when all is said and done, and the journey is a freakin blast so far, even with the heartache.

Cheers Patriot

24800414? ago

I'm sorry, I think I answered the wrong message. At least it made sense, kinda. But not exactly on topic. I really need to stop answering more than one comment at a time.

Brian is one of my favorites on the skulls. I find the skulls and mummies really interesting. There are several opinions on the 'aliens' though. Some think they were the ruling class. Some think the ruling class were 'aliens'. Some say the 'aliens' are ruling us now, other's say they are bound by some law to stay out of human affairs. Then there's some with opinions that crisscross. At this point I can't make it out from the little facts I've seen. To make it more complicated there are different 'aliens'! Since animals can be very different within species or breeds I'm thinking it will be the same with 'aliens'.

Ideology is probably more relevant than the number of eyes that are looking back at you.

My guess is you're right and I agree that the ultimate ruler is an 'alien' not Soros. And gives new meaning to the Space Force. Bigger than you can imagine... is quite incredible. With the known theories I find that fascinating and at times, I'll admit, terrifying. The new frontiers that have already been conquered? The heavens, the ocean and middle earth... makes me wish I was 20 again so I could journey to the center of the earth, visit a bubble under the sea or transport to Mars and see what's there, inside and out. Maybe we'll get time machine tech cheap enough for old people to vacation in new adventures. Okay, I'll be quiet. lol

24800952? ago

I can't get past the Podesta emails and the mention of the Zero-point energy aliens. Let's be honest, this is not something most people discuss and certainly not with decision makers.

When we look at the different thought patterns across just our own world, and how those patterns shape very different worldviews and realities, it is a bit naive to think that an advanced alien species would automatically be either benign or otherwise, and even moreso to assume those values matter to this hypothetical species.

Yeah, time for me to shut up too.

24806299? ago

What are zero-point aliens? Podesta so gives me the creeps I've avoided his emails. Zero point aliens?

I was slipping off into dreaming up the future, that's why I shut up. Goofy. I meant no offense. I'm enjoying the conservation. What the heck are zero point aliens?

24807293? ago

I'm glad you asked, as I've always been surprised that this didn't get more attention.

From the Podesta emails:

"Because the War in Space race is heating up, I felt you should be aware of several factors as you and I schedule our Skype talk. Remember, our nonviolent ETI from the contiguous universe are helping us bring zero point energy to Earth. They will not tolerate any forms of military violence on Earth or in space."


Interesting, no?

24808723? ago

I'm glad I asked too! Now I understand what you're talking about. The different factions that want to feed on us. Whoa, yes this topic and all it entails is incredibly interesting. Politics on the Universal level? I'm thinking you know of the work being done by the light workers in the spiritual realm?

The Terra papers... I've only read the first page so far but I know some of this stuff from my own awakening. I never looked at the political side or history though. My focus has been the web of connections and life, the universal abilities and power of Love. Humanity's love is what will defeat (them). I'll admit right now that putting the two realities together, the one most people on earth are living in and the one that is universal to humans is evading me at every turn so far. If we can get more talk on this subject I'll follow your lead and offer support any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I may have more influence showering the subject with love instead of words at the moment. And so it's done. Linked to the spirit and that which levitates in the Light.

24809119? ago

" I'm thinking you know of the work being done by the light workers in the spiritual realm?"

Sadly, I'm in over my head on this conversation. I've now shared with you most of what I "know". That said, I'm open to learning about the whole topic and would welcome and arrows pointing me in the right direction. I've studied enough ancient history to understand that everything is not what is commonly taught in school, and I've read enough ScyFy and fantasy to have an open mind, but I add very little to this topic.

We can continue here if you like, or just say the word and I'll give you my username and we can go to direct messages. I'm outa here for the next day or so......gonna go enjoy the beach weather.

24809532? ago

Light workers are souls that volunteered to be incarnated at this time to assist in the awakening. There are many more of us than I could have imagined. They come in all ranges of awake. The abilities of humans are unknown to most but the abilities the Light workers have are the same as everyone else's dormant potential. MKUltra type skills. Telepathy, healing, astrotravel, remote viewing... there's a bunch of them.

24809342? ago

Enjoy the beach!

I'm Ps4Freedom.

24791211? ago

This! Longskull or SRS (subterranean reptilian shapeshifters).

Also there are “inter-dimensional entitles” (or as the druggies call them Machine Elves. They are psychic vampires / demons.

24795213? ago


24790622? ago

Either way, they must meet their maker soon.

24789846? ago

According to this victim, G-Max was the boss of J-Eps. Obviously she was not boss at the very top. I would asume it's bosses all the way up to the top of the pyramid.

24795554? ago

Pyramid. Mother fucking Amway? Shiiit Not again!

24793756? ago


it's turtles all the way down

and bosses all the way up!

24792602? ago

I think we're going to find out that Prince Andrew was Maxwell's partner, if not her puppetmaster.

24803592? ago

It was Les Wexner.

24795144? ago

He was running it.

24795589? ago

Trump’s been telling people to ask Prince Andrew for 5 fucking years and the media ignored it. We all saw the old interview. Why did the media shelve this for 5 years? Election Interference?

24795948? ago

Because The Royals are too big to fail, and brings down the Vatican as well. They whole diseased Temple has to come down.

24792030? ago

Les Wexner seems to be above Maxwell and Epstein:


24797448? ago

You bastards are giving me way too much video to watch tonight. Keep em coming.

24789878? ago

I find the Mossad angle to be very plausible.

24790440? ago

Why would Mossad be allowed to operate above the law in the US for decades.