The device doesn't work, either. Works fine with the speakers but when I switch to headphones it's intermittent. Tested the headphones with other devices and it's definitely not the headphones, they work fine other than with this device.
Anyway, I have a friend who has a huge iTunes investment in 80s music. Haven't seen him since before this societal dis-ease started, and he's going to think I'm weird if I start crying to every song he plays. Which I'm pretty sure is going to happen, because [[[they]]] project everywhere with their "images and sounds" and I expect it's in every song that I used to enjoy.
I'm coming to realize, though, that the evil is everywhere.
Actually I've been listening to Refreshments and his later solo project Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, and it seems to be mostly uplifting, hopeful lyrics. A few about "being a bad guy" like Banditos and Contraband, but done in a witty fashion; I enjoy wordplay. And in saying that, wonder about its (wordplay's) relation to "as above, so below". Difficult to navigate. And the moon might be a soul catcher, so go into your heart, not the light. Strange times of apocalypse (unveiling, not destruction).
God bless.
24711917? ago
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24709587? ago
Get help
24711747? ago
Yes, agreed! Q team is under heavy attack, prayers that their assistance will be effective! Thank you anon and God bless.
24712383? ago
Bless you as well