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24694233? ago

Will the truth ever be revealed to normies? Ever?

24696776? ago

If it isn’t this will all happen again.

24702014? ago

"So say we all" and "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again."

Wow, searching on the second saying to verify I had it right (both are from the remake of Battlestar Galactica), I found it has Scriptural origins! (Ecclesiastes 1:9-18.). And, was used in 1953 as the opening line of Peter Pan!

24703857? ago

“There is nothing new under the sun”

BSG was scripture based fantasy!

24708994? ago

Yes, agreed. I especially liked how they showed us the "future fake news" on that separate "news ship" with the beautiful-but-useless people on it; the "B Ark" from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy :).

When I saw that, similar to when I saw The Matrix in a theater mid-day and walked out to a huge cloud display in the sky, I perceived the world differently. Really neat, waking up slowly like that, although I also see the benefit that my family who didn't journey far from home had of being in Christ longer.

Anyway, God bless!

24710442? ago

HHGTTG... there’s a nest of cabal symbolism.

Consider some of the tales therein:

1) the animal who consents to being eaten, therefore it is okay (kind of like the masonic symbols portraying us a bees, whose voluntarily produced honey they are entitled to)

2) the planet of benighted ignorant people who are led on a galaxy wide genocidal rampage by a supercomputer’s manipulations (a parable for us and our armies as their weapons? Reminds me of the fremen and their conquest of the galaxy in dune)

3) the aliens who provided us with advance notice of the destruction of our planet, but since we were too dumb to check the posting that would notify one of the scheduled destruction of a planet in a neighbouring star system, they feel entitled to destroy us (kind of like the cabal, who have been signalling rather opaquely that they intend to destroy our world, as though doing so gave them license to do it)

4) the galactic president is a flashy figurehead while the universe is ruled behind the scenes by an old unknown man (the assumption is that since he lives plainly, he must not be corrupt... it reminds me of the dalai lama for some reason)

God bless you as well anon.

24711910? ago

The "fremen" looks a lot like "free men", I've read the book and seen the movie but don't believe I had made that connection before (concussions don't help with recall).

#3 -- I've been reviewing the "Alien" series, including films related in that particular "universe" and have been seeing a lot of markers, signs, and wonders. Amazing how much they project.

Nothing we knew as "entertainment" was actually entertaining for us; it was telling us what they planned to do, and have been doing. They're done.

Just heard Billy Idol's "Eyes Without a Face" by accident while testing new equipment which turns out doesn't work for its purpose, and made a post mentioning that the song's title seems to be related to which got voted down quite heavily and the only comment 'Get help' which I turned around in response :)

I don't care about the "Internet points" I just speak the truth, as much as I've learned it up to the point that I speak it, and know that it might change at any point thereafter. My perception of it, that is, not The Truth itself which is absolute. But if my perception changes, then what I say changes.

And like Mrs. Oleson said in the episode of Little House on the Prairie when they took the blind schoolchildren from town to Walnut Grove, and she got to know the black child, when someone said words to the effect of "but you used to be a bigot!", she replied with: "It doesn't matter what I said then; what matters is what I'm saying now."

I loved that. We are constantly changing, not the words that we put down on paper in the past. Words that might imprison us. Yet we might no longer think that way; for instance, I was an atheist and agnostic for decades before returning to Scripture; much of what I wrote back then, I likely no longer believe or think, but I'm not going back to all those websites (those which still exist!) and changing what I posted, even if it's still editable.

My mind was imprisoned, thinking that space existed. Now I know that we are "imprisoned" here, under the firmament, loving created by a loving God.

Not sure I'm expressing this properly; anyway, God bless anon.