24670625? ago

Also, at least one of the shills is a tranny, hence all the grotesque/diseased vaginal pictures. Guessing post op and the results are less than desired. Possibly shilling to pay for correction and therapy.

24670187? ago

Big digs on Gizz Maxwell / Maxwellhill on reddit. Mods in panic ...



24670170? ago

email from Our Revolution: Climate Change is back......

sent today:

Sea levels are rising and, just like with COVID-19, people will die if we don’t listen to scientists and take the bold action necessary to prevent climate catastrophe.

That’s why we are demanding that Joe Biden and the Democratic Party implement a bold climate crisis platform.

If we don’t act now, future generations will judge all of us for failing to save lives while there was still time. Sign here to demand that the Democratic Party listen to scientists and put forward a policy to address the worsening climate crisis!


We have already made headway with the Biden-Sanders climate task force by getting them to recommend that Joe Biden focus on environmental justice and expand his plan to fight the climate crisis.

But the recommendations fall short. They do not go nearly far enough, fast enough, to avert devastating and possibly irreversible levels of climate damage to our communities, country, and world.

We are in a climate crisis and we need to act like it. As progressives, we know that advocating for big, bold, and ambitious solutions to solve the climate crisis is not only good policy, but it is also good politics. Polling shows that climate change is a top priority for voters and that they want their elected officials to do more to address it.

Add your name to demand that Joe Biden and the Democratic Party listen to scientists and propose a meaningful plan to address the existential stakes of the climate crisis.

Together, we will keep pushing to make sure that the DNC platform and eventually the Biden administration takes the most ambitious steps possible to tackle this crisis head-on. We can afford nothing less.

In solidarity,

The whole team at Our Revolution

24670087? ago

I saw a really good porn with a MtF and FtM. Mind blowing really. Hardest core degenerate shit I ever seen.

24671165? ago

cleanse your soul.

24669845? ago

Funny thing is, all the porn the shills drop are disgusting, nasty tranny faggots. Hardly a distraction. They never drop beautiful women which would be distracting.

24669477? ago

No one's upset about the traffic counter. In fact it appears we are getting more people back. Or...

News is dropping like flies and it's looking like we aren't larps after all. Or...

They can't fight logical facts or well thought out theories. Or...

gabara is bored... and can't learn the flow. Or...

chinks are pretending to be gabara. Or...

chinks are out of ammo. Or...

They be jealous ; P

24669247? ago

I use the BRAVE browser and an ad blocker and I am not getting any of this free porno.

24668930? ago

The last time was when Epstein was murdered.

24668923? ago

24668886? ago

Shit's been droppin' all day.

Probably the worst blow to them was the fact the House won't be able to get Trump's tax returns until after November.

There was Durham news too... which is always bad news for the DS. kek

24668430? ago

sbbh jew gabara

and friendshipistragic the loli poster

24669991? ago


24668929? ago

^^ found the tranny porn poster.

24669081? ago

nah he is right gabara is a total faggot.

24669056? ago

^^ found gabara

Fail nye the tranny guy

24668415? ago

They're mad because we're starting to wake up to jewish efforts to destroy America and they're trying to distract us from the JQ.

24669210? ago

I think you're in the right track. There have been a couple of posts today about the Jewish Mega Group. I'll admit - when I first heard about this group last year, and their connection to Epstein, it kinda made me pay more attention to the JQ.

24669269? ago

It's sad, but the jewish race is specifically targeting us and they will destroy our way of life if we don't stop them.

24669294? ago

This is a hard pill for me to swallow. I'm same enough to know I have to accept it as a possibility but it's not easy. This is the kind of thing that will convince people like me. Not the spam kind of posts that sound hateful.

24669525? ago

Exactly. It's a harsh realization and people look for any excuse they can to disbelieve.