24650055? ago

So who have we got here clearly crensch is kvetching at this post along with other pretend Q team that the real Q team rejected theodorekent and poalcast crew are defending web and now the stock thotz crew is chiming in

everyone wants to see this bitch doxxed except for shills

24649637? ago

I've ruled out some of them.

Maxwellhill is a place enough people live that I would write off most of them to being associated with the place.

I'm still unsure why she would pick Maxwellhill, seeing as it is so obvious, but she did use "G Max" while in hiding.

Pulling up my own list, I see the password similarities. If anyone knows what I mean by "tweet tweet", that password probably gets you into the Reddit account, but I'm not going to try.

24648467? ago

Woah guys, this ain't ready for Voat, yet.

24648431? ago

A fair warning, DO NOT get yourself doxxed to Slime! More importantly, DO NOT use credentials, supposedly "leaked" by him, to log into unauthorized sites!

24649996? ago

you dont know how the internet works if you think googling email addresses doxxes you

24648669? ago

A fair warning, DO NOT get yourself doxxed to Slime! More importantly, DO NOT use credentials, supposedly "leaked" by him, to log into unauthorized sites!

^ This.

24647984? ago

@Crensch and @Vindicator already trying to slide this issue

24649596? ago

Controlled Opposition.

Notice they aren't interested in maxwellhill's passwords or doxx.

24649612? ago

Dox is not allowed in v/pizzagate.

24649645? ago

Which means they will never catch a real pedophile.

24649861? ago

It's a sign of mental illness to talk about yourself in the third person.

24649888? ago

If you say so. Name one pedo you've caught, personally?

24647645? ago

She gets E-mail in prison?

24882941? ago

who said what?

24882999? ago

24647561? ago

That piece of shit is a doxxing cunt, aligned with SBBH, who made up a ridiculous story trying to smear @Vindicator and others and in doing so revealed that he uses his website's google analytics to log the ip addresses of voat users who visit his site links he posts here.

24648075? ago

What bullshit is this? Triggly is the one who doxxed everyone knows that.

24648104? ago

Triggly was one participant of many.

Evidence exists of Web's integral part played.

24648124? ago

He posted a criminal record and rightly so

whats your criminal records look like vindictive dick tasters?

24648165? ago

So, you admit that he participated in doxxing and try to justify it because "criminal record", which incidentally had no bearing whatsoever on anything of significance?

24648234? ago

Public records arent doxxing hahahahahahaha

Maybe you shouldn't covort with criminals

maybe you shouldnt fuck with people who know who you are

now youre about to be exposed for the shills you are again

24648286? ago

Public records arent doxxing hahahahahahaha

The intent was to doxx and harass.

Maybe you shouldn't covort with criminals

Keep running with that justification, while you defend the campaign enacted by a meth-addled (whoops, that makes him a criminal) pro-child-abuse degenerate who went by the username @zyklon_b.

Figures you'd resort to threats also.

24648354? ago

If you are so sure of yourself, why don't you give us your username rather than talk shit anonymously?

24648407? ago

Not my fault you came here to an anon subverse trying to promote Web as a good guy then fucked up by admitting he did in fact participate in the doxx campaign enacted by a "criminal", while using "criminial" as a justification.

That you resort to threats in response then expect me give you my name, is laughable.

24648309? ago

HAHAHHAHA fucking butthurt for so long

maybe dont fuck with people who know who you are

24648343? ago

So just gonna keep up with the threats seeing as how you have no response to the fact that you're aligned with a "criminal"?

24648375? ago

I have nothing to do with it all of us listeners heard to the podcast with crensch who admitted youre all a bunch of fucktards\

Web isnt a criminal and he posts good stock tips which we all make money on. Nice try faggots.

24648430? ago

Web isnt a criminal

Technically, he also is if there's any truth to his claims to have hacked various organizations over the years.

But we both know I was referring to @zyklon_b as the "criminal"

24647726? ago

So you don't want to see what is Ghislaine Maxwell's emails or to confirm the maxwellhill account is her or not?

Are you that terrified of doxxing?

Also, Web has no affiliation with SBBH. Everyone who listens to the Poalcast knows that. Also, @Vindicator called Web of shill and @Crensch called him a pedophile with zero evidence. Those accusations aged like milk.

Why would a shill doxx the Wuhan Institute of Virology? or Anthony Fauci? or The Gates Foundation? or Ghislaine Maxwell? or Media Matters shills? or the World Health Organization?

I doubt you have a good answer to that.

24647817? ago

So you don't want to see what is Ghislaine Maxwell's emails or to confirm the maxwellhill account is her or not?

Irrelevant and a misrepresentation of my pointing out that he is indeed a doxxing cunt aligned with SBBH by mission of said doxxing.

Web has no affiliation with SBBH

See above.

Also, @Vindicator called Web of shill

Log ip addresses of Voat users, make up garbage stories to smear Pizzagaters; behave like a shill get called a shill.

@Crensch called him a pedophile with zero evidence.

Align with SBBH who defended the pro-child-abuse ramblings of, and doxx campaign orchestrated by @zyklon_b (+ others) and you get lumped in the same column.

Why would a shill doxx the Wuhan Institute of Virology? or Anthony Fauci? or The Gates Foundation? or Ghislaine Maxwell? or Media Matters shills? or the World Health Organization?

It's called blending in and trying to bait others into harassment campaigns which could potentially get them in trouble with authorities and otherwise give the media fodder to paint participants as unhinged/threatening.

Fact still remains that Web is in fact aligned with the campaigns of SBBH. But do please keep trying to defend him.

24649873? ago

That is a completely false allegation.

You have nothing to back it up.

Web has been spending the last several months teaching people how to make money on the stock market since he predicted the Democrats would try to crash it.

If you look at the numbers, he is averaging anywhere between 1000 and 2000 dollars per day and has set up massive bot networks to monitor stocks. He posts screen shots and stock predictions every single day and while you have all been collecting less than minimum wage, he has been helping us get rich.

Why the fuck would someone who makes 2 grand a day give a fuck about blending in? If anything, he has taken his bot game to a whole new level and is influencing the news against the pedos. We watched him generate stories in the Washington Post several weeks in a row.

It is very interesting that you are so afraid of him.

24649885? ago

You have nothing to back it up.


24649899? ago

I rest my case poorfag.

24649918? ago

I love that you think it's that easy to get me to propagate the dox Web posted.

24649964? ago

Who cares about propagating it? Identify which is viable. Send the password to the authorities and Judicial Watch. All else is irrelevant. Whether you propagate it or not it has already hit every usual site. You think very highly of yourself which is why you fail to do any good in the world. Set your ego aside and put in the work. Actually catch somebody or get evidence that is good enough for an arrest. Stop pretending like you are important. You're not important. You're not smart. And you have no money. And you jack off at telling people what to do.

24650024? ago

You really think that psychological manipulation bs is going to work on me? Good lord you're bad at this.

24650067? ago

you are the one manipulating people fuck off if you dont liek why do u care if that satan worshipping sorceress gets doxxed?

24650139? ago

you are the one manipulating people


fuck off if you dont liek


why do u care if that satan worshipping sorceress gets doxxed?

There you go manipulating people again.

Also, who said anything about Ghislaine being doxxed?

Strawman much?

Like I said, you're bad at this.

24650290? ago

24650330? ago

Sooooo demoralizing, what ever will I do? Just kiddin', you're gonna have to try harder than that, bud.

24652719? ago

only person trying to demoralize anyone is you

everyone else is trying to identify pedos

24647845? ago

As far as I recall, none of that is true. Remarkable how fast you found this to try and discredit it.

His site was attacked by someone working out of CACI and their password was "goatblower" suggesting it was a Voat shill who attacked it.

Thou doth protest far too much.


24647893? ago

As far as I recall, none of that is true.

Which part?

  • Web participated in and was integral to the doxx campaign enacted by SBBH: fact.
  • Web tried to smear @Vindicator by claiming he was responsible for the alleged "attack" on his site: fact.
  • Web's allegations against Vindicator revealed that he (Web) uses google analytics provided by his webhost, to log ip addresses of Voat referrals: fact.

Please, keep trying to defend an obvious piece of shit.

24647960? ago

Oh, hi Vindicator.

Web did not participate in a doxxing campaign, he posted a criminal record, which is public information. You're retarded. The name was already public.

Web didn't smear you, you brought it on yourself by making false accusations and your butt buddy Crensch confirmed LIVE ON THE AIR that there was no merit to either of your claims.

Every site has Google Analytics, you retard. Every site has Alexa rankings, too. If you access these services you can see locations ages and other stats of visitors TO ANY SITE EVEN VOAT.

Your ignorance of how the Internet works is fucking amazing.

24648013? ago

Oh, hi Vindicator.


Web did not participate in a doxxing campaign


Web didn't smear [@Vindicator]


Every site has Google Analytics

Correct, doesn't change the fact that web uses them to log ip addresses of Voat referals and use that information to cook up garbage claims and smears.

Your ignorance of how the Internet works is fucking amazing.

Your assumption that I thought google analytics is unique to Web's site, is fucking amazing.

24648102? ago

Wasn't that shit like two years ago? You still got a sore ass from Web exposing your shill group?

24648089? ago


What a tool. You saying wrong doesnt mean shit.

Fuck off @Vindicator and go protect Maxwell somewhere else.

24649201? ago

If Vin wanted to protect Maxwell, why did he sticky the /pol/ dig last night in v/pizzagate?

Try harder, retard.

24649225? ago

Clearly you are too dumb to understand how controlled opposition works.

24649486? ago

LOL. How about posting some evidence of controlled opposition, then?

24649498? ago

how about stop being filled with so much hate and catch some god damned pedophiles you losers?

24648145? ago

You saying wrong doesnt mean shit.

Oh but it does, because we both know I'm correct in saying you're wrong.

Fuck off @Vindicator and go protect Maxwell somewhere else.

To reiterate, I'm not Vindicator and moreover, both he and I are far from interested in 'protecting' maxwell any further than making sure she stays alive long enough to give up what she knows – as opposed to her getting the easy way out like Epstein.

24648228? ago

pretty clear your crenschie poo yeah?

24648243? ago

Wrong again.

Web's still an SBBH-aligned doxxing faggot trying to pass himself off as the victim and a good guy though.

24648256? ago

Hahahahahahaaaaa Haaaaa heh, heh, oh my god this is perfect

Web has made one post in a year maybe? wtf are you talking about?