24656611? ago

List of other items allegedly on Weiner's laptop at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3533877/

Erik Prince's Call: Weiner's Laptop Contains Corruption, Compromised National-Security, Pedophilia by Hillary & Bill Clinton, and Others

24647153? ago

this website looks a bit like a hoax website making fun of us.

24646813? ago

Dumb Qoomers sliding your own forum with old shit and upvoating it to the top. Very nice.

24646738? ago

pssss.... Einstein.... some people have never seen this before, because they are just waking up. So have an iota of patience and maybe try sharing some of your knowledge. Like someone did with you a long time ago.

24646974? ago

This is all new to me. I hope others will dig into this as well. It's all new info if you've never heard of it. I wish everyone would dig into this as it is the way to take down the cabal.

24646081? ago

Will we ever see the videos and pics so that we can judge for ourselves?

24649143? ago


24651071? ago

The only valid reason to withhold any truth is to avoid unnecessary revenge by enemies cultivated by traitors to their country. Some would say even that information should be made available but I'm sick of the majority paying for the actions of the minority and am okay with it going away for now.

24646662? ago

Lol. No goy. Trust the plan.

24646043? ago

Seriously, you guys have to read this posting from yesterday. It is a "must read" and it will take a while to finish all of it (not including the re-reads), but once you start reading, you cannot stop until all finished. All the lying that we have been put thru and then you read this and it starts to come together. Why? Because that is how it is when the truth is told. It fits together so seamlessly and easily as opposed to constantly trying to fit a square peg in a round hole of lies.

Read anons, you won't be disappointed.


24650864? ago

...constantly trying to fit a square peg in a round hole of lies.

Perfect way to describe what's been going on. Trying to apply logical thinking based on what we thought we knew wasn't working. I read the whole thing and as outrageous as what he said would seem it makes a lot more sense than any other explanation.

24646652? ago

You are correct. I can't stop reading. Thanks again for the info. Very interesting. We need to expose as much of this here as possible. News articles, videos, etc...

24646883? ago

Here is another short video about cloning. There is more than one way to clone. This is where the information in the post from yesterday makes a lot of sense because there was talk about stem cells. Crazy stuff!!!!!

24650882? ago

I remember the whole stem cell argument. It was being pushed as a cure for Parkinson's disease at the time.

24646726? ago

Now do you believe cloning is a real thing? Did you see the little pet cloning video I sent to you? I love my baby, but I could not do it. There just cannot be a soul in a clone. It is an empty shell.
And again, as a biologist, I shudder to think of what else has been done. What has been created?

24647088? ago

I see what you are talking about. I'm not convinced. DId they freeze a cell or a sperm? Putting a cell into an egg doesn't seem like it would grow into anything. Putting a sperm into an egg would.

24647338? ago

No, no, refer back to the director postings that were put up yesterday from 4chan. It is all based on Invetro Fertilization techniques. Simply, well not simply, suck out the DNA from a cells nucleus. Then suck out the DNA from the donor cell, whatever cell that may be such as a sperm cell. Then stick that DNA into the empty nucleus of an egg cell.

Also, the stem cells can be used such like in the video.

And sure the sperm can be frozen as this is what's done in sperm banks. Eggs as well. So should a person be unsure they want a child, they can have their gametes (sperm or egg) frozen for later use. This is also a scenario for those who become ill, like getting cancer. Have to pay for the harvesting of eggs and also have to pay a storage fee for the service of holding and freezing.

24647660? ago

Isee, thanks for explaining. Is clone the right term? Aren't the same cells in the sperm of the male you want to clone? As well as the egg? We know DNA is a series of on/off switches. This one switches on and you get blue eyes, switches off and you get green or brown etc.....

All this reminds me of Young Frankenstein. I got the brain from a jar that said "Abby Normal".

24648406? ago

You are right and well, it's hard because we never knew about this stuff going on before now, so don't know exactly what they call it. It does seem that there are several ways to create. Again, they must have names for each and maybe more will leak out and find out what they are. Assuming that they have unlocked all sorts of knowledge, would guess possibilities are endless once the manipulation of DNA has been accomplished. That's when it begins to become a bit scary. Remember, Epstein's corporation in New York was centered upon the study of genes and it was said there was a full scale laboratory on the island which may be one of the reasons all those Nobel prize scientists went there to vacation. To think of the movie "Jurassic Park" where the scientists were overwhelmed about how it was done, but almost more so, why they would do it and called it "The rape of the natural world." This knowledge can be used for doing good, such as eliminating cancer genes, but then it moves to lets say manipulating the eye color or gender of a child to the parents wishes just because you can. Or eliminating mental retardation and genetic diseases. Cloning a persons organs just in case they might need something, like in the movie "The Island." At what point is a boundary put up that it is bioethical wrong to do it? There are plenty of high functioning individuals with all kinds inborn problems. Do they not exist anymore? Moving further across the boundary only leads to "A Brave New World." Yet, this is just what they appear to want. This knowledge being used for bad and down right evil things which makes for your statement about Frankenstein. Unleashing new knowledge leads to more new knowledge and more and more. What happens when the knowledge allows the splicing of a reptile and a human or a pig? Then start thinking about the Alien movies or Island of Dr. Morrow. Why would they do it, firstly, to see if it could be successfully done. After that what would doing it serve for them?

24646381? ago

the director / actor salleries being inflated in order to fund wet works and other side projects sounds plausible. It gets a little out there the longer the thread goes on imo.

24646506? ago

Did you see the picture of the Indonesian President?
Listen, I am a Biologist and I have to say, it is plausible. Cloning? That is the easy part. What is disturbing is what womb is used to grow the clone? Shudder to think.

Two sperm creation? I'm going to go with that as well as possible since, and just guessing, that there would actually be an egg involved in this process. The egg would have to be void of its own DNA and then the DNA from a sperm cell would have to be inserted into it. After that, then the other sperm can unit with the egg (with the donor sperm DNA inside), then take it from there.

24646609? ago

Hence Merkle, The UK pm (can't remember her name atm) and Jacinda having that picture all together at the school...


24646643? ago

Hence, they are all related and really do follow a well defined bloodline.

24651417? ago

Yeah you might be right. Very plausible in this crazy world.

24646143? ago

Thanks for the reference. You are correct. When the truth is told it fits together so seamlessly. Lots of lights go on in your head with that "aha" moment.

Seems to me this is how we take down the Deep State and their web of criminals.

24645896? ago

Pay to play include Israel? Huh?

24645705? ago

OP: Rumors about Clinton pedophile ring are true!

Also OP: I have no idea if the rumors are true. I have no proof whatsoever to support my bogus title. In fact, the only info I have to offer is this link to a site that quotes hearsay frim anonymous ”experts on reddit”.

24645451? ago

Seriously the clone thing is looking more and more likely.

Take a look at the photos of George Clooney's wife amal, aoc, huma abedin, the prime Minister of New Zealand, and Obama.. Its bizarre how similar they all look.

24645518? ago

They couldn't clone a sheep, they certainly can't clone a human. Plastic surgery and dental work they can make a double I would guess.

24645795? ago

They did clone a sheep. Dolly.

24645806? ago

I'm familiar with the story. It was a hoax.

24646618? ago

No, it is not a hoax and not a difficult process. It is just a very expensive process. Been cloning pets and other animals for a long time now. A dog costs about $50K to clone.

Here is a simplified explanation of how it is done:


24646447? ago

I personally was involved, it was not a hoax.

24645563? ago


"Wilmut confided that he had a secret to share. As part of a larger study, he and several co-workers had successfully birthed a lamb in the lab—not from egg and sperm but from DNA taken from an adult sheep’s mammary gland. They had cloned a mammal. “Crikey, I was stunned,” says Trounson, who is now—as then—a stem cell biologist at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He remembers sitting down hard on a nearby stone. It was a warm day but Trounson felt a chill pass over him as he realized the implications. “It changed everything.”

Cloning a mammal defied the scientific dogma of its time."

24645581? ago

The lamb thing was a farce.

24645446? ago

Hmmmmm i bet the DNC nuclear asenal was a good read. Hmmmmm

24645445? ago

"Insider knowledge." "Unnamed" sources. Yeah. TOTALLY believable. I mean, we DO know about HRC's b.s. But if we're gonna do this right and set ourselves apart from [them] and the MSM, we need to do it openly. No bullshit.

24645159? ago

It is just "Ukraine" - not "the Ukraine."

24644930? ago

Any day now ....

cough not fast enough cough....

24644507? ago

Im just here for the FRAZZLEDRIP drop.

24646837? ago

Go to your web browser URL,

Type in “frazzled.rip”

You are welcome

24647135? ago

Probably best I dont

24643740? ago

"experts" from r/ conspiracy

24644486? ago

Wow, shills really dislike this thread. I wonder why. (Not really a mystery.)

24648775? ago

not a shill, just pointing out the comical credentials

24644289? ago

Did you miss Berman getting fired? Recent dismissals/resignations at NYPD?

24643911? ago

That is on their resume.

24643550? ago


24643521? ago

yes this reads like a post from 4 years ago

24644473? ago

And more important than ever you sly dumb fucks LOSE! Reminders are extremely worthwhile you piece of shit. You’re on the wrong side of history.

24650673? ago

Is a "sly dumb fuck" similar to the cartoon version of the Roadrunner? If so then you must be Wile E Coyote.

24651187? ago

That might be as bad as a dad joke. But it’s ok. Nice one.

24644517? ago

I can’t tell if you’re a 12 y/o or a Jew shill. I’m leaning towards the hook nose.

24646789? ago

Boomers don't behave like adults online.

24644575? ago

I’m tired of you fucking shills

24645379? ago

Lol, seriously? Dude blasts that guy like a beta male and you think I’m a shill? Go the fuck back to Reddit, nigger.

24651214? ago

What are you the bouncer?

24644561? ago

You’re the one with the dick in his mouth

24645387? ago

Go back to Reddit, faggot.

24644280? ago

Berman recent firing makes it topical again

24655013? ago

His replacement doesn’t seem much better

24644592? ago

And 4 more years from now we'll still be digging up these old posts and talking about how any day now we just have to elect Trump's successor and only then will we truly see the awakening, but not too soon because disinformation is necessary so we can't yet stop the enemy from killing our people and trashing our country because by letting them win that means we're actually winning somehow.

24645730? ago

pessimist shill is pessimist

24646574? ago

He isn't wrong. Berman should have been terminated a long time ago yet he wasn't. Either someone is stalling or we are being led down the primrose path.

24646732? ago

Either, Or

Either you have a comprehensive understanding of intel and actions going on behind the scenes

Or you don’t

24646836? ago

I realize some people are more equal than others. Those who have the comprehensive understanding are clearly more equal. It's not nice to throw that in a person's face. Ignorance is just that, it's not stupidity it's lack of knowledge.

24646963? ago

Ignorance is just that, it's not stupidity it's lack of knowledge.

I rejected all pejorative meaning attached to that word years ago. If I use it at all, I use it as an accurate descriptor.

24645710? ago

But yet here you are, hopelessly shillin and chillin like a true jackleg villan.

24644275? ago

It is

24643484? ago

A third file I’m sure Hillary definitely does not want released was a file labeled “Intimate”… according to this NYPD insider, this file contained X-rated photos of Huma and Hillary with a teenager.

24643468? ago

Anons that have been here a while or almost everybody that follows Q knows most of this. New-fags probly don't

Now we just need to tie epstien & jizstaine to Hollywood & all of them to the mossad then expose 9/11