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24643748? ago

HCQ will decalcify your Pinal gland in your brain that fluoride calcified.

The pineal gland’s significance has been suppressed over the ages and was long discarded as a vestigial organ. The Greeks maintained it ruled thought, while Rene Descartes held it as the seat of the soul. The pineal was—and is—something of an enigma.

Such controversy over something so small hints at its extraordinary legacy.

While the physical eyes perceive the physical world, the third eye sees the true world—a unified whole with an unyielding connection to God. In this way, the third eye acts as the captain’s seat of our soul.

This is why fluoride was added to the water and toothpaste. So we would remain blind to the true world.

24645801? ago

Okay I’m with you so far, but what would we see if we saw the real world? What are we missing with calcifies pineal glands?

24652124? ago

It allows you to see the source energy everything is made of and gives you the ability to use it.

24654805? ago

Satanists seem to have a hard time saying GOD, so you will notice they use phrases like "the source". Or, like Biden...."the THING"

24657802? ago

source energy can be used for both good and evil. God allows this because of freewill. It saddens him greatly when we use if for evil. God will not invite you into the Kingdom of heaven either if you are evil but Satan will invite you to HELL!

24650038? ago

1/3 of the input.