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24644654? ago

I am with you man! How does one get HCQ though? And what type of Zinc?

24646448? ago

Just drink a glass of tonic water and take a regular off the shelf diet supplement zinc pill. Many adult one a day vitamins also include zinc.

The normal daily adult dose for zinc is 12mg for men, 8mg for women, and half the food you eat already contains more zinc than that anyways. A single egg has 3mg. There's zinc in pasta, bread, chocolate, most plants, = all kinds of food.

I drink a glass of tonic = 20mg of Quinine. Plus a Zinc supplement = 25mg of Zinc.

With this combo you go a long way. This is approximately 10% of the low medical dose for this regime. Yet it offers you 50% to 70% of the coverage that you can achieve with the low medical dose, (low dose = 200mg Q + 200mg Z.). This has been tested and confirmed.

If you are doing this any Corona virus will be hard pressed to stay in your system. It's progress will be slow, if any. You stay out of the hospital and away from ventilators.

The British Empire has been feeding Quinine to the red coats for 200 years without killing them. America has been doing it for US troops since at least Vietnam.

Have a gin and tonic to achieve much the same effect.

24649436? ago

awesome, great reply. It's not about corona but for the pineal gland.