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24643280? ago

I can't get my hands on it, would love to see if it cures athletes feet.

24645858? ago

Piss on you feet in the shower.

Works, seriously

24645023? ago

Have you tried blow drying your feet when you get out of the shower? Rubbing with a vinegar-soaked cotton ball works for me also. Baking soda also destroys the environment for bacteria. Good luck.

24644794? ago

Tea tree oil (melaleuca) available at pharmacies ..put straight on breakouts (best from Australia). It will heal up within days and use as soon as itching starts. Fungus proliferates with dark moist areas. So wear sandals and white cotton socks and let your feet breathe.

24644092? ago

Lugol’s solution. Rub it on the itchy parts twice daily. It will dye the skin red temporarily. Relief in days. Don’t get too much of it on your skin or you’ll get dizzy.

24643972? ago

sun. It cures it every single time.

24643936? ago

So get those foot shaped plastic bags with the sticker to close them double them up on your feet

Then pour in original unscented regular yellow Listerine and soak your feet for 20 mins for five days.

You are welcome

24644931? ago

Active ingredient in Listerine is Thymol derived from Thyme which is a wonderful healing herb. Have never used it for Athlete's Foot but it is very useful when you have a sore throat and gargle with it.

Two more great home remedies:

Dab a drop of bleach on fire ant bites or jellyfish stings to neutralize the poison. Do it often enough until it doesn't itch or sting.

For impetigo wash blisters (they break) with dial soap several times a day with a clean cloth to keep the blisters from reforming and it just fades away.

Sorry but I have all these wonderful proven home remedies I like to share.

24643951? ago

What sorcery is this? Is this true

24643873? ago

all you got to do is piss on your feet to cure that

24644143? ago

actually I think this is how you get athletes feet

24645879? ago

Nope, pissing on your feet works

24643726? ago

I had to take it daily in Afghanistan and still got Athlete’s Foot. Didn’t have zinc to go with it though.

24643661? ago

Bleach water is good for that

24649089? ago

book "Live Better Longer" talks about bleach

24643503? ago

You can get it as leg cramp pills at any drugstore.

24645010? ago

Hyland's homeopathic Leg Cramps with quinine. Very effective for leg cramps and a good source of homeopathic quinine. Very important to use 1 tablet under tongue in a clean mouth. Don't handle but drop tablet in lid. Repeat as needed.

24643907? ago


24645110? ago

Seriously. Rite Aid. Wal Mart. Whatever. No prescription needed.

24645307? ago

Havent seen it in any of the ingredient list

24645482? ago

Hyland leg cramp pills omg u need Google lessons

24645933? ago

Active Ingredients | Purposes: Cinchona Officinalis 3X HPUS: pains in limbs & joints Aconitum Napellus 6X HPUS: pains in joints, legs Gnaphalium Polycephalum 3X HPUS: cramps in calves & feet Ledum Palustre 6X HPUS: pain and cramps in legs Magnesia Phosphorica 6X HPUS: cramps in calves Rhus Toxicodendron 6X HPUS: pain and stiffness Viscum Album 3X HPUS: pains in joints Inactive Ingredients: Acacia Gum, Lactose


Where is HCQ in all this?

24649038? ago

Cinchona Officinalis

The cinchona bark contains quinine, the precursor to chloroquine and hydroxy-chloroquine.

24649566? ago


Not sweating it,dont plan on taking anything but my dailys.

Just trying to understand.


24646071? ago

Quinine leg cramp pills

Search it up

24645905? ago

I search just fine

I dont do drug stuff, so not well versed

24646082? ago

Search quinine leg cramp pills

24643309? ago

No, but it does cure achilles heel.