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24630359? ago

Anyone who still buys the Q LARP after Sessions got fired deserves to be slapped for being so fucking stupid.

Remember when Q said Hillary would be indicted in 2017? Remember when Q said Sessions was gonna drain the swamp? Remember all the other countless things he said that never happened? Seriously, how much of a lonely old boomer do you have to be to still buy into this horseshit?

"J...j-ust 2 more weeks guys, I promise"

"O-okay....2 more years then"

"Just about time, watch for something tomorrow"

"OK, when I said tomorrow I meant within the next 4-7 years"

"A-any d-day now, g-guys, I promise I'm super cereal!"

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice......ya fool me, can't get fooled again.

24632571? ago

Are you able to change your Depend undergarments on your own or do you require assistance?