The silent majority is a terrorist group? How fun.
The terror of facts and acts unfathomable...? It actually is pretty much the most insane movie theme ever played out before the people of the world. We are the harbingers of the ugly truth. We will tirelessly share the research, we will harang you with images of reality until you awaken from your diet of decades of lies and tell-a-vision run by the slave traders, the elite that feed on We the People, the cannibalistic farmers of not just our labors but the true horror of harvesting our human creations, our babies and our families, our friends our essence. The fabric of our spirit has been left in their hands for too long.
All these silent people. Silence... kept silent for so long, didn't riot, didn't ransack businesses or topple statues, or burn the flag or murder people with bullets or red scarfs hanging from door knobs. Instead we united and spoke to each other, shared our common goals and research under the banner of Q, a most loyal, patient and intelligent insider. Not a leader, though we tried to make Q a leader, we were patiently refused and sent back out to do more research. Q has been our teacher, our unifier and has continued to stay neutral to the pressure to lead We the People. Simply because that is OUR job!
“We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
Preamble to the Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Stand for your rights. Stand with honor for you are honored to be in this place at this time.
It's the greatest honor of my life to be here at this time. To be here, side by side with patriots of the highest order, fighting to take back the world under the principles of our Constitution.
For God and Country!
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24630359? ago
Anyone who still buys the Q LARP after Sessions got fired deserves to be slapped for being so fucking stupid.
Remember when Q said Hillary would be indicted in 2017? Remember when Q said Sessions was gonna drain the swamp? Remember all the other countless things he said that never happened? Seriously, how much of a lonely old boomer do you have to be to still buy into this horseshit?
"J...j-ust 2 more weeks guys, I promise"
"O-okay....2 more years then"
"Just about time, watch for something tomorrow"
"OK, when I said tomorrow I meant within the next 4-7 years"
"A-any d-day now, g-guys, I promise I'm super cereal!"
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice......ya fool me, can't get fooled again.
24632571? ago
Are you able to change your Depend undergarments on your own or do you require assistance?
24631929? ago
Each of us has a choice. Stand and take back what our forefathers built, attempt to tear it down and be overrun by commie socialists or sit on your ass and cry because life isn't fair. The choice is yours. I've made mine along with Qanons around the world. Guess which side is winning Biggly/
24631590? ago
You always get like this when you skip your soy formula.
24631056? ago
You seem easily fooled time and time again. By your own statement. Clearly you're the voice of reason.
24631549? ago
"Anyone who still buys" << this faggot shill is READY for the asshole reamer. Gonna come hard and fast son!! Get ready.