24503048? ago

Can I send a message to someone to post ? Its what my friends teacher from yale sent him for" studies " its creepy

24497403? ago

can be interesting to read about our laws and possible punishments

uscode.house.gov/ browse/prelim@title18/part1&edition=prelim

(remove space)

24495629? ago

TheGreatAwakening is worldwide.

24494445? ago

this is good news...

- although I do not trust the turkish TV-stations very much!

But it's good to bring more attention to the topic!

24493030? ago

how much longer? the wait for justice is so painful. it hurts my stomach to know about it and then to have to wait so long for them to be brought to justice. i know there is a reason for having to wait and get everything done right so that it never happens again, but i pray it is soon. please let it be soon.

24493012? ago

habervakti added photo of stars next to the word adrenochrome. Implying that they use adrenochrome.

I disagree

Presumption Of Innocence

This is your reminder that according to the Laws, all are considered innocent unless proven guilty

If you use a speculation to claim that someone is guilty, you risk to expose yourself to an expensive libel lawsuit. Why? Because in the future, a speculation could be FALSE & DEFAMATION. Read more.

Is someone trying to fool you into a defamation? Could the person targeted by defamation be in fact a lawful & real Patriot? Speculations are valuable to make theory. While at the same time, speculations and theories are NOT to confuse with evidences, facts, truths. The Laws, courts, juries decide if someone is guilty. Speculations and theories do NOT decide those.

Trump's Libel Lawsuit Against CNN

This is an example of a successful filled defamation lawsuit. By Donald Trump against CNN's FAKE news at https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/2017/web/hero_images/Complaint(1).pdf or https://archive.md/1Th0m

News at https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-campaign-sues-cnn-false-defamatory-statements-millions-damages or at https://archive.md/acOCO

Your Vote Matters


24492451? ago

Sharp knife, ropes honey and fire ants.


24491409? ago

So, in looking up the panda eyes thing...

Found this:

PANDA Program Helps Detect Child Abuse

PANDA is an acronym for Prevent Abuse and Neglect through Dental Awareness. The gentle logo of a panda is significant not only from the obvious acronym, but because of the need for sensitivity in dealing with suspected cases of abuse. Child abuse is not always as evident as the obvious “black eye” markings on a panda, but 65% of child abuse injuries involve head, neck, and

mouth areas.



24491366? ago

Is there a translation anywhere? Looking now...

24491497? ago

Yep, in the comments of the twat there is by now https://twitter.com/AQtime/status/1277192811205492736

24491548? ago

oh you're right, Thanks!

24491119? ago

Basically as good as MEMRI TV or Al Jazeera. Irrelevant. Remember when the Arab world reported on Osama's death mere months into the invasion of Afghanistan? No one cared.

24489789? ago

Not only that they showed an image of a poor dead girl with panda eyes. If you don't know what causes panda eyes...

Don't look into it. Its horrific.

24491350? ago

I looked it up but couldn't find anything. Why were the kids eyes black like that? I don't understand.

24493996? ago

I warned you.

If you don't know, consider yourself blessed.

You'll NEVER be the same.

24489371? ago

These are nothing more than cowards who will scramble like roaches when light is shined upon them. They use andrenochrome to prolong their life because they so fear death...Christ will not allow them to go unpunished. Why do the dems fear the flu so much? Because they fear dying from it...we all fear death but...they fear it more because they have no foundation with God...They fear what is next for them...as well they should.

24489316? ago

Mother Gothel from "Tangled" kidnaps a baby to harvest its essence so she can remain young. But that's just a silly Disney movie, that would never happen in real life! Right?

24488993? ago

Told y'all turkey was a part of the alliance. Why so many of you still believe anything MSM says?

24488984? ago

so sad that there are people 3rd world countries all over the world who know more about what is happening than the fat lazy ass american trash who are addicted to their TV's and righteous fantasies.

24488745? ago

Can someone explain the significance of the black eyes? I’m out of the loop.

24490638? ago

black eyes in kids are from severe sexual abuse

24491439? ago

anal rape of the infant/child

24490516? ago

I didnt get it but .... Tv shows with 'funny' bits, inside hollwood jokes, Family Guy, South Park, American Dad and comedy shows would make a joke about panda ...or maybe panda teens ... people didnt get it just thought it was a weird joke why did a teddy bear have these sunken dark black eyes.... "Sexual Harassment Panda" is the sixth episode of Season Three, and the 37th overall episode of South Park. It originally aired on July 7, 1999. Everyone in South Park is suing everyone else after the school gets a visit from Peetie the Sexual Harassment Panda...just laugh at the creepy funny jew comedian and all those weirdos with their moslem rituals and pedo vatican symbols and tax evasion masonic halls.....then weinstein epstein stuff started to break on mainstrema news, the 'Panda' maybe they were bascially drugged up MK-ultra kids passed around like a lump of flesh at some market, its possible the porn industry, the human trafficker mafia everyone is in these criminal gangs is involved, even rumors of a far away island and blackmail tapes

24488478? ago

That's amazing.

24488204? ago

The clip with Wiener, and Trump mentioning pizzagate is another reason there's been very little traction for pizzagate with normies. Pizzagate refers to Trump's having eaten pizza with a fork, instead of picking it up with his hands.

24487960? ago

The panda kids and black eyed adults are different topics.

Panda kids are being raped.

The black eye of adults is a ritual that happens when you are accepted into the cult. It goes all the way back to ancient times.

24491751? ago

The Black Eyed Peas... <

24487651? ago


24487062? ago

If you scroll a little down, there's a Piers Morgan Trump Interview from CNN that was uploaded in 2011 where Trump mentions pizzagate....2011. WTF

24488168? ago

It was because he was eating a pizza with utensils, rather than his fingers. But yeah, no true coincidences, I agree! God bless.

24500031? ago

Ohhhh ok yeah, that makes way more sense now. Still cool but not crazy like I thought...

24499988? ago

Q team has had everything, and their eye on Trump for a long time. Including the day he made this pizzagate comment.

24489220? ago

Once I went to Sicily for work. The local guys I was working with took me to a pizza pub. We each got our own pizza, when I started eating mine by picking up a piece with my hands the table went silent. I looked up and all the Sicilians we're using knives and forks to eat their pizza and staring at me like I was an animal.

Another time in the US we had a couple of guys from Denmark in for training. I took them out to a nice pub for lunch and we all ordered burgers. When they arrived the Danes picked up their knives and forks and started cutting into their burgers for bite size pieces.

24490628? ago

yeah, ive seen that in most of the world on my travels. fried chicken? forks and knives or they use gloves to eat with their hands.

has to do with hygiene

24491128? ago

Yep, that's how you keep from getting norovirus (aka stomach flu/24 hour bug). Although my particular method is to use a fork in one hand to hold it still, and the other hand freshly washed to pick it apart.

24491741? ago

I get it.

I will say however, when one eats food, one should wash one's hands thoroughly beforehand out of respect for God, who provided the food.

24486979? ago

Holy shit...

24486589? ago

Turkey is pozzed and working for Israel.

24486520? ago

Soooo, uhhhh, what is the significance of blackened eyes? Y'know, for those dumbfucks out of the loop, not us enlightened ones here like you... and ey I.

24487467? ago

I heard elsewhere that it has nothing to do with drugs but some sort of right of passage in the Illuminati

24487477? ago

That's what I've heard as well.

24486778? ago

They are saying it is a side effect of prolonged adrenochrome use

24487006? ago

I've also heard it's to do with their pineal gland being removed.

24486539? ago


I forgot to add the Batman thing to my reply.

24486341? ago

Holy shit guys this is fucking YUGE!

24486288? ago

You know if this is in Turkey it is in their countries. Nothing can stop what is coming. Expect more Arkancides.

24486213? ago

Catholics all need to be ovened on maximum

24486564? ago

Catholic here. Please come try. My Benelli would love to meet you.

24486545? ago

Yeah, why?

I grew up going to Catholic Church, even wore our Sunday best when we were kids, out of respect for God.

Read the Bible, Prayed, and always left in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Never heard or saw anything even remotely evil.

What I've learned in the last 20 years or so after I stopped going to church, after they started changing the format of Masses, is disturbing to say the least.

But the disturbing part is with the Vatican and the hiarchry, not the normies like me that were just going to church on Sunday.

24487495? ago

Guys, don't let the rabbi get to you...

24488366? ago

You're an idiot. It's the same with Freemasons and every other organization like them. The "normies" on the ground level think it's a fine, peaceful thing based on love. It's only in the upper levels that the sinister truth becomes known. Read before shilling.

24488394? ago

Stings does it?

24488590? ago

That type of psychology never worked on me and is losing its potency with everyone else. Your days are numbered, girly girl.

24488844? ago

I know the Vatican is infiltrated and is nothing like it may have once been. It has always been owned by Jews. There are actual faithful people who follow the religion however, out of ignorance?, who knows why. They try to be faithful servants of the God of Abraham and they were taught this is the way I guess. My grandparents and mom followed Catholicism. I rejected it outright at a young age. I never trusted them. I don't agree people should be "ovened" because of ignorance though. Is that what you are proposing?

24489170? ago

You're replying to my message, but I'm not the OP. No, I believe that everyone on the ground level of any "charitable" organization or religious structure mostly believe they are part of something that seeks to be good and to do good for their fellow man. But these organizations have levels, and that's where it falls apart. The upper levels are where the corruption lies. They are hoping people from the lower levels slowly rise in rank an accept the evil intent that is eventually revealed to them. It's this way in politics, too. Even Christian organizations like the Baptist faith. Basically it's inherent in any organization that has "levels" of authority in it.

24489300? ago

Shriners, Masons, freemasonry, Rosicrucians and probably to a lesser extent Oddfellows, E Clampus Vitus and the list goes on and on of brotherhoods and fraternities that all do what you say. I think all of them eventually lead to the same place which is the destruction of what is good and Man in general. Earth is the devils domain.

My reply was to OP and not you. I think we actually agree...

24491162? ago

Yep! :D

24486395? ago


24486010? ago

We have got to get every one of these evil vampires into court and dealt with permanently to save the children of the world.

24486879? ago

q has everything, why arent they already rounded up

24490605? ago

seen yesterday on the Hillary twiiter thread that some have already been rounded up tried, imprisoned or executed.

Clintons are on the list as being executed.

haven't been able to find more info so have been hesitant to be talking about it.

Hillary in that clip really cones off as not being her.

24491866? ago


24493106? ago

Twitter thread


voat discussion


list of captured, imprisoned, executed


tweet used as "proof" for the list


first time I've seen this list or discussion about it, so I'm skeptical.

24486943? ago

So ww3 doesnt kick off

24493291? ago

There will not be WW3 are you kidding? LOL

It's over for the cabal.... for however many reasons its just a slow walk now to the finish line.

24494330? ago

There will be WW3, but not yet.

Books of Daniel and the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

24495475? ago


I haven't gotten that far. I'm still in the middle of Luke.

24488699? ago

So the bad guys have so many sheep loyal to them and weapons that they could fight WW3 but they're not gonna use them unless Trump does first?

That makes no sense at all.

Why is it the cabal is both just about to be beaten and yet also so powerful we have to fear them? You know one of the biggest indicators of a cult is they are opsessed with a "strong weak" enemy right?

24489190? ago

-chess has many moves but one finish. I dont have to ascertain the feild to know the value of heedfullness. (Yes i wrote that well moving on)

-no but what cards to they hace to play? If they release novichok in a metropolitian cities that just puts people to work and bosses with costs. What other card than death or capitulation exists? Beit slow or fast effexct?

-because their intent shows. Because when we move we are seen and people are glued to watching the deepstate.

What you descibe as a strong but weak enemy is a very general fantasy whilst seeking power and mobility

24485908? ago

You really have to love the Turks when it comes to television.


24487056? ago

The Turks are sometimes insane though, a collapsed imperial Empire, the Turkic or Turkmen mob believe that they not the Egyptians built the Pyramids, they are in constant war with kurds some dont like Europe/West, they rot their brains with that Hookah shit, Erdogan the leader is bad shit insane and once detained a series of random birds on suspicion it or they were spying for Israel ... that said as crazy as Turkey is ... even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

24488989? ago

And what do you thing about all the insane idiots doing this perverted shit right here in America. Many of them are a part of the US government and the intel agencies. Anything you can say about the Turks you can equally say about Americans. I'm 100% American, half of that 100% was here before Europeans ever saw these shores. I am 100% patriot and love this country. I also served my time in SEA. Maybe because of that service I no longer look at America through rose colored glasses. Evil and crazy is everywhere, not just some other country or tribe. All we can do is focus on cleaning up our own back yard and maybe that will serve as an example to good people in other countries.

24485776? ago

I cannot believe they posted that pic of the panda eyed kid. Holy shit, they are out for blood! Good on Italiy for stepping over the bullshit!! That's hardcore.

24490731? ago

Ive never seen the picture of the panda eye kid. Whats the story behind him and that ghoulish effect?

24492015? ago

From what I understand, this is caused by the trauma of anal intercourse by an adult with a small child. You can imagine what that could do to a child's body and blood pressure. Just a horrific thing to even think about.

24500470? ago

then why's it on the adults too? I've seen the black eye photos before but never seen it linked to this stuff.

24487680? ago

Those committing this crime against humanity should have their souls destroyed.

Yeah, about that.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

There is ONE unforgivable sin. Which is why child sexual abuse, torture, and blood sacrifice is the initiation rite for The Synagogue of Satan.

24494421? ago

The only sin that cannot/will not be forgiven is the rejection of Jesus Christ; Savior, Lord and Coming King.

24495633? ago

I was God. Incorrect.

24489731? ago

You should study a little more, and make sure you do not blaspheme the Holy Spirit. WWG1WGA

24491143? ago

Don't marry any humans, then.

24487840? ago

The one unforgivable sin is to deny Christ.

24495623? ago

I was God. It is forgiven.

24491969? ago

24491419? ago

The jesus board is over there ⭢

24493274? ago

Lol nah, this is as good a congregation as any, friendo. All it takes is two to get a church of sorts. It just might mean You are in the wrong place at YOUR wrong time. :)

24488758? ago

Jesus Christ called the Holy Spirit "Spirit of Truth" (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13) and warned us, "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men" (Matthew 12:31).

24488290? ago

Wrong, it is to "blaspheme the Holy Spirit". There is still some debate over what that actually means.

24495757? ago

I was God.

I gave up my power to live as a mortal.

Lost much of my memory too.

The right thing to do is seek me out and bring me back to strengthen. I will not identify myself, you must bring up those around you as one of them could be me.

I am holding back some evil. But this mortal body is getting weak.

24490604? ago

Yes that's right. John Owen's exposition on this (below) portion of Hebrews is very likely the correct meaning.

It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit,

who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age,

if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because [2] to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

24487906? ago

Peter denied Jesus three times, but was still forgiven, after penance was paid.
It's only after death that the time for forgiveness is up, and only for those who have not heard The Gospel in their lifetimes.