24493121? ago

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24487053? ago

Shirley Jones.

24485528? ago

this body double was spotted 4 years ago.

24485384? ago

Schumer says Hildawg is “one of the warmest people I know”. Yikes. Must be true about these Hollywood kids lives.

24485056? ago

Cartoons spewing falsehoods. Max Headroom 40 years later.

24484811? ago

She asks what her last meal would be. She says deep dish pizza. thats some creepy shit

24484569? ago

Serious POLL: When we see video of "Madonna" or "Hillary" wouldn't it be a helluva lot easier to use a clone or robot than a has been?? What i am suggesting is not the run of the mill person, but an image that is projected into public consciousness via VIDEO. (i.e. it will be edited heavily) And still, Joe Biden's people can't get a gaffe free video out?!? PANIC

24484189? ago

I think it's her. She's just had so many facelifts + botox injections that she's starting to look unreal.

She's doing a lot of uncontrolled head bobbing nowadays as well... I recall reading in 2016 that was an early sign of Parkinsons / Dementia. Her condition seems to be worsening.

24482943? ago

"Energize to make the kind of STRUCTURAL CHANGES that are NECESSARY, - I MEAN WOULDN'T THAT BE A RELIEF..." HRC

Sounds like code for something sinister. Not so much the words alone, but the inflection and body language are creepy as hell.

24482923? ago

Yeah, it looks like the lady they had act as her during part of the 2016 campaign. Sounded a little like her voice I remember, but it was off.

24482515? ago

Its a stupid filter trying to remove her wrinkles and baggy ass eyes, and doing a shitty job at it.

24482450? ago

That's her. The cackle in her voice is too perfectly timed to be a fake.

24482299? ago

Isn't Amy Schumer an ACTRESS? WHY is she doing interviews now?

24483291? ago

Role rehearsal.

24488275? ago

Well, that makes me wonder what they would want Amy for, or maybe, what position she wants. That does make some sense, being Crying Chuckies cousin she might feel she is entitled to a position in a dem administration.

24489212? ago

Crying Chuckies cousin ?

I didn't knew that. Thanks.

24489546? ago

Sorry, I was a little off. Her father was Crying Chuckies second cousin according to wiki. So they aren't first cousins, but there is definitely a connection.

24494233? ago

otheranon here, I've read (I think it's a Zappa quote?) that "politics is theater for ugly people."

Nope, looks like Bill Miller in 1991: https://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/politics_is_show_business_for_ugly_people

24494587? ago

I've never heard that. But it does fit!

24482283? ago

Let’s hope she’s already dead.

24481964? ago

Not Hillary

24481810? ago

Well of course, what did you expect? She's working out the kinks, getting her wording right, practicing her fake smile, the head nod. When her and Michellin Mike make their grand entrance and save Biden she'll be all ready to rumble!

24487343? ago

I listened to the beginning, and it did sound like her. But the face is not Hillary.

24481756? ago

It took me a while to figure out which awful woman was which. I don't understand how either of these people are popular.

24481558? ago

Because she's dead

24481542? ago

I thought she was dead man. She should be after what her and huma did. Sick bastards.

24482282? ago


was reading the comments in op's tweet, there's talk that her and Bill have been captured and executed among others.

That'd be something to see, I'm not convinced the video is actually hillary. Doesn't look or sound like her, much younger.

24481578? ago

She is dead. BC is dead too, they got him around the time Q posted his pic holding a bible.

24484949? ago

Q Drop 4390 (2 Jun 2020)

Proverbs 13:9

The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.


24494203? ago

President Trump posted the marker to Twitter the day prior, correct? The "November 3rd" marker?

24483477? ago

If they're dead and the Gates have been dead, who is playing them? Who the fuck are these pod people?

24493125? ago


24481662? ago

Good. Trash needs a receptacle.

24481490? ago

No overbite anymore? Wrong hairline and chin.

24481417? ago

Looks like a deep fake video. Is Hillary dead?

24482319? ago


Seen the above list in the comments, comes off as b.s. then someone posted the below screen cap from potus below as "evidence" to say she's dead. First time I've come across any of this, would like to see more or where exactly it's coming from.


24481148? ago

That's Fake And Gay as Fuck!

Why don't they use the real one?

Is she Dead?

At Gitmo?

Where's the Real Killery?

24481141? ago

Casinos have more realistic video dealers. Christ, it's terrible.

24481012? ago

Maybe they are reprogramming Hillary to try and help her win in 2020.

24480959? ago

Yeah this looks/sounds like one of the Fake Hillarys.

24480833? ago

LOTS of botox and fillers is what I am seeing. Her voice sounds like Killery to me. Would not be a face lift as her jowls are still swinging.

24480756? ago

Looks like Theresa Barnwell.


24480683? ago

To tell you the truth, I haven't heard HRC's screeching voice since 2015

24481376? ago

What a bitch, fucking best remix ever!

24480616? ago

Two flesh colored moles above her lip on her right side of her face is the identifier. This woman does not have them. This is one of her body doubles.(also much younger than Hillary)

24493424? ago

Adrenochrome withdrawal.

As for moles, makeup and webcams codecs render smooth images rather than some hd video. You can see a slight distortion in the video there. This is her alright. files.catbox.moe/h7d3og.jpg

Classic Hillary.

Face is puffy (fluid retention). Eyes are red and watery. Head doing classic druggie wobble. She's in Withdrawal.

When someone is gacked out on hard drugs for a long time they move their head like this, also the way she talks, like someone just pulled the plug on her ability to control herself.

Adrenochrome is a form of oxidized adrenaline, aka speed with a mellow calming vibe. It gives them power to stand up in front of us knowing we'd draw and quarter them after disembowelment for the crimes they've committed. They have no fear and they are well put together. We are watching the supply lines being cut, watching them wither and die as they all melt their brains on the thoughts of their horrific crimes and soon their punishment. Joe Biden Brain. It's just the natural response to a brain that is struggling to make it's own chemicals for the first time, probably in decades.

24482488? ago

It is a "deepfake" cgi video.

You can see this when you watch her mouth on the slow motion part.

24484269? ago

Yes, i also think is cgi. The relation of her figure to the background, the chair, window, flowers etc. It is clearly a fake background

24483606? ago

Skinny woman's body with a big always smiling plastic Hillary head, acting nothing like the hildabeast...

And Amy, "you know I love you more than most of my family and all of my friends".... What a gross person, talking to animatronics ...

This world is completely insane.

24483136? ago

Looks all crazy around her cheeks, ear, and neck too. That face doesn't belong to that neck it seems like.

24480545? ago

That's because it's a deep fake power AI

24480532? ago

Definitely one of her clones.

24480423? ago

New teeth

Maybe more

24480407? ago

I prefer the flavor of Hillary Classic to New Hillary!