24498183? ago

Put women in positions of power then lose your country. They are not defenders.

24492649? ago

Nostradamus was right, we are preaty doomed!

God bless Q, Trump, the White Hats, DoItQ!

24492539? ago

Rev. 12:17. It has happened.

24490059? ago

Wow. And that comment is three years old.

24489863? ago

How long do the dumb f swedes plan on supporting all these african immigrants for which there are not jobs available and if there were do not have the will or education/skills to work?

24487948? ago

This really is the last possible chance before the fall and permanent death of western culture. Whites will be out-bread 5 to 1 in every land they reside, and the powers of their nations blindly chose to import niggers form lands that didn't have people living in more than grass huts until white people invaded. Even today, EVERYTHING Africa has was built by whites. These people are unable to live civilized lives. But they are now completely taking over a land they are not even suited to living in. One of the unspokens is that AFricans in Scandinavia have horribles cases of permanent SAD or Seasonal Effective Disorder. Basically they have zero Vitamin D, and it deeply affects their minds driving them into insanity and depression with its match aggression. So you take savage child soldiers from a people who know nothing but war and destruction, who have built no great cities, no great empires in all of their history, and drop them in frozen, cloudy, no-sun Scandinavia, and wonder why they slowly go insane and become like rabid, mad dogs. There is a REASON white people are white. Its that dim, low winter sun of the North.

They will take over Scandinava and collapse everything to absolute failed state status that will see almost everybody there die. Because unlike the easy-life tropics where all you need is just food to survive, Winter doesn't fuck around when its frozen for 8-9 months of the year. If you dont' work hard, work ahead, have your shit together in the North and make the most of yoru short summers, you freeze and die. Its one of the reasons whites are they way they are, why peoples from temperate climates are hard working: Winter has no mercy, and killed all the lazy ones.

Now tropical people are invading Scandinavia, they survive elusively off the backs of the whites they hope to genocide. Its why the next decade is the turning point. If things are not corrected away from the Kalegeri Plan, then Western Civilization will be pushed to a minority and wiped out violenty. Then the fast-breeding nigger killers will themselves die off because they are useless and unable to thrive anywhere. I have no hope that a people who went from 500,000 BC to 1700's AD with NO technological or social advancement...will find civilization even if its thrust in their hands. People need to realize that Africans are...subhumans. They don't possess the capacity for civilization like all the other people's of earth. The whites, the Asians, the Indians, even the Native Americans built cities, build cultures, had empires and kingdoms and waged great wars.

24493048? ago

This really is the last possible chance before the fall and permanent death of western culture. Whites will be out-bread 5 to 1 in every land they reside, and the powers of their nations blindly chose to import niggers form lands that didn't have people living in more than grass huts until white people invaded.

Are you going to try to divide people by their skin color? I disagree with Evil behaviors. Such as dividing people by their skin color, or faith, or orientation, or gender. I agree with Good behaviors though.

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They want you DIVIDED.





United or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Atheists, Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


24497886? ago

You just don't get it.

24491381? ago

But it's okay, because Princess Victoria is smiling and waving in a ballgown and tiara! Wake up.

24487919? ago

The wars over, send them ba

24487712? ago

Sweden: your government has sold you out and destroyed your history and legacy. I have many Swedes as friends and this is totally disgusting what the powers to be did to your country.

24491393? ago

More importantly, your ROYAL FAMILY, same as the Netherlands, Denmark, and Great Britain.

THEY are the driving force behind the "globalist movement".

You're a fool if you think any different.

24487664? ago

Canada is beyond fucked too.

Middle eastern people everywhere. Pakistan/India 2.0.

The Chinese drove the price of real estate up in Vancouver to unprecedented prices.

Below the poverty line we have a methamphetamine epidemic. Just go into YouTube, type in any major city in Canada and meth epidemic, and you'll get scores of documentaries and stories. Politicians do nothing about it either. Meth does way more destruction than heroin in the cities. It's unbelievable what's going on in my city. A cheap drug that last hours and creates psychosis. Sdmh.

24487332? ago

Yet Barbra Spectre and her rabbi husband live the good life there.

24486930? ago

They will continue to destroy beautiful countries till we stop them. Globalist assault on all that is white, peaceful and prosperous.

24491324? ago

It's important here to NAME the Globalists. This isn't done often enough except in a vague fashion. What people neglect to mention is that it is the "royal" families at the helm of these nations who are actively seeking the destruction of their native populations!

Is it because people are fed up and seeing how utterly irrelevant "royals" are in this day and age?

Is it out of greed or boredom?

Either way, they are an important main contributor to the mass influx of third world refugees yet are rarely mentioned as part of the problem.
Perhaps people feel if they dress up in ballgowns and tiaras, wave, smile and perform "charitable acts" the people will forget.

Claiming they have little power is also bullshit. Governments are formed in the monarch's name. Armies are formed and serve in the monarch's name.

People need to wake up to the problem here. Outside of the British monarch, people rarely heard about "royalty" when I was growing up. Now they are in the news daily on an ever increasing basis.

Wake up people.

24488482? ago

In this case they is Swedish women

24488608? ago

The Muslims actually doing the damage have no responsibility whatsoever? Ok. The untouchable , unindictable , Muslim does as his culture dictates while we blame our own women for being raped and murdered.

24490674? ago

They're begging for it. If your wife insists on letting a wandering rabid animal in the house and then gets attacked, you're gonna feel sorry for her? Let's not mince words here. Those stupid fucking bitches greeted the savages with welcome signs. Are you denying this? Not a word from the "good" women shaming this disgraceful behavior. Yeah, they've earned most of the blame if you pick a specific demographic group. Aren't many of the Scandinavian countries politically run mostly by women?

24491535? ago

so many agendas at voat

24491551? ago

and JoeMac the porno merchant spamming negroid pornography domains from apefrica? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3897072

24486913? ago

Have property values plummeted there in the past decade?

24497311? ago

No, the opposite. Unless swedes start leaving the country prices will continue to rise.

24485939? ago

That was my experience in the French towns along the Rhone in 2017. Lyon was worse!

24485668? ago

Great Twitter acount from Sweden, lots of eyeopeners.


24489233? ago

Oh, this is weird. I knew you meant Peter Sweden because I follow him on Twitter too. I just checked and I wasn't following him anymore.

I've heard people say that Twitter manipulates followers but this is the first time I've actually seen it.

24489393? ago

Weird it is, problem is when you follow alot of people, you don't even notice when your unfollowing.

Manipulation is a thing.

24489417? ago

Exactly! I really enjoyed his tweets - he spreads truth and news that we never see in America.

24489454? ago

I live in the Netherlands, not really far from Sweden. It's interesting to read his tweets, and then seeing there's nothing about it on the MSM.

24489514? ago

The only way for us to get real info is from citizen journalists. I've been using TikTok to following the protests and riots here. Their algorithm shows you more of what you "like" so I see a lot. I'm not sure of EU coverage.

24485643? ago

My bro also had bought a holiday house in Sweden in the 90ties. It was beautiful, rural area, just at a lake.

It was really a nice place... and so peaceful. You could hang out there and leave doors open, when going for a walk or shopping in the village close by.

Luckily he sold it already years ago - because he decided it was too far from his home (Switzerland)...

I was sad when he sold it then.

But today I just can say, he sold it just at the right time!

24485578? ago

That's what the Jews want to do in all white countries.

24491369? ago

I'd be a lot more concerned with the royals who are actually heads of these states than I would "jews".

The governments are not formed in the jew's name.

The armies do not swear allegiance to the jew.

They DO to the monarchies.

The jew sure makes a clever scapegoat though for you to look away from the royals creating problems though, don't they.

It sure worked for World Wars 1 and 2.

All to distract from from the power plays while Victoria and Christian's grand kids were fighting amongst themselves...

Learn history and wake up.

The Jews didn't start the globalist Bilderberg meetings. Nope, that was the Prince of Orange, a royal.

Wake up.

24487210? ago

Want to do? They're doing it already.

24485504? ago

Those libturd swedes get everything coming to them for allowing these ANIMALS into there once great country

24487342? ago

Barbra Spectre and her rabbi husband are to blame, but yeah, libtard swedes as well. Thing is, not everyione in Sweden is a liberal.

24486849? ago

Being invaded by foreigners that hate your culture is what happens when you let the Jews own you.

24487199? ago

Jews rock!

24488795? ago

Thanks Jews!

24485586? ago

Take a look at Minnesotan before pointing the finger at other people.

24486995? ago

Obama built that.

24485608? ago

Freely admittedly both shit holes overflowing with mud ppl who worship a moon god.....so what's your point?

24485447? ago

Israel is still beautiful, maybe they will let you in

24492197? ago

No it's not. It's literally a 3rs world shithole, with dirt streets and poverty ass houses you see all over the middle east.

With the billions we send them for no reason, your think their country wouldn't look so poverty .

24485595? ago

Only if you're 100% Jewish. They do a DNA test.

24485624? ago

I can buy a rat for a sample.

24485523? ago

Open Borders for Saudi and Israel? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3773743

24485419? ago

No it's not Sweden. It's Denmark. Wtf is wrong with your brain?

24485540? ago

24485549? ago

You're a bot or insane.

24485507? ago

both mud ppl shitholes