24402796? ago

That tattoo is not a masonic eagle. There is no available evidence Floyd was a Mason. Try again retards.

24402097? ago


24402087? ago

Floyd died of a drug overdose, stop lying.

24402074? ago

They have already brought it to our doorsteps.

24401771? ago

Stephen Jackson played basketball, not baseball, called Floyd his Twin.

24401496? ago

Fuck [freemasons]

24400841? ago

Is there No Fucking Help for the WIDOW's son? Shit, they killed Joseph Smith too when all he did was burn down the local printing press for exposing his fuckery.

24401527? ago

Modern day Diagoras the Atheist.

24400773? ago

Tv media broadcast the ritual over and over again? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3865523

24400744? ago

Masons are shabbos? so what exactly are " shabbos goy "

24400526? ago

He knew too much.

24400718? ago

Odd Fellows, La Raza, Soros.... some IOOF members, possibly RedMen https://streamable.com/o2xkf9

24400373? ago

Downvoted for "We was Killed by a Freemason."

(We wasn't. It's a lie.)

24401535? ago

All crooked cops are masons.

24400382? ago

And you know this how?

You actually think Cops in Minneapolis aren't Freemasons?

24400267? ago

Masonic eagle with sword tattoo on Gorge Floyds Chest. - Pure and simple lie to anyone with eyes.

Show us where the bad Freemason touched you, OP ... you've been spamming this shit all day.

24401597? ago

so if OP is warning us of 'bad' freemasons, who are the 'good' ones?

24401837? ago

The OP is a lying uneducated cunt. That's what has been established.

24401652? ago

The already dead ones.

24401502? ago

Found the mason! Go circumambulate a lodge.

24401846? ago

What's the matter, you have a problem with truth and facts?

24400315? ago

24400336? ago

Yes ... you are obviously blind and dishonest. Why don't you claim anyone with an eagle tattoo is a Mason? It seems that is what you are doing. IT'S A FUCKING EAGLE, not a FUCKING SYMBOL. The IQ is low in this one.

24400376? ago

It is a Mason symbol. No other eagle is grasping a sword with both talons.

24401510? ago

You are correct. That mason is furious!

24400363? ago

"The IQ is low WITH this one." Not "in."


24400496? ago

Grammar not Grammer ... lol ....

"The IQ is low IN this one." is perfectly correct. Sorry, it's too easy to expose you, just like your post.

24400228? ago

George Floyd was a convicted felon and not a Freemason. Prince Hall has very strict rules and they know who are the felons because most Prince Hall masons work for the Prisons.

24401516? ago

Masons can be convicted criminals. Why do you pretend they can’t?

24407378? ago

They are kicked out of the organization. Why you pretend you aren't mouth breather?

24407444? ago

So things have changed since the days of Albert Pike?

Masons don't recognize our courts or our laws, since cattle do not have the right to have such things. They will provide assistance to any brother who is fleeing the law.

24409044? ago

They 100% do recognize courts. clearly you have just read debunked articles. Some places if you are convicted in the Civil Court or Criminal Court you are automatically kicked out. But that would require you to read primary sources instead of whatever drivel you spent your minimum wage money on. They will not help someone in violation of local, state or national law.

24400699? ago

Why do so many Jester and Shriners get arrested for criminal shit, pedo stuff, human trafficking? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3884731/24379041

24407366? ago

that's after the fact and they are kicked out.

24400174? ago

John Locke look up his death son of a widower.