SearchVoatBot ago

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Shillaxe ago

I seriously doubt George is even dead.

FingerMcGee ago

Besides being an ex-NFL player, does Larry Johnson have any bone-fides to speak on freemasonry and satanism?

Really, I am sincerely interested.

Psalm67 ago

Hat are the “bona fides” necessary to speak on these topics that you are looking for? Any sincere person can do research and come to understanding. Are you looking for a particular degree in these subjects? Inquiring minds need to know! “REALLY, I AM INTERESTED!”

Joe10jo ago

I think McGee’s asking if Johnson has personally witnessed a sacrifice rather than being like most of us who can only post what we’ve found via research.

MerrylandYBeerHeenya ago


Quicktor ago

Tell us about Penn State, you know anyone who was Jo Pa'd?...or Sandusky'd?...

Podge512 ago

Solve et coagula, as Archbishop Vigano tried to warn President Trump.

SearchVoatBot ago

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i_scream_trucks ago

So why were you speeding today... Mr... Larry Johnson?