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24337645? ago

Hey anon! I think we talked a few days ago, that annoying shill went fucking off as soon as you got close to the subject, can't wait to see them come out of the woodworks again! If you or anyone else has a condensed book list for the sources he quotes I would love to see it.

24338056? ago

What was the shill trying to protect?

24338238? ago

He was just shit posting and subject sliding. Standard shill MO. The topic was that Hitler was an infiltrator sent to take over the young and rising NAZI (or nationalist sentiment) party and march the up and coming non banker controlled Germany into the Russian snow to their deaths.

24338280? ago

What a fucking bullshitter. Hitler was the only man who fought the banks and loved his people and nation dearly.

Do you have a link?

24339930? ago

I am the “shill” that anon is referring to. Here’s the conversation he didn’t want linked for obvious reasons.

I am happy to answer any questions you might have. You’ll find confluence in my posts in that thread, and the words of Bill Cooper in Mystery Babylon. That guy knew what was up. RIP.