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24311571? ago

Jesuit trained wolves have been called out for hundreds of years.

Brennan was called out on day 1.

24311602? ago

You mean jews.

24311670? ago

No derp. Jesuits. There is more then 1 bad group on the planet. You sound retarded.

24339938? ago

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24311714? ago


24311852? ago

That isn’t the Jews. They live worse than us, but those khazars have to be there or else no one will build the third temple.

Imagine being so dumb that you think the rulers of earth are trapped slavishly trying to fulfill a prophecy. Is that what ruling the earth looks like?

They’re just another level on the pyramid. They’re not the capstone.

24311903? ago

oy vey its not the jews, goyim. Its everybody else!! shaloms

24313046? ago

Can you please explain the relationship between the Jews and the Japanese Yakuza, who are a sun worshipping franchise of the Babylonian mystery schools and who act as muscle for the rulers of Japan in the same way the Hell’s Angels or MS13 do here?

Or would you explain at which point in the freemasons’ history they changed from descendants of the knights of the temple of Solomon to Jews?

The nazis, with their sun crosses, were also a franchise of the Babylonian mystery schools. Jewish?

Perhaps you think the ancient Mayans were jewish too?

You’re confused and ignorant. Or you’re just here to astroturf “muhjoo” bullshit.

24313119? ago

Your jewry will not work here. Jews own & control everything. Not the Yakuza, "Hells Angels" or MS13, which is helped by CIA.

Or would you explain at which point in the freemasons’ history they changed from descendants of the knights of the temple of Solomon to Jews?

oy vey goyim, the Jesuits own the federal reserve and central banks and all of our medias YEAH!!!

The nazis, with their sun crosses, were also a franchise of the Babylonian mystery schools. Jewish?


Perhaps you think the ancient Mayans were jewish too?

oy vey everybody's bad. Leave the poor jews alone because that fake holohoax was reelz in our minds.

You’re confused and ignorant. Or you’re just here to astroturf “muhjoo” bullshit.

No, you dirty kike, I am here to educate the sheep on who's behind everything bad and that triggers you baby dick blood sucker dog fuckers.

24313369? ago

I’m saved by Jesus Christ, who is the son of God and who died on the cross for all our sins. I challenge (you) to say the same often, but you never ever do.

Yakuza is not assisted by the CIA. They are funded by corruption within Japan. All businesses (there are really only like five of them) systematically pay tribute to the Yakuza, who use the money to keep Japan’s dynastic unified racial/religious state going.

Now I have no problem with racial states or states with prevalent and unified religions. But I do have a problem with the dynastic part.

This brings us to the nazis, whose SS tried to set up a dynastic unified racial/religious state under the Generalplan Ost. Millions of Ukrainian CHRISTIANS were murdered to make room for the fuure Germanic settlers, who would have lived under a state that, terrifyingly, resembled modern north korea in its description.

Note that nazi “archaeologists” found “aryans” in ancient Maya, in Tibet, in ancient Greece... all places the Germanic people never lived. What they found, of course, was the dynastic unified racial/religious state.

You see, it doesn’t matter what race runs the state to these people. So long as it is a unified race. The Babylonian mystery schools are happy to replace the US and UK (which, from their perspective, are the tail end of this particular empire and so, like Rome and others before it, must be flooded with unwelcome immigrants and degeneracy) with China and NK.

You are fixated on your whiteness, when it does not matter. Indeed, they might prefer a slave race of asians, since they’re obviously easier to control. You’re a useful idiot for (((Hitler))) and the (((sun worshipping nazis))).

Open your eyes. It’s not just the Jews, and most Jews are just cattle like us. The enemy is bigger.

24313473? ago

I’m saved by Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ despised jews and the only time Jesus ever used profanity and violence was when dealing with jews.

Yakuza is not assisted by the CIA. They are funded by corruption within Japan.

Who cares about Japan, kike? Nice try at diversion. nOT!

This brings us to the nazis, whose SS tried to set up a dynastic unified racial/religious state under the Generalplan Ost. Millions of Ukrainian CHRISTIANS were murdered to make room for the fuure Germanic settlers, who would have lived under a state that, terrifyingly, resembled modern north korea in its description.

oy vey its the ebil Nazis, guise!! Jews are totally our friends and we should let them abort babies and use their body parts and blood for jewish cuisine!!

Note that nazi “archaeologists

lol How dumb are you, jew?

You see, it doesn’t matter what race runs the state to these people.

oy vey it doesn't matter what the jews do. Its everybody else who are the problem! oy vey its the Babylonians!!!

You are fixated on your whiteness, when it does not matter.

oy vey jews are white!

You’re a useful idiot for (((Hitler)))

Mean ol' Hitler had a seformed micro penis and was jewish, guise. shaloms!

and most Jews are just cattle like us. The enemy is bigger.

oy vey it isn't us jews, you dirty goyim, its the jewish enenmies who are the problem. Where the baby dick blood at? shalom

24314103? ago

Jesus Christ despised jews and the only time Jesus ever used profanity and violence was when dealing with jews.

It is clear you haven’t read the bible.

It was actions he responded to. Not race.

Who cares about Japan, kike? Nice try at diversion. nOT!

That you cannot see the connection does not mean it is not there.

oy vey its the ebil Nazis, guise!! Jews are totally our friends and we should let them abort babies and use their body parts and blood for jewish cuisine!!

Since you lack the honesty to accurately summarize my position, you should stick to just quoting me directly.

I’m fully opposed to Talmudism and Qabbalah. That is a small subset of the Jewish population, the vast majority of whom are cattle just like us.

My only point is that the Talmudic Qabbalah Jews are not the eye of the pyramid. They don’t even constitute the whole pyramid.

lol How dumb are you, jew?

It was in quotes because we all know they were just philosophers.

This whole “aryan supremacist” thing you have fallen for is the exoteric meaning of nazi philosophy. I.e., it is for the cattle (and it’s having exactly the effect on you that (((they))) want it to). Esoterically, nazism is just Tibetan death buddhism, a map for creating an “aryan” society, i.e., a unified race/religion/state, that is dynastically ruled.

Read up how the average Aryan would have lived in the east under the SS’s direct rule. Yeoman on his acre sounds awesome, but have you looked at the way they would have controlled breeding and eliminated the family entirely?

The nazis were also bad guys. They’re same team as the Talmudic Qabbalah Jews and the British Crown/British Israelites AND the Soviets. There was never any real struggle at all. Only death, mostly of Christian patriots.

oy vey it doesn't matter what the jews do. Its everybody else who are the problem! oy vey its the Babylonians!!!

The fact that you aren’t bothering to argue honestly speaks volumes. You’re clearly just here to make us all look like ignorant Jew haters.

Mean ol' Hitler had a seformed micro penis and was jewish, guise. shaloms!

oy vey it isn't us jews, you dirty goyim, its the jewish enenmies who are the problem. Where the baby dick blood at? shalom

You mentioned the penis thing, anon. Just like (you) do, every single time.

Funny how obsessed (((you))) are with penises.

Hey, have you seen the penis worshipping festival in Japan? We’ve come full circle now, haven’t we? It appears comical from the outside, but it all goes back to ancient eastern philosophy, the worship of the male power to create, of the sun god and of infinite (re)birth. Japan was once the seat of power in the East, the eye to which all tributes flowed. 日本, the “seat of the sun.”

Hey brother, do you travel? You know, from East to West? I bet you do!

24314168? ago

Stopped reading right hither:

Talmudic Qabbalah Jews are not the eye of the pyramid


24314259? ago

I bet you did. I wasn’t writing for your benefit though.