24342888? ago

Bump. All anons need to read Bill Cooper. The enemy is the mystery babylon schools that Bill exposes. Bill was killed for this work.

24341788? ago

So, I don't know where OP sourced this, but it is like gold. I literally searched the entire internet the other knight for a cozy podcast, and could only find ONE episode of 'The Hour of Our Time', which based on my research was maximum comfiness.

24342967? ago

This program ties it all together. Q is literate in the symbols used by the mystery Babylon schools and is talking to (((them))).

It’s like a manual on how to identify (((them))). Symbolism will be their downfall!

Btw, if it were just muhjoos like some posters insist, why would symbolism be their downfall? We already recognize and understand Jewish symbols. But it is not common for normal people to even be aware of mystery babylonian symbols. covers one eye

24341562? ago

Listened to his series about 2 years ago. Great stuff. Every once in a while I go back for more, always learn something more each time. Awesome stuff. Thanks for getting this out there. Masons and Mormons need to hear this stuff. And yes, you can denounce your masonic oaths and mormon temple oaths. God thru Christ Jesus is very forgiving.

24342979? ago

And all the ridiculous nazi fags round these parts. As Bill painstakingly lays out... nazis all fell for one of (((their))) myths and went to war for (((them))), who benefited greatly from the deaths of all those Russian patriots and German patriots.

There’s simply no way Hitler expected any other outcome from invading Russia. It was intentional.

24341054? ago

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24339776? ago

I’m so gratified to see more and more Bill Cooper fans around here.

Mystery Babylon was my redpill. Absolute mindblower. And it’s still fresh all these years later. The programs on the Nazis woke me from my slumber permanently. If you have ever wanted to know the truth about them, it’s here.

24339190? ago

My husband was redpilled by this book years ago, and has just this week begun re-reading it (as it's been over 20 years) and amazed at some of the stuff he'd forgotten that's openly happening or has happened...

And George Orwell's 1984 should be required reading too. Now I want a copy...

24339108? ago

Does he say the Holocaust is real or fake?

His credibility rests on that question.

24339846? ago

Largely discusses it as mostly Christian Ukrainians killed by the occult SS to make room for their freaky society in which the state raises children. But doesn’t explore any hoax aspects.

24339970? ago

That itself is enough bullshit to poison the well.

The holodormor and the rest of the red terror was done by the Jewish NKVD in Ukraine not the SS.

Commies were the ones into state raising children, natsoc were about nuclear family.

Because he was wrong about that i suspect he is a limited hangout by the enemy.

24341211? ago

natsoc were about nuclear family.

Is that what they taught you when you were in the Hitler Youth organization?

24343067? ago


24343137? ago

That was communism retard.

Stalin made a national hero of the kid who turned in his parents

24343605? ago

Are you literally unaware of the Hitler Youth?

What faggotry is this?

24343687? ago

I don't even care to entertain whatever your lies are about the Hitler youth. It was boyscouts without faggots and pedos. US boyscouts was literally modeled on HJ. It was great until Jews forced them to accept gay counselors and then obviously they turned out to also be pedos.

Is there anything a kike has told you that you didn't compleatly believe.

I'm even more convinced cooper was a limited hangout, because you faggots believe all the interesting spooky shit, but that have an uneventful belief in all the lies Kikes really care about that keep you in line.

Better demonize the path to freedom from jewish/cabal/pedo rule goy.

24343902? ago

The path to freedom is:

  • Christ, not heathen sun worship and sun cross/swastika idols

  • A strong republic, not an SS dictatorship

  • The family, not SS breeding programs and SS child indoctrination groups who encouraged children to turn their parents in to the state for wrongthink

  • A constitution that protects individual liberty and limits the state, not fucking SOCIALISM LOL!

  • Did I mention Christ? Because all you sun worshipping faggots begging for national SOCIALISM to save you from the Jew (like, is the irony there somehow lost on you? Socialism is literally a Jewish form of government devised for their goyim cattle)

24344321? ago

"our movement is a Christian movement" - Adolph Hitler.

Maybe you should ease off the Jewish influence.

For someone who claims to be Christian you sure do worship the killers of Christ and swallow all of their lies and propaganda without a second thought.

You must be a subversive Jew i can't believe anyone is still that dense to believe natsoc is the same thing as jewish socialism. If it was made today it would have been called natcap because capitalism is more popular here.

24344405? ago

"our movement is a Christian movement" - Adolph Hitler.

Maybe you should ease off the Jewish influence.

Ha ha ha!

I guess you think NK is a democratic people’s republic.

One isn’t Christian because one proclaims it to be so. It is one’s actions and choices that are determinative.

Nazism is paganism. If you disagree you’re ignorant of the philosophical underpinnings of the ideology and have zero basis to be taking that tone.

For someone who claims to be Christian you sure do worship the killers of Christ and swallow all of their lies and propaganda without a second thought.

Bill Cooper and Q are Jewish propaganda. What fucking faggotry.

You must be a subversive Jew i can't believe anyone is still that dense to believe natsoc is the same thing as jewish socialism. If it was made today it would have been called natcap because capitalism is more popular here.

There is a gaping, yawning, unbridgeable chasm between socialism and capitalism. I’m fully on board with nationalist capitalism, but that is not at all what existed under Nazi national socialism.

Heh, state owned industry producing items like “people’s cars” without private competition is “capitalism?” KEK!!!

24344679? ago

Fuck off kike.

24345064? ago

Who is the kike? The one who wants to trick us into thinking fucking socialism will free us? Or the guy saying faith in Christ is an essential part of freedom?


24345368? ago

You are the lying kike rat.

24345391? ago

Jesus Christ is Lord and it is only through him that anyone can be saved. I will pray you find him.

24345458? ago

Then stop judging people who aren't brainwashed by jewry you fucking retard.

Judging is Christ's job alone.

I am telling you as a brother in Christ that these Jews, the very same ones who murdered Jesus are lying to you, they have been lying to you your whole life. They want to trick you into going to hell. They are playing games with your head and making you hate the good guys while following the bad.

If good wills it i pray your mind is free from their control.

24345650? ago

I’m telling you with the same urgency, it’s not just the Jews (and it’s not all Jews).

Nazism failed because it was designed to. Under no circumstances is invading Russia a good idea. It universally results in defeat.

Come on man, Hitler the genius figured out how to use currency perfectly. He restored Germany from a reparations shithole to one of the top 3 world powers, in less than a decade. He steamrolled France AND gave the Queen’s troops a dignified sendoff in brilliant blitzkrieg....

... then sent enough troops to defend Germany indefinitely into the endless Russian winter, to face the Slavic horde.

Later, as Germans starved, he was living it up in Chilean wine country as all the supposed “good guys” from Germany got picked up in Operation Paperclip and carried right on working for the “good guys” in the (((post WW2 US government))). That’s right, the supposed jew killing nazis you adore ended up all working for the Jew in America?

The story is fucking nonsense. It’s got more holes than the old testament.

Anon, he’s not /ourguy/, he’s a pagan, he kept the company of all manners of degenerates, he turned the children of his country against their parents with brainwashing, he murdered Ukrainian and Russian patriots and Christians, and then took his just desserts for his contumacy.

Bill lays it all out. Give it a read. It’s long, dense, and requires a lot of side digging. All of it is important, not just the chapters on Nazis. It is imperative that you recognize (((their))) symbols.

24340060? ago

Race and Resettlement Bureau. The plans for an SS state in the East are illuminating. Really, there is no difference between socialism and communism. It’s all just government for cattle.

24343205? ago

Natsoc wasn't socialism.

The difference and it's a big one is communism was a jewish minority dictatorship vs nationalism when a nation is run for it's majority people not for hostile minorities.

24343596? ago

Why would the majority want their kids turning them in to the state for ideology impurity?

Did the majority vote for the same kind of socialist controls over society after the Nazis were defeated? Why not?

24338927? ago

Thank you for this link patriot.

I will download the mp3s.

This guy was a major thinker.

24339444? ago

What do you know about Steve Jackson and the Illuminati card game?

24342069? ago

tape runs out

"They'll never clean my cage"

24338275? ago


You must understand that, real or not, the purported presence of aliens have been used to neutralize certain widely different segments of the population: "Don't worry, the benevolent space brothers will save you."

It can also be used to fill the need for an extraterrestrial threat to justify the formation of a New World Order: "The aliens are a threat to us."

The most important information that you need to determine your future actions is that this New World Order calls for the destruction of the sovereignty of nations, including the United States.

The New World Order cannot, and will not, allow our Constitution to continue to exist.

The New World Order will be a totalitarian socialist system. We will be slaves shackled to a cashless system of economic control.

If the documentation that I viewed while I was in Naval Intelligence is true, then what you have just read is probably closer to the truth than anything ever written.

If extraterrestrials are a hoax, then what you just read is exactly what the Illuminati wants you to believe.

I can assure you beyond any shadow of a doubt, that even if aliens are not real, the technology IS REAL.

Antigravity craft exist and human pilots fly them. I and millions of others have seen them.

They are metal; they are machines; they come in different shapes and sizes; and they are obviously intelligently guided.

-William “Bill” Cooper

Cooper predicted a 9/11-type event months before it happened and then was targeted and killed (as he also predicted) a few weeks after 9/11.

“On June 28, 2001, the ex-Navy veteran told listeners to his popular radio show that Osama bin Laden was about to be blamed for ‘a major attack’ on a large city.”

24339785? ago

Shills fucking hate Bill Cooper.

24338119? ago


^ Listen where he tells you that the future pandemics have easily curable solutions (Hydrocloroquine + Zpak + Zinc) for the elite but they will let the people die until they reap enough to reach for 'liveable' level.

24339779? ago

Time stamp?

24338058? ago

he knowingly pushed fake news about the JFK assassination driver-with-a-gun theory. Easily refutable. Sorry but I wouldn't listen to him without critically questioning how he comes by his information or reaches conclusions.

Like any 'truth teller', really

24343084? ago

No he didn’t. He told the tale of how the CIA diluted the impact of real tapes by selling 1,000 copies for $2 on a NYC street corner.

24338663? ago

Are you talking about where he said the driver shot him then his wife was crawling out of the car to get away from the driver? If so, how was it easily refuted?

24338359? ago

He himself came out and said that he had been fed a shit ton of misinformation, but never clarified what it was.

24338048? ago

What is the Mystery Babylon Series about?

24342741? ago

the Truth for just about everything around you. He covers many subjects. He told us what would happen back in the early 90's about what IS happening right now. Either he had a crystal ball or he knew in advance and was warning us. Everything is planned, nothing is coincidental.

24339826? ago

Check the PDF, read the last chapter, “darkness.” It should grip you immediately. He should have led with it.

Our world has been run by a series of franchises of the Babylonian (where we assume it started, but the presence of ancient pyramids, swastikas, and human sacrifice worldwide in the antediluvian world suggests it’s much older) mystery schools (so called because the earliest franchises we know of were described euphemistically as “pondering the ancient mysteries”).

Each franchise is a system of initiation from without, promotion from within, crypto lucifer worship, and blood oaths of contumacy (loyalty, i.e., follow orders).

Freemasons. Ismailis. Jesuits. Much of Judaism. Scientologists. Nazis. The communist part of china. The Kim dynasty. Just a few of the more recently relevant franchises. All heads on the same hydra.

Further, Q speaks their comms, uses their symbols, and appears to be calling them all out. Basically, this work shows you the enemy. Read it carefully, recognize the symbolism Bill painstakingly (and boringly at times) leads you to. Once you do, you’ll recognize the face of the enemy anywhere. It really is true, symbolism will be their downfall.

24337676? ago

Great series

24337673? ago

William Carr Pawns in the game even better

24337645? ago

Hey anon! I think we talked a few days ago, that annoying shill went fucking off as soon as you got close to the subject, can't wait to see them come out of the woodworks again! If you or anyone else has a condensed book list for the sources he quotes I would love to see it.

24339857? ago

Check out chapter 17 in the pdf. Bill rattles off an invaluable collection.

He drops lots of other great sauce randomly throughout the program too.

24338056? ago

What was the shill trying to protect?

24338238? ago

He was just shit posting and subject sliding. Standard shill MO. The topic was that Hitler was an infiltrator sent to take over the young and rising NAZI (or nationalist sentiment) party and march the up and coming non banker controlled Germany into the Russian snow to their deaths.

24339868? ago

Bill Cooper takes that position in Mystery Babylon

And he’s right. Hitler was a tool for the British Crown. Retired comfy courtesy of the crown too.

24338280? ago

What a fucking bullshitter. Hitler was the only man who fought the banks and loved his people and nation dearly.

Do you have a link?

24341244? ago

loved his people and nation dearly.

Hitler was not German, and those were not his people, he was born Austrian, from an empire that did not even include Germany. He was an imposter who steered Germany to war, misery, and ruin.

24342997? ago

Then retired to Chilean wine country while his people starved after the war.

Such a patriot! clink

24339930? ago

I am the “shill” that anon is referring to. Here’s the conversation he didn’t want linked for obvious reasons.


I am happy to answer any questions you might have. You’ll find confluence in my posts in that thread, and the words of Bill Cooper in Mystery Babylon. That guy knew what was up. RIP.

24338306? ago

Then why did he march his armies into the Russian snow to die?

24338319? ago

I don't know man, got cocky, everyone makes mistakes. Napoleon did the same. He was probably high on meth.

24343016? ago

Then why did he retire in Chile, wineries all about, while the Germans starved post ww2?


24347985? ago

Really weird how many people are responding to this and a day later, the post isn't even public anymore.....almost makes me think like there's an agenda here.....

24349229? ago

OP 20 hours ago, the middle of the night.

The post you're calling odd is 12 hours after that, the morning.

The real agenda is (you), trying to paint reasoned posts on the perfidy of the nazis as "odd."

24352661? ago

You ever heard of working faggot?

24339872? ago

That’s no mistake. (((Napoleon))) the mason (i.e., agent of the crown) also did it, to wholly predictable results.

Didn’t he retire comfy just like Hitler did too?

Doesn’t the British Crown hate the Russians too? 2 birds with one stone!

24338340? ago

Or he was under their thumb just the same.

24337931? ago

OMG, they annoy the shit out of me, not that they shill, but that they're so dumb and obvious about it. What happened to the smart ones?

Anyway, I have everything...somewhere, and that is the problem. I just drop it all in a "bucket" and figure I"ll sort it out one day. That day has yet to arrive. lol

24338298? ago

What happened to the smart ones ?

The smart ones probably woke up :P

24338060? ago

Right? Reminded me of 12 year olds on video games, every other word was faggot. Bots troll better than some of these goons. I can tell you exactly what happened to the smart ones, depending on their moral compass they either got a pay raise and put into a government or corporate position or were blank slated. Be sure to drop that list when you get around to it (sooner rather than later please, shit is heating up and I can only read 600 pages a day) Save this post and link me to it when the time comes.

24340067? ago
