24187663? ago

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24182210? ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Fresh-Oxygen.

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24181956? ago

It is a copy pasta

I wrote this on QRV: perhaps that I will got more chances in this place.

It is just certain observations and I am intriguated by what VOAT think about it and help me to modify what could be wrong

Thanks for tour help patriots.

I am already downvoated and attack by the shills, so I have surely post some good things, I think.

I will try to give the link to pizzagate, to see how mush that I have miss and how the people here will think about it.

So I will got a better idea of the today VOAT population as a free speech place and if there is people with a certain knowledge.

24181821? ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @Fresh-Oxygen.

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24181538? ago

3.5/3 (Just posting here for more visibilitily, it is a test but I am interrested about how the persons from VOAT will answer, not the Glowie of course, unless it is just now glowie and pederast freemasons and child molesters luciferians lefty poll and serial killers from david brock the pederast kike whose larp a fake heart attack).

Someone say that boycortting was useless.

Here's my answer

Boycotting does not work? Really?

Try to let trending #BoycottMoeshe on twatter and see what will happened.

Also, stop using the word "Whites" Hurr Durr the White race, the fucking flying fuck that is the white race? Stop being endoctrinated by the parasite and speaking and writing like a retard 5 years old.

We are the Caucasians people, even if white and black are not a color, we are not defined by the color of our skin (Orange to pink in fact mostly, sometimes pale skin, even some time dark like the Mediterranean) we are defined biologically and the Caucasians are a allready a group of different races with a different genetic than the group of different races negroids and other races. Our ennemy hate that, because it ruin their globalist plan to create a mongrel slave race and their bullshit about we are all humans with the same IQ and culture.

Do not forget that the elite has transformed the last class war in a race war to divide the people when these fuckers are escaping and laughing having rending us powerless .

Mysoginy bullshit(brainwashing women into stronk cavemen), women(mothers of our children) are bad rethoric bullshit,

homophobia bullshit to push the pedos as a normal thing like the criminality of the pedo elite full all over the place.

Exactly what wish a foreign group if it is to genocide us.

It is Caucasians, like there is different blood and that we are not bleeding the same blood (A+, A-, O-, B, AB) , Caucasians means that we are not just a fucking skin but biologically far different from the other races and their shitty IQ. The Caucasians are not seeing and understanting the world like the sandnogs semites or the chineses. A chinese will saw more easily the phisionomy diffrerences between his own bugmens when he will have more difficulty to understand it for the Caucasians. A SandNog could be more easely violent with dogs without feeling any empathy. etc...

We are the Caucasians and not the white bullshit. Be proud of of your tribe.

And tell the world that diffrerent species are seeing the world differently because of their genetics.

And that these 269 companies want us dead. The most violently possible in sacrifice for their fake idol satan.

Now look at who is behind these evil companies and remeber that in the Holodomor, the people have to exchange their children to not butchred their own children and sold the part like in a butchery to not starve and survive like our best allly full of cannibals explained them and launched this horrible monstruosity.

That the bolchevics pushed by our greattest ally make the most intelligents chineses in the revolution to eat bugs to degrade them before murdering them.

Say Negroids.

Say Caucasians.

Stop playing their game of control when they are laughing at us.

We can boycott these fuckers, they will go elsewhere, they will be butthurt because it is more for an agenda than money and it us that they want to destroy in priority, and we build even better good things for us and our children. And they will be with their shitty products in third worlds countries lowering their prices. We can boycott the fuckers. They are even panicking that we could boycott them so It tells everything that we need to know.

24181446? ago


Now understand that the USA government is the most jewish ever, that there is behind this a gigantic tribal cabal on mountains of gold and inimaginable wealth for the commun of the mortals working with the different banksters family even if the redchildbauer bank family is the final boss and also the boss of china and saudi arabia ,making soros himself pissing in his trousers just hearing their names.

So Caucasians people, what have you?

-Guns, this is really good, they are scare of it even if they have the samson project with your own nuclear bombs. And Bunkers palace under earth in Sweden and New Zealand with cages ready to put children in it.

-Trump Q+ follow the plan, we are the soldiers and will do the work, but if you the keyboard warriors could not make a trending hashtag on twatter, we are in deepshit if a fag from CNN said a bad thing about us. OK

So enjoy the show and do nothing but be keyboard warriors OK and forget about Voat Pizzagate full of mossad and even alephantis and even celebrities like Rose Mc Gowann posting about her sjw bullshit like we care, this girl came from one of this satanic jewish pedo cult in her childhood like Assange, and always these cults are disguise as nazis to make the Caucasians and Hitler evil.

Lynn de BauerRapechild said to Trump on twatter 3 years ago that he will be the next hitler, a menace, so Trump is a little scare about it and act now like walking on eggs, after all, the same evil banksters family family transformed Hitler in the worst evil monster ever when he just want to help his people to not become the next Holodomor and hope that the other races does the same for their own, that each country became a beautiful prosperous ethnostate. It was a good dream that I like. His error was to put away the Jews, because tooking back their theft, stopping their degeneracy and child mollesting when helping to create Israel,

This was an error, tortured phisically the Jews if you want, send them in masturbations camps but never try to took your money back from their theft, never obligated them to work or help a goyim society, never stop their genocide or they will genocide you. And then we got the 6 billlions jews transformed in soap and even the allies have to paid for this.

Even if the banksters want that most of the Jews all over the world come back to Israel to kill even more palestinians and destroying more Christians houses and then sending even more third world trash savages to the Caucasians places when transforming all of ultra healthy Africa in a Jewish reptilian place with their pets, the perfect pets slaves, aka the little greys insectoids chineses people.

And then Building the new third temple of satan with a demonic A.I. or just a crazy rabbi as the antichrist.

This is biblical, everything is corrupt to high levels to the grounds by a 10 000 years satanist thieves cult whose like barbaric satan rituals and love to cosplay as their victims to hide. Like satan like to put masks, they are enjoying to take the identity of their victims.

Do not forget that the gitans tribe came first and then when there is a bolchevic revolution, they are the ones murdering savagely our people, like in France and the extermination of Blonde blue eyes people couple or the germans after the WW2 or London in 1666, they are helped by their cousins the muslims whose are the one transforming our places in favelas no go zones and sending the violent terrorists attacks and the Jews whose were disguise as Italians to take over the Italian mafia when projecting theitr crimes on the Italians are today less violent stabbers like the muslims and the gitans for a quick bad eye contact. They are just in the shadows pulling the stings. With quasilly all the wealth from our world in their hands.

The goblins after opening the doors of Espana to the muslims and today the orcs nogs, buying for peanutts our goods to the muslims, when the muslims have rape so mush Espana that it was like like breeding a new dog specie, we got the hot blood Spanish today. Like the Mexicans and other races whoise were breed by the luciferians, like dogs.

The goblins merchants were also behind giving the money to the muslims for the Caucasians slave trades whose has never finished to this day, they were even buying to the muslims the treasures of Espana and Europa for peanutts. But at Satanists, they also bought to the muslims 20 000 Caucasians gentiles just to tortured them to death for lucifer. These 20 000 Caucasians girls, surely really young know hell and an horrible death.

Now look at what is happening in your countries. Even if it has calm down, they have destroyed your cities and sculptures. Like rats, little by little they are destroying us. and they will come back even more powerfull.

The jews found with malice the Africans wars and then bought the slaves, then manipulate the negroes to make more wars and got more slaves, then they begin the negroid slaves trades with a plan, that later they will be used as a bio weapon, so they were making shitload of money but have their shekels in the two camps like always, so a good civil war to kill the goyims to liberate the African war criminals negroids cotton pickers, so they always win because they are in the two camps, and now they have their bio weapon ready to destroy the American colonialists with the help of the MS-13 and the Mexican mafia friend with the rockfeller behind these terrorists.

Mexican mafia, MS-13, NGO muslims and violent africans, the 60% brainwashed Cotton pickers negroids on jewish gangsta hip hop and jewish gangsta MTV, the chineses triades and jewish whore government. Americans have a lort of work today like in my country, my entire continent.

If something is wrong, do not hesitate to gave me your sources please.

And what is strange, it is this obama alefantis clinton pizzeria in DC.

The Mother of alefantis is a rotchild, the witche from South Korea, perhaps dead but her criminal web could explain why suddenly South Korea and their Kpop music full of prostitutes began to help BLM on Twatter. Using Kpop Artists most of them gaya nd in the luciferian bullshit.

This pizzeria is also a center of operations for the domestic terrorists antifas, lot of jewish pedos antifas at their leaders

This pizzeria is also behind making plans to attack the White House.

This Pizzeria is also the Homos perverts and murderers agents in the CIA

This Pizzeria is also well tied to Obama, Clinton.

This Pizzeria is behind worlwide child rings traffickers and organs traffics in connection with israel and Mossad.

This one of the most powerful person from D.C. Pizzeria alefantis was a center for real snuff movies and weirdos pedos child molesters and spirit cooking, a place to abuse violently children like eptein mossad maxwell island link by llynn de rotchild.

And they are connected with a bunch of country and pedo webs and disguise shops all over the world. I saw a justice tribunal with a ugly big 666 sculpture in front of it.

The message is to say that they are our judiciary system.

A Christian school not away has the doors looking like satanist ugly arts, the message is clear about their attention. And Greta Thunberg face paint on the walls by antifas with a strange restaurant with the FBI pedos logos on it really not far away.

This pizzeria was a pub with a backdoor for all the pedos possible and even Obama thousands dollar$ hotdog party.

This pizzeria with shareblue david brock was the place to orchestrated the boogaloo larp with their homos glowing niggers to put the narrativve that the far right are terrorists with their crook jewish journos and hope to hide that the Antifas are a Terrorist group now offoicialy.

And far more of nightmarish crimes. All over the world, infinites monstruous crimes.

Hope that the Q, Q+, the punisher, Trump and the army and the secret services patriots will helped even if it is a gargantua biblical work.

I am praying that GOD help us, that the darkness become light.

I am praying for Trump and every one of the patriots in these places, even the ones whose does not believe in Q but just want their country back and that the evil know justice.

24180873? ago


We, with 8 chan, helped a Jewish goblin female, she was an hobbo, a trash without any future, so we tried this experience and I follow a few years what she will be doing, she has stop whoring and getting STD and even got a ugly parasite in her belly, she became healthy but never stop the narcotics I think, she find an husband and got kids, she was coming from so down that it was incredible that she could has waking up like this even if she was full of shitty perverts and degenerates tattoos and never stop narcotics and raves party bullshit. She said with tears that she was happy to got the luck having a new life with money, remembering her shitty past.

She was doing sometimes little errors like for her tattoos, she is a goblin and a goblin is acting like a goblin and not a human, is normal for these kind of creatures.

In fact she was looking more and more human.

And now with all her wealth (far more than me) her beautiful life with an husband that she love like her healthy kids after her whore life on internet videos, her nature came bac, esopecially after a moment that she became rich and that she used her new celebrity full of followers to help the retards from the terrorists BLM Soros.

Cities were burning, people were killed, girls were kidnapp and rape, innocent people lose their business and can not feed their family anymore.

The experience finished in a complete disaster. The Jew female used their niggers pets to burn our Caucasians cities(Caucasians build these houses) and virtue signaling for shitty internet points. I tried to asked her questions but the evil obama DNC Jews from Jewtube erazed my post. (Or it was herself perhaps).

Then she was so happy to answering to fake nogs accounts, surely antifas, BLM actors and shills, all of them suddenly appearing like ninjas, that she was happy that they confort her in her decision.

The experience, at least 5 years old was a complete mess. A failure.