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Fresh-Oxygen ago

Will be interesting to regroup all the Pizzagate parts about the pegophiles and satanic and freemasons rings in UK, it is a place full of horrors from a long time.

Like the Royal guard full of pederastes molesting boys childs already in the past.

The royatly of UK like a lot of other other royalty are really impllicated in luciferian degeneracy. Hurting innocent people.

It's time for the Jimmy Savile and their criminal web and every pedo satanists to get the fuck out from UK and go be hang or on stakes. UK is no more UK with these monsters in liberty.

I do not know what to think yet about your videos but Pizzagate like the General Flynn has mentionned it, is really important.

It was really the heart of VOAT after being ban from everywhere else like reddit.

And we learn more with it than anything else about the evil corruption of our world.

I was surprised to discovered even pretty girls from my country, with wich I have no links, knowing so mush about it.

It is an interresting worldwide phenomenom that this awakening.

I wrote this on QRV:

Perhaps that I will got more chances in this place, it is a lot of texts.

It is just certain observations and I am intriguated by what VOAT think about it and help me to modify what could be wrong

Thanks for tour help patriots.

I am already downvoated and attack by the shills, so I have surely post some good things, I think.

So I will got a better idea of the today VOAT population as a free speech place and if there is people with a certain knowledge.

Thank you, if you read it.

seanspeaks ago

Hi @Fresh-oxygen, I couldnt agree more with you about the UK, paedophilia, satanists and the elite. The UK is the centre of the global elite in my understanding of things. This is Luciferian central. There fall will be inevitable. As you stated more people are waking up each day. I know in my heart humanity will win. Keep up the good work and posting your content. I will check out the link you posted and reply once I have had time to read it. Take care!

Reversible ago

There is no centre. Believe me, I'm from the UK, so I would know. It's a psychological system. And this system has agents all over the world. The basic problem is that the social engineering techniques they employ, work. So obviously they will be concentrated in the high population productive regions like the UK, France, Germany and the USA. Voat researchers are too focused on countries.

Also you need to get fully up to speed on the fake news issue, like the Madelaine McCann story. The real secret of freemasonry at the very top is the transgenderism, as exposed by many YouTube researchers from around 2017. Everything else 'they' do is designed to mess with our heads. Obviously, that doesn't mean that child abuse is a total non-issue. I'm saying they put a lot of material out there intentionally to demoralise, depress and cause paranoia in the general population. It's part of their war on the masses. As always, the question is what we can do about it, at this late stage.