24184382? ago

Who are the Shriners? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3773752

24184946? ago

Thank you, anon.

Just a drinking club kek

24196878? ago

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24181281? ago

Wow you guys have no idea what Freemasonry is. You drink too much YouTube koolaid about flat earth. Freemasonry is little more than a drinking club for men.

24182256? ago

I have their book right in front of me. Man cannot become a god. There, saved you lots of time and money and herpes.

24194946? ago

Freemasonry doesn't have a "book". There are books about it but there's no book, other than the book that outlines the degrees.

24195179? ago

They have books. The book that is the source of all of their collective information is in front of me and is signed by Manly P. Hall. There are only 500 in existence. Thanks for playing.

24181480? ago

There are not bars at lodges.

24181402? ago

The drinking club is cover for luciferianism.

Just like the peaceful protestors are cover for antifa.

Q posts 1630-1633 are informative as well.

God wins in the end, mason faggot. Now go square a lodge and circumambulate it.

24180501? ago

Imagine being as retarded as OP

24180545? ago

Ad hom. Zero substance or sauce. As expected.

Long live the NORTH!

24180956? ago

the Great White North!

24180832? ago


The retarded shit you believe is not worthy of any serious discussion.

Youre dumb beyond words if you think an organization open to all is a place of evil. Truly, truly retarded shit there pal.

24182749? ago

ridicule is a typical communist method of attempting to control the discussion. Your shilling backfired, and gives credence to OP

24185003? ago

Just dismissing facts that make OP a mess of contradictions and have no logic is what you niggers do.

Whats it like to go through life 100% reee? POS.

24181441? ago

It is also open to all to become “peaceful protestors” and willing cover for antifa.

The higher degrees choose the truly corrupt souls from among the first three degrees of ignorant faggots.

24182237? ago

What a bunch of bullshit drivel.

You, are tardicus

24183063? ago

Ad hom, ad hom, no reasoned debate. Found the mason!

24180452? ago

Before they where called Freemasons they called themselves the Knight Templar. Or the Jesuit Occult if you will.

24182185? ago

I have their book right in front of me.

So first of all, no.

Before they were Freemasons they were Noachides.

Helena Blavatsky, Aleister Crowley, Manly P. Hall, Albert Pike, Templars, Islam, Rosicrucians, Talmudists, Qabbalists and Freemasons all practice ceremonial black magic that is taught in the Mysteries.

The "Jesuit" thing is a Freemason/Protestant misdirection aka a psyop.

Helena Blavatsky's biggest enemy? Jesuits. Read "ISIS Unveiled" by Blavatsky.

24180555? ago

This anon reads history.

24180594? ago

All we had was text books printed in the late fifties and early sixties. I've seen the modern ones. The last few generations are perverted revisionist at best.

24182202? ago

Sorry, by that point the publishers had LONG been changing REAL history.

24180651? ago

Mos’ def. Contemporaneous authors, 5 times for 5.

24180379? ago

Freemasons are Jews.

Grow some balls and name the Jew.

24180547? ago

A fractional minority of Jews belong to the Jesuit Occult. While the assassins for the Vatican Bank are connected to the Roman Catholic Church there are more Gentiles in this "Club" than Jews. There are many Jews to be sure, but there are way more Gentiles who are Satanist and Occult blood oath takers.

24181468? ago

Yep. This whole “muhjoo” game they play is intended to keep the 90% of the iceberg hidden. The Babylonian mystery schools, not the jews, are the enemy.

24182238? ago

The Jews are the enemy. Have you seen the way they talk about white people? They are trying to genocide the blacks and the whites. It's the fucking Jews. I've only ever met 2 who come out and say 1. what is going on and 2. condemn it.

Israeli News Live couple and Brother Nathaniel. They both straight up admit they are Jews and that Jews are behind what is going on, warning of incoming NOAHIDES (FIRST NAME OF FREEMASONS? NOACHIDE.) and denouncing in, also trying to bring people to know Jesus.

SO, I've got fake-Jews sucking baby dick and participating in the genocide of blacks and whites, they owned the slave ships and auction houses, they own the banks, they run the family courts, the porn...

But it isn't the Jew?


24183092? ago

The Jews are the enemy. Have you seen the way they talk about white people? They are trying to genocide the blacks and the whites. It's the fucking Jews. I've only ever met 2 who come out and say 1. what is going on and 2. condemn it.

You should see how masons talk about us.

SO, I've got fake-Jews sucking baby dick and participating in the genocide of blacks and whites, they owned the slave ships and auction houses, they own the banks, they run the family courts, the porn...

But it isn't the Jew?


Identifies one bad guy (Qaballah judaism, a babylonian mystery school franchise, one of the oldest we know of).

Refuses to acknowledge the existence of any other bad guy.

Insists the bad guy he learned about is the only one that exists.

Here.. read.

(Begin copypasta on sauce)

Once you’ve understood this work, you’ll recognize the enemy’s face everywhere.

If you want to get hooked, read or listen to the last episode, “darkness”. But the entire work is essential and very well sauced.

EZ listening: https://archive.org/details/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl

PDF transcripts: https://archive.org/download/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl/mystery_babylon_transcribed.pdf

Bill's impressive bibliography, including many contemporaneous sources, is included in the PDF.

Check out the chapters on freemasonry! And the bibliography!

24183494? ago

Freemasonry is Judaism for gentiles. Moving on.

24183662? ago

I can tell you ain’t done any reading.

The masons learned from the Ismailis (who are as Muslim as the Rosicrucians are Christian).

Seriously, anon. You’re ignorant and are just regurgitating one of (((their))) acceptable philosophies. Read what I linked you.

24184322? ago

By the way, if Amazon is selling his books, he wasn't telling you the full truth. You're reading THEIR propaganda.

24184315? ago

OHHH SO Freemasons were NOACHIDES because they learned the word NOACHIDE from Islam, right?

24180528? ago

Ahistorical point of view. They are the successors to the knights templar, who also weren’t Jews.

24182247? ago

Prove they weren't Jews. The word "CRYPTO" exists for a reason.

24183076? ago

(Begin copypasta on sauce)

Once you’ve understood this work, you’ll recognize the enemy’s face everywhere.

If you want to get hooked, read or listen to the last episode, “darkness”. But the entire work is essential and very well sauced.

EZ listening: https://archive.org/details/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl

PDF transcripts: https://archive.org/download/MysteryBabylonSeries-WilliamCoopertranscriptIncl/mystery_babylon_transcribed.pdf

Bill's impressive bibliography, including many contemporaneous sources, is included in the PDF.

Check out the chapters on freemasonry! And the bibliography!