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24159699? ago

Give the Gold Coffin...People who watch ... and think it's real news

24196870? ago

? The Independent Order of the Odd Fellows dates to 17th-century England as a charitable organization that worked to help families in need and buried their dead. The first American lodge opened in Baltimore in 1819.

Present-day Odd Fellows support a professorship of ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins University and contribute to the Arthritis Foundation and American Heart Assn. The organization’s symbol--three interlocking rings--represents friendship, love and truth.

The skeletons likely were purchased from scientific or fraternal supply companies. One catalog from the early 1900s advertised a “genuine, full-size selected specimen, set up and wired, fairly deodorized.”

“Every one has a different story,” said Randall Kremer, a spokesman at the Smithsonian Institution. “The companies would obtain skeletons from anywhere possible. They could be indigents. Or often people, especially at the higher levels of society, were anxious to donate their remains for scientific study.”

So far, authorities have learned that the Warrenton remains are those of a Caucasian woman who stood about 5 feet 1. Her arms, feet and lower jaw are missing. She could have died from 10 to 150 years ago. Medical examiners studying the bones are consulting with anthropologists at the Smithsonian, police said. just a drinking club