As the title says, I think it’s very interesting that all the Mayors/Governors in liberal states and cities were releasing all these convicts with a history of violence during the “ Wuhan virus crisis”. At the time it didn’t make sense. I thought it was just liberals being dumb asses trying to get votes from minorities. I was driving into work and then it hit me. It made sense of why these pos were released. The m/g’s were using these people as pawns. Since the convicts were free, there was no way they couldn’t pass on the opportunity to loot and destroy property through out their cities/states. It is also interesting the people in charge told their police officers to stand down and let criminals and Antifa create chaos. It wasn’t enough for these fuckers in power to try to bankrupt business owners/employees. They want to take everything away from you. These sick fuckers want to burn everything down to ashes and want you to stick your ash covered hands out for help! Everyone that is pulling the strings behind the scene on these riots/chaos need to be hung. They aren’t worth the cost of a bullet.
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24093424? ago
In the movies and video games, what is the first thing Joker does to Gotham?
24096278? ago
He greets the dark streets with a "mild" crime to announce his return...
Unless you mean the part where he eventually releases inmates/asylum patients to complete his larger evil plan.
After this scheme? 9/11 Truth is going to be VERY plausible for millions more. Vegas? Schools? COVID? Lots of questions... by lots of people... paired with extremely public Justice.
The Perfect Storm.
The Clown Prince thwarted.
24096482? ago
Wild, otheranon here, I watched Joker last night. As research, do not want to watch, wife chose not to join and I don't blame her. Did a report on it: