24101725? ago

Also, they normalized wearing masks even though it was not necessary.

This is 100 percent a coordinated attack, all planned out, to completely bring this country to our knees. What is our next step?

24100229? ago

This whole thing has been scripted... but DJT is handling it like a master. So far, he's still winning by a landslide. All they have done is motivate their most leftwing activist voters... but many of them dislike Biden almost as much as Trump so good luck with that.

24099553? ago

After POTUS arrested and deported most of their cartel and MS13 mercenary army.

24099430? ago

If you have studied how the CIA sews discord this is ALL TOO FAMILIAR.

Game face, Patriots.

Get out and find a way to help your communities NOW.

24096754? ago

What's even more interesting is Tucker Carlson being called on by his puppetmasters to switch that conversation to Trump/Kusher releasing the prisoners. Don't trust Fox.

24096451? ago

was thinking the same thing. Thanks for posting.

24095803? ago

It looks like they parked the vehicles just so far apart to give good room for an attack, I just find the constant video showing them with plenty of room for destruction in different cities strange, And never do you see them park in such a way what would be the purpose?, I've seem several different videos almost like a sacrifice or a adrenaline rush to get things heated up more.

24095356? ago

It's so obvious to those that are awake. I tried telling my half red pilled father and he just doesn't buy it. His excuse for the pallets of bricks were for construction companies needing to offload their materials so they just coincidentally dumped them around the city randomly LOL.

24095138? ago

If you followed closely you would know that their first choice was MS-13. POTUS shut them down at the border and deported them. You can Thank God that he did. Had theses thugs would have been the army of choice. There would have been serious blood on the streets. So they went with plan "B"... empty the jails. Not trained in the art of death but EVIL enough to perform the task. PAY ATTENTION!

24094973? ago

My husband and I just had that epiphany tonight.

24094689? ago

Very good point

24094617? ago

All of this has been planned and worked out. Rosenstein testifies day after tomorrow rhen comes the vote on obama testifying. Hilldawg supposed tomorrow. All of this is cover for their not going to DC. Watch!

24094501? ago

Jared and Ivanka have been working to do the same thing at the federal level as well as restore their voting rights. We all know criminals (niggers) vote Democrat.

24093764? ago

Prisons cleared, Check.

Masks required. Check.

Businesses shut for months. Check.

Suspicious murder of black man by white cop (neighbors didn’t know was a cop) to stir up racial outrage. Check.

Pallets of Bricks delivered across the country, Check.

Welcome to the [D] party. Dystopian hell.

24096443? ago


What's wrong with you Nashville?

Why your revolving door for this FELON with a LONG rap sheet?

Was he ONE of the MANY felons released due to the "risk" of COVID?


25 People Released From Davidson County Jail in Anti-outbreak effort ...

A Nashville judge signed off on agreements to release 25 people from jail Monday, beginning the process of a system-wide effort to reduce the jail population in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

Nashville to release COVID-19 cases by race as African ...

Metro Nashville will begin collecting racial data when it comes to positive coronavirus test results. ... Nashville to release COVID-19 cases by race as African Americans hit harder by virus ...

Nashville sheriff to release inmates to reduce risk of ...

'It's critical we reduce the inmate population': Nashville sheriff to release inmates during COVID-19 pandemic Mariah Timms , Nashville Tennessean

HERE is his rap sheet starting ONLY after he turned 18 years old...

Name:Fitzgerald, Tondrique Jawaun Date of Birth:8/17/1996

 Offense Date:9/21/2014 

Charged Offense:Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

Convicted Offense:Assault, Aggravated - Deadly Weapon - Reckless Convicted Type(F/M):FELONY

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:26-JUN-15

 Offense Date:9/21/2014 

Charged Offense:Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

Convicted Offense:Assault, Aggravated - Deadly Weapon - Reckless Convicted Type(F/M):FELONY

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:29-JUN-15

 Offense Date:9/21/2014 

Charged Offense:Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

Convicted Offense:Assault, Aggravated - Deadly Weapon - Reckless Convicted Type(F/M):FELONY

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:08-JUN-16

 Offense Date:9/21/2014 

Charged Offense:Agg Assault - Deadly Weapon

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

Convicted Offense:Assault, Aggravated - Deadly Weapon - Reckless Convicted Type(F/M):FELONY

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:07-DEC-16

 Offense Date:10/1/2014 

Charged Offense:Driv. Lic. Suspended

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:No Driver's License Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:06-NOV-14

 Offense Date:1/1/2015 

Charged Offense:Driv. Lic. Suspended

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:No Driver's License Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:02-JAN-15

Offense Date:1/10/2015 

Charged Offense:Res. Arr.

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:Res. Arr. Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty Disposition Date:23-APR-15

 Offense Date:1/16/2015 

Charged Offense:Misd. Evading Arrest

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:Misd. Evading Arrest Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty Disposition Date:20-JAN-15

 Offense Date:3/17/2016 

Charged Offense:Driv. Lic. Revoked

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:No Driver's License Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:18-MAR-16

 Offense Date:5/25/2016 

Charged Offense:Driv. Lic. Revoked

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:No Driver's License Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:26-MAY-16

 Offense Date:11/3/2016 

Charged Offense:Theft o/$500

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

Convicted Offense:Theft u/$500 Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty - Lesser Charge Disposition Date:07-DEC-16

 Offense Date:11/16/2017 

Charged Offense:Poss.or Casual Exch.

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:Poss.or Casual Exch. Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty Disposition Date:06-MAR-18, 15-NOV-18, 21-DEC-18

 Offense Date:7/17/2018 

Charged Offense:Misd. Evading Arrest

Charge Type (F/M):MISD

Convicted Offense:Misd. Evading Arrest Convicted Type(F/M):MISD

Disposition:Guilty Disposition Date:05-NOV-18, 21-DEC-18, 07-JUN-19

 Offense Date:12/17/2018 

Charged Offense:Poss.w/int.-Sch.VI

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

Convicted Offense:Poss.w/Int-Cont.Sub.- Marijuana 14.175-4,535 gr. Convicted Type(F/M):FELONY

Disposition:Guilty Disposition Date:31-OCT-19

 Offense Date:12/17/2018 

Charged Offense:Weapon - Felon Poss Firearm

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

Convicted Offense:Weapon - Felon-Poss-Firearm(Violence,Deadly Weapon) Convicted Type(F/M):FELONY

Disposition:Guilty Disposition Date:31-OCT-19

...so with his latest TWO FELONYs [found GUILTY on 31-october of LAST YEAR]

...WHY was he on the streets, and able to RIOT only 7 months later?

 Offense Date:5/30/2020 Citation/Arrest Date:6/1/2020 Case Status:OPEN

Charged Offense:Vandalism over $1,000

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

 Offense Date:5/30/2020 Citation/Arrest Date:6/1/2020 Case Status:OPEN

Charged Offense:Agg. Riot

Charge Type (F/M):FELONY

24096358? ago

The first weekend of reopening in Los Angeles... boom, riots and looting. No coincidences.

24096230? ago

There is no spoon

24096496? ago

yeah, i brought a spork, more practical

24096002? ago

You forgot the Jew MSM dusting off the 2+ month old video of the jogger to do exactly that. When it didn’t incite enough rioting, they resolved to covering this “new” incident. Notice Floyd’s body wasn’t handled by EMT’s, instead a cop almost drops him trying to carry load his body in an ambulance lookalike after a super short pulse check. No oxygen, no attempt at resuscitation... nothing at all. Coroner said he died of fentanyl and meth, kek.

24095084? ago

Such an obvious setup. Your play-by-play is spot on

24100195? ago

Oh and don't forget 40 Million unemployed. These protests are getting heavily attended in the middle of the day in the middle of what would normally be a workweek because so many are now out of work or "working from home".

24093546? ago

Who was released before the civil rights movement, I wonder?

24093424? ago

In the movies and video games, what is the first thing Joker does to Gotham?

24096278? ago

He greets the dark streets with a "mild" crime to announce his return...

Unless you mean the part where he eventually releases inmates/asylum patients to complete his larger evil plan.

After this scheme? 9/11 Truth is going to be VERY plausible for millions more. Vegas? Schools? COVID? Lots of questions... by lots of people... paired with extremely public Justice.

The Perfect Storm.

The Clown Prince thwarted.

24101497? ago

releases inmates/asylum patients

You got it.

24096482? ago

Wild, otheranon here, I watched Joker last night. As research, do not want to watch, wife chose not to join and I don't blame her. Did a report on it: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3850029

24093340? ago

In Libya they broke the criminals out of prison at the start of the "protests" against Qaddafi. Then they stormed the police stations and armories. The rest is, as Clinton said "We came, we saw, he died. hahahahahahahaha" Anyone who doesn't believe the CIA and their masters would overthrow the US government is an idiot, and that's exactly what they are trying to do now.

24094881? ago

Actually that's probably bullshit because the rioters were claimed by Qaddafi to be al Quaida, who had American style weapons, and I believe British gear. Libya has Ak-47s, not M-16s.

24094540? ago

Needs to be the top comment here!!!

Also, prisoners have nothing to lose!! They are the perfect pawns.

24093076? ago

Exactly my thought. They let them out to create havoc!

24092415? ago

Remember all the "mystery" hospital rooms with toilets and sinks they were building in parking structures in LA and other places in anticipation of the Virus? Might come in handy very soon

24092309? ago


Need bed space for Antifa.

The rapist and killers were dime bag dope cases and you fell for the FUCKING MEDIA spin yet again.

Cronic dumbass got you down?

Free yourself from FB because its a start

24092421? ago

What? Weren't you smart enough to be out rioting so you could have made at least 3-4X the minimum wage they pay you to shill here?

24092388? ago

Might be the dumbest comment I’ve seen in a while, so congrats on that.

24092472? ago

Likely cause YOU aint as smart or know as much as you think you do.

You too will prove out before weeks end easily.

Tired of being a dumbass yet?

There is help.......

24092145? ago

These fucked up people in power will do anything stay in power. It is time for them to learn they work for us and we don’t work for them. I hope they get a huge justice boner donkey punch across the face.

24096188? ago
