24100455? ago

That was the entire point of the globalists like Fauci and Birx making the recommendations to extend mask-wearing. There is nothing organic about any of this. It was just a matter of time for everyone to look like Antifa. The evil ones don't even try to hide their intentions anymore.

24096440? ago

Did one better: got a doctor's order so even the medical clinics and hospitals can fuck off.

24093827? ago

i wear a mask over my mouth. so, technically, i'm "wearing" it. is it covering much? no... i can't breathe. not sorry!

24093002? ago

Haven’t worn one. Except for 15 minutes to get a haircut. Masks should be Illegal in public without a Dr. Letter.

24093183? ago

I went to get a haircut. Was told i needed a mask. Growing my hair.

24093458? ago

My one exception is for small businesses at risk of being shut down if their patrons don't comply. I'll wear a neck gaiter as a mask if necessary to support local businesses ONLY.

24108697? ago

My behavior does not threaten others. If they're threatened by a third party then they need to ball up and defend themselves. I'm not towing fucking cattle for them.

24099413? ago

I understand that. However in my state there is NO govt. requirement to wear a mask, so any business that requires it will NOT get my business - big or small, corporate or local. We have some libtards who own businesses who want us to continue to "live in fear" due to TDS. Fuck that.

24092986? ago

The virus is not as potent as Soros and Gates expected. So they have shills trick people not wearing masks to help spread it.

24092254? ago

Talked to the manager of a chain grocery store who said that while he thinks masks are BS, the corporate office has threatened any manager with losing their job if any customer or employee in the store does not have a mask on. They now have someone at the door for compliance. If a customer refuses to where one, they are not allowed in the store and if they don't have a mask, they are asked for their grocery list and it is filled by an employee. This same store did not have mask enforcement last week.

Oh, and the employees, in order to comply to keep their jobs, they wore a mask...but under their chins!

24092231? ago

That is their plan

24092087? ago

Maybe that is the intention after all ?

24091648? ago

Infiltration v. Invasion. Turn the tables on these fucks.

24091592? ago

Our governor just issued mandatory mask wearing, but gave exceptions. I had to do shopping today for groceries, water and rent. Went to like 4 different stores, didnt wear a mask, I think I was the only one without one. No one said a damn word to me! I did have a copy of the executive order highlighting the exceptions to the order just in case I had to stand my ground. I refuse to wear one to work as well. They can't make you. I had to settle for a face shield at work but i'm the only one there not wearing a fucking mask and I won't wear one. Havn't touched a single mask once, and I won't.

24091546? ago

I wear a mask everyday. Well I actually wear ear masks so that I can listen to my music. I have not worn the face mask yet and I refuse to wear it in public unless using it for activities where it actually works (yard work, during surgery, welding a boat anchor)...

24091436? ago

Whats really funny is authorities here are wearing masks AND face shields. 🤣😗😄😁😅😁😅😂😄🤣

24091630? ago

my job is making people wear masks and face shields together. I don't have to wear the mask cause I complained loudly, but I have to do the face shield while at work. So fucking stupid..

24091654? ago

Its all show. Mind control for the asleep sheep. Sorry you have to endure all that.

24091780? ago

It pisses me off to no end. A lot of the people at work are TERRIFIED of catching that virus, I just want to smack them across their stupid face. And your right, all it does is make people feel better around you, which is the most fucked up part I think. Even in our governor's executive order he stated "wearing a mask shows a sign of respect". Are you fucking kidding me? I am SO glad this asshole we have can't be re-elected again. One more year of him and he is gone!

24108644? ago

Your body doesn't "catch" viruses. It produces them! They're a by-product of other infection. Amazing that I just learned this; germ theory is not accurate, not at all. Somewhat mind-blowing, how we've been lied to about SO MUCH!!!

24111021? ago

I don't know if it "produces" them. We all have viruses in our bodies already, either they were passed down from our parents, or injected into us through vaccines. Those viruses either are "awake" or "asleep". When they do wake up they can cause all kinds of nasty shit. Watch some stuff from Dr. Judy Mikovits. Just search on her name. She is an amazing scientist that has studied and worked with viruses for decades. And the best part, she doesn't lie and doesn't work for the liars. :)

24111085? ago

Everything is a lie, though. That way they can say "we're all liars" -- if someone talks about the correct mechanism through which viruses appear, but says they believe in outer space -- well then, they're obviously lying about being able to get through the firmament, therefore, they cannot be trusted about anything.

William Casey FTW!

24111105? ago

to each their own....

24112841? ago

No, there exists objective truth. One can see six miles straight down the Bedford Level canal, for instance.

24091867? ago

Yeah, people have been turned into robots. Like here in the Philippines they are playing with the numbers and it is obvious. I have awoken my wife and niece to the games they are playing. People here dont even know their rights. They have not ever read their constitution. Its not taught. It ks based on the US'S. But they have no idea. So sad.

24091933? ago

I'm sure there is a lot people don't know about the Philippines.

An interesting read for you.


Your area is mentioned quite a few times..

24092015? ago

Thanks will give it a read.

24090905? ago

If people ask say you don’t want to be mistaken for Antifa.

24090887? ago

I see stupid people walking outside with Thor dumb masks on. I think the mask have fried some brains.

24091645? ago

yes, low oxygen levels to the brain...

24090825? ago

My job requires it and I’m not looking to be fired from an otherwise tolerable company - they’re few and far between. Know when to pick your battles.

24091679? ago

just claim to have a medical condition that doesn't allow you to wear them. Legally they can't make you or ask you for your medical history/note from doc etc. All though if you have already caved then it probably wouldn't work well. I am just going back to work finally on Wednesday and I only have to wear the face shield cause I refused to put that damn mask on my face. They can't do shit about it if it will harm your health, and it will.

24091188? ago

Exactly...The only store I will cave for and put the stupid mask on for is...The Liquor Store! Kek...Gotta have lots of vino and popcorn for this show!!!

24091966? ago

My liquor store, run by good legal immigrants - doesn’t require the face mask

24090874? ago

You can do what I see other employees that are forced to wear them do, pull in under your nose so you can breathe. It’s not good to wear those all day.

24090633? ago

Look at me, look at me. I'm antifa now!

24090599? ago

I haven't put on a mask in years. Fresh air is the best thing for your health.

24090595? ago

I don’t think any of us who know what’s really going on have worn a mask..

24096205? ago

I wear a Groucho Marx mask to stores that stage and entry line, the girl waived me in,


24090410? ago



So.... mask wearing people are spreading COVID? Got it

24090392? ago

Could someone please clue in Black Face? He mandated it for Virginians last week. Fucking coward!


24091736? ago

There are exceptions. All you have to do is claim to have a medical condition that doesn't allow you to wear one. According to his executive order no one is allowed to ask you what that medical condition is or provide proof of it. I live in VA. I havn't worn a mask once and I refuse to. Just went to 4 stores this morning no one said a damn word to me. But I did take a copy with the order with highlighted on the exceptions just in case I needed to use it. They can't refuse service to you based on a disability. And they can't ask for proof of that disability. Just tell them you one.

I did the same with my job. I don't have to wear the mask there either.

24091854? ago

Good idea about carrying the order. Legitimately, I do have asthma, so I’ll go with that. Thx!

24091897? ago

Just don't tell them what it is. Just state plainly I have a medical condition that doesn't allow me to cover my face, its illegal for you to deny me service based on a disability. something to that effect. Good luck!

24091987? ago

I have kids with disabilities and a service dog, so I’m used to standing up for them. Doing it for me is new. Thx again!

24090256? ago

I'm in a "hot spot". Haven't worn a mask yet. Doing just fine.

24090214? ago

Antifa could not hide in crowd if they are shot.

24089887? ago

I refuse to diaper my face.

24089871? ago

I haven't worn a mask publicly since this mess began, and most of Voat hasn't either.

24100483? ago

No mask here ever. Costco has also lost my business. There is nothing at Costco that I can't find somewhere else.

24094914? ago

AND WHY IS THAT? Cause we all KNOW better! Everyone that follows the movement "of truth" knows better!

24096360? ago

I'm healthy and boosted my immune system with Vit C, D, and Zinc. I was more afraid of my treatment options (could I get HCQ or Intravenous Vit C?) if I got sick than the China virus itself.

24093257? ago

Mask shame anyone under 50 wearing one asking them why they support Antifa...

24094284? ago

Agreed. We have to associate mask wearing with support for AntiFA. I will call out anyone on Twitter that has an avatar of them wearing a mask also.

24093401? ago

Yeah, I will throw Antifa at anyone asking me to wear a mask from here out.

  • Them: You need to wear a mask.
  • Me: Oh I'm not Antifa or BLM, I'm not here to "protest," I'm here to shop.

24094256? ago

Add: “I’m not part of the AntiFA Domestic Terrorist Organization”

24092418? ago

Went to Costco today for the first time since all this insanity began. Didn't wear a mask. Costco guy outside the entrance asked if I had a mask. I said I can't wear one. He said do you have a medical condition? I said yeah. He didn't challenge me further. I was the only person in the store w/o a mask, and no one said a word to me about it. I went out of my way to be polite to people and smile at them. A box of pizza got away from a stocker and I grabbed it for him. Cashier and assistant were both really friendly. People need to see normalcy and folks living without fear.

24095966? ago

People need to see normalcy and folks living without fear.

^this. And what are the asleep afraid of now? AIR. ffs it's the ultimate of blind - and absolute retarded - compliance.

24093117? ago

I work for Costco. I would love to see a smiling face!! Feels like the apocalypse has arrived in there.

24095016? ago

Welcome to Costco, I love you.

24108557? ago

yep, we're living it

24092737? ago

7 weeks ago I went elsewhere when Costco said I needed to wear a mask. Last week was the first time back, and I didn't wear a mask. Nobody stopped me, and I'd say about 90% of customers were wearing masks. One older lady employee was suffering with the mask, and it really pissed me off.

Dunham's Sports employee said I was supposed to wear a mask, but I politely told him to fuck off.

Meijer never said a word, been there multiple times.

The one time Walmart didn't have a line outside they didn't stop me, but I didn't find what I was looking for and just walked out.

I refuse to do curbside pickup or order online until the China virus bullshit is done.

24092185? ago

Damn right. However, it will be a good way to red pill mask wearers". "you look like Antifa wearing that mask."

24090647? ago

I did wear a mask exactly once under pressure from a coworker when we went out to pick up lunch. I immediately regretted doing so, because we were the only idiots in the joint wearing them. I took mine off shortly after arriving. She kept hers on. It's kind of funny; she probably thought I looked like the idiot.

24091582? ago

I hope you put it in her pooper to make up for such a grievous mistake.

24092013? ago

No, she's fat.

24089552? ago

The WHO's mask recommendations are based on near 100 year old data, fwiw.

24089566? ago

The WHO recommendation was to protect antifa.

24108520? ago

Echoing the other response, like Neo: WHOA!

Because -- this make the WHO another international terrorist organization!

This movie just gets better and better. Watched Joker last night as research https://voat.co/v/QRV/3850029 and I am about to watch The Purge (the first one -- there are four apparently!) tonight. As research, while the family sleeps I am staying up guarding the house. Don't particularly care for this genre, but it'll keep me from falling asleep!

Like last night I'll watch with captions and the volume low, to stay alert.

Thanks for the insight! God bless.

24090076? ago


24089389? ago