23907710? ago

OP - If you really want to deep dive the history of this family, I recommend you listen to these interviews with Russ Baker, author of the book Family of Secrets. There are multiple interviews on Spitfire Radio. Here is the first:


And the rest (#2, #3, etc): http://spitfirelist.com/?s=family+of+secrets

Happy hunting

23905703? ago

skull & bones? CIA grown politicians? Pedophilia? Bribe taking?

23905384? ago

Do they control the mob or These are the ones who wanted to censor the interweb? https://voat.co/v/Memberberries/3830370/23905057

23905094? ago

They have long, deep state, nazi ties.

23904991? ago

Stolen Tesla tech. Curious George was based on bush senior.

23904770? ago

Just wondering if anyone bothered to watch the video before commenting... KEK!

Anyway to answer the question: They sold their souls to Lucifer, and they are doing his biding to take the world to a totalitarian "slave" planet under the control of Luciferian "elites".

23904685? ago

All of the powerful families are all bloodline relatives to each other in the past and present. It’s 1 big fucking family and you and me are not in it. That’s how.

23904191? ago

Same as David Van Cortlandt Crosby and the reason so many celebrities wanted his sperm, bloodlines.

23904140? ago

HW is called POPPY BUSH for god sakes.

They never hid it, CIA is cocaine importation agency.

Bushes funded Nazis, Nazis set up intelligence agencies under state secrets act of 1947.

23903965? ago

Remember the Crack epidemic? Slick Willy and Poppy Bush sure as shit do.

23903915? ago

HW Bush was the point man in Dallas.

He also inherited Hoover's black book and used to blackmail every politician in it.

Ironically, HW was seen as 'weak' by the American people when in fact, he was the most powerful and ruthless President in our history, by far.

23908193? ago

...and the world's biggest drug dealer! Just ask Manuel Noriega- if you can find him! He sure "disappeared", after he was arrested.

23910368? ago

he died in 2017, barely a month into POTUS first term

I immediately suspected Bush clean up ops

23903904? ago

Prescott was hooked in with the Rothschild banking cabal. Opportunities in politics, oil, intelligence agencies and dope pushing opened up shortly thereafter.

23903894? ago

They've been in bed with the Saudis controlling oil for a long time. I wonder how much stolen treasure they received from the Nazis when they were arresting rich Jews and taking their assets.

23903855? ago

...and when will George W get outed publicly and prosecuted. He's as bad as Obama in my book.

23905118? ago

Takes me back to the FUNERAL. I think W flipped. Those faces say it all!!

23903805? ago

Sweetheart oil deal...

23904111? ago

Iran Contra was blamed on the President. But is was the VP and some unknown Arkansas Attorney General and later Governor.

Poppy Bush and Slick Willy became international drug kin pins who started the Crack epidemic of the eighties and nineties.

Billionaires leaders of the Jesuit Occult.

23903780? ago

Blackmail, drugs, money.

23904132? ago

Jesuit Occult expanding the assassination biz into a long term investment for nation building.

23904784? ago

^^^ THIS ^^^

(Know your worldly "masters".)

23903755? ago

They have been using the CIA to distribute their drugs for generations.

They were caught and their movements tracked by a little group in WACO, TX.

That group was then labeled a cult and they drove tanks into their building and set everyone on fire including men, women, and children.

23905078? ago

Did "they" come from Mars or Venus?

23905467? ago

"they" came from Washington DC.

T.H.E.Y. =The Humans Enslaving You

23903745? ago

Rulers of the Realm by Daniel Sheehan. He even has a flowchart showing the historic cabal.

23903409? ago

You have more than you know. Look back to Herbert Walker for whom gHWb was named. (((Slave traders turned bankers.))) GHWB took them to the next level with his CIA work and then tippy topped himself with presidential powers. Side note, was Barbra Bush the offspring of aleister crowley?

23905173? ago

Call boys at the Whitehouse...Who were the Finders.... before the Weinstein Metoo thing broke there was an event not covered by media called 'Franklin Scandal' 1984, 1988 to 1991, covered up in 94, Clintons also dirty like the Bush.

23906567? ago

23905108? ago

Look WHERE? Everything is heavily censored!

23903389? ago

23903326? ago

...by being warmongers related to the Queen

23903384? ago

Something about a Demon Owl, a Golden Bull and the Bohemian crowd with their pimped and hired out gays in the woods, Nixon attended and in the leaked Tapes he said –it is the most faggoty goddamned digusting thing he ever seen in his whole life. Bohemian Grove, in mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most prominent men in the world. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2020/01/blind-item-1_3.html , https://nevernwo.blogspot.com/2009/02/word-obelisk-literally-means-baals.html