24197660? ago

There were also big Riots with Bush Snr? https://voat.co/v/news/3862388/24186264

24197655? ago

Clown world? What are the Odd Fellows and Shriners https://voat.co/v/politics/3863853

23910640? ago

Fucking faggots. Execute them all

23909852? ago

Birds of the same feather flock together. If a group of good people can get together so can evil people. The problem currently is it doesn't seem there is a flock of good or righteous people together in our governments. Currently its , jew supremacist, saturn cult , faggot pedophiles , commitards,serial killers and miscellaneous evil.

23915193? ago

John Wayne Gacy a lawyer on speed dial, playboy club and Masonic Royal order of the Moose? https://files.catbox.moe/xf3ujv.jpg Pogo or Patches the Clown Name shows up with a freemason Moose Club / Loyal Order of Moose in Jersey City

23937865? ago

Those are suspicious. Especially the mooseclub ritual daily saying of "Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. God bless Mooseheart."
Whats with these weird cult clubs using odd bible scripture is it to mock the bible?

23940654? ago

The Bible has some good messages but some words over cenuries and years will distrort and phrases get lost in translation, change slightly in centuries, change over the sands of time, they use the weird bits in the bible to support their lust for blood, crimes and perversions or its a way to try make Christians quit and join their cult?

23942350? ago

Well it can be both look like a noble group and to outsiders they see you using "Christian Scripture" so you can blend in better and easier to attract recruits. Then you pull away the sheet of to a recruit who seems valuable and let the person know what they are really part of with a offer they can't refuse.

23908886? ago

Probably. Bunch of fags like George W fucking their butt buddies. Member the gay escort that visited the White House? Pepe members.

23915197? ago

Hollyweird https://archive.ph/wip/uMtnb member of the notorious Soda Pop Club, where child actors Corey Feldman (messed up), Corey Haim (overdosed) and other pre-teens were repeatedly, horrifically abused, Alyssa did an excellent job of hiding, and deflecting any knowledge whatsoever of this situation.

Who was she was dating at the time? Both Corey’s. We worried she might slip and tell a real abuse story or too, but our girl has kept her cool.

And that incident with River Phoenix? Well she’s remained mum about that all these years as well.

The human trafficker ring?

Its Charlie Sheen?

23908530? ago

What is the time on the clock

23907676? ago

Nope. It's a ring of power, and Steve Mnuchin (Trump's Treasury Secratary) is part of it, along with BOTH BUSH'S AND JOHN KERRY.

23905972? ago

Yes. Next question?

23908097? ago

23905397? ago

Skulls and bones, human anatomy. /v/transvestigation

23904591? ago

Gut reaction, the "men" I'm this photo do not give me that hurt reaction I get from old timey photos where men looked like actual men. These look like dainty daisies...

23905406? ago

Theyre women on Testosterone

23915209? ago

There are female branches, rainbow girls, eastern star etc https://voat.co/v/QRV/3788624/23568840

23905312? ago

Black Nobility refers to an old dark gay mafia, faggots, criminals crooks and back stabbers that rose to power almost becoming Kings across Europe and of course when they arrive in the America's their gay blackmail stone rituals from Babylon arrived with them?

23904424? ago

You ever take you car into a body shop and feel like you were transported to another planet? All the employees have worked together so long they've created a normal that isn't anywhere near normal. They become freaks. It happens in different work places and the people in them get married and not married, have or don't have kids and pets and live in places according to the perverse normal set by their long term employment in one place that isolates them from normal.

The founding fathers of the USA knew that was going t happen to the elites because it always happens to the elites, and that's why they made certain you have guns.

23905348? ago

Mirrored this pic just in case the link is shoah'ed https://pic8.co/sh/Nt9IpQ.jpeg

23904020? ago

Jesuit Occult started out as assassins for the Vatican Bank well over a thousand years ago.

Blackmail and Extortion has been centralized ever since. Think of it a Centralized labor that Benito Mussolini gave a name to.

The name entered modern history in 1922.

Care to guess who Antifa is really fighting for? Yeah. Sad fucks really are this stupid.

23905962? ago

herp derp Jesuits which didn't exist until the 16th century

23903692? ago

Puppets. NWO takes global efforts and many group, departments ect to get it going.

23915205? ago

This Mirth?...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts?

23905445? ago

The globe is an NWO paradigm. Outer space is fake.

23903402? ago

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