Brawndosaurus ago

If America was Israel, they would vote for our benefit. We're a colony of Israel.

boekanier ago

Every politician in the pocket of the jew. Nice.

jthun2 ago

The ones who aren't get disappeared or turfed. Cynthia McKinney was a black woman who wasn't in their pockets, and they made sure her career was ruined. Others they just murder.

root123 ago

Finally getting a clue. USA is a vassal state, serving the Jews, the winners of WW 2, which was the war for the survival of the white race (which whites lost very convincingly). Now the remainder are kept to work and serve and build things for their masters, and of course fight in the wars for their masters.

But the masters have decided to cull the herd....

boekanier ago

Whites lost the war because they were stupid enough to fight each other and nit the real enemy.

jthun2 ago

Goes even for Hitler, who refused to ally with Slavs against the Jewish rulers of the USSR. His greatest mistake, and one which lost the entire war for Germany.

Fruedroid ago

Slave state for Israel.

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WhiteMan ago

Australia, Canada, nz, all to follow. Solutions?

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

It’s the size of Kansas City.

It has to disappear duh.