The fuck is with all the negativity here? Musk isn’t perfect by any means but he’s a famous billionaire who’s very publicly calling for reopening the economy and heavily criticizing the fascist overreach of Commifornia’s government to the point where he’s now announced a move to Nevada and Texas states without an income tax. That and he’s specifically called out the danger to our civil liberties as a result of this plandemic
Musk is a mystery to me. A lot of anons can't stand the guy but for me, the door is not closed. Maybe he has flipped. Don't forget the guy accuse some random dude on twitter to be a pedo and this is...really weird. (+ he wants the end of the lockdown and I don't remember him attacking potus) So...we'll see.( And the trump family seems to welcome him in the red pill team, are they all being fooled??)
I'm not sure even Elon knows what he thinks. Dude is all over the map. Plus he knocked up an ugly twelve year old and then gave the baby an algebraic equation for a name. I do believe he has lost a marble somewhere.
When Elon Musk speaks he doesn’t convey a whole lot of intelligence. I’ve always thought he was just a front man. I also believe that he and his new ‘baby momma’ are satanists.
i feel like this is to make red pilled people look insane/dumb because he has a lot of bad publicity about being a violent, abusive drug addict, alcoholic, company tanking, etc...
musk is no genius. he's a monarch project himself. same with bezos gates zuckerberg and the rest of the tech titans. they are empty suits and controlled
How can someone who is part of the nwo become red pilled about the nwo, it's so stupid. It would be like Hillary Clinton suddenly saying she became red pilled about Epstein Island.
Bunch of idiots on this thread today. What the hell is the matter with you people? Ivanka Trump and Jared are Patriots. You better get use to that idea or you aren't makin' it in this movement. Get with the Plan or get the hell out. Did you not SEE that Trump Jr. also said Welcome to Musk in the above screenshot? Are you all that stupid and narrow minded normies? Geesh!
You're a dumb nigger if you think Ivanka and Jared are Patriots for ANY country other than Israel. And if you are another Israel First faggot like Ivanka, Jared, AND DJT , then it is YOU who is the retard that needs to get the fuck out.
Hahahaha. You actually call me Nazi? On VOAT? HAHAHAHA. Ok. Boomer neocon faggot. Go back to Reddit, ya dumb cunt. In case ya haven't got the memo around here, Nazi isn't an insult. Just shows what an Leftist faggot you are by using it. Go suck a rabbi's cock, faggot.
At Sept she would have been very early in a pregnancy and NOT SHOWING. And she might not have even been pregnant when the video was shot. Do the math. S, O, N, D, J, F, M, A, M is 9 months.
So she got pregnant just as they created the video. Chances are high that it was written and planned at least a month in advance...right? So explain the COVID related visuals...such as the masks and choreography. Not to mention the lyrics mocking people for not seeing what she sees....who did did she have a child with again? Wasn't that person part of POTUS' cabinet near the start? I wonder what has happened or will happen?..
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Posted automatically (#111623) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
Lol all it takes to program the idiots are a few well choen words in a twitter post. Just like that they'll never question trump's handler or isreal's errand boy again.
As cheesy as it sounds, telling people to take the redpilll is alot more effective than just jumping right into Jews. Even if it sounds silly you can play it off as a joke and most likely they'll google it and start their journey.
isnt the red rose a deep state Hillary call sign? or marker? i believe a red rose was left at the FF crime scene at the Broward county florida high school shooting?
Elon Musk is also a kike just like her. Do none of you find it bizarre and mathematically impossible for kikes to be at the head of everything we have?
• "The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. It is inspiring, exciting, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary to watch and read the stories of the individuals who no longer accept the current ideology of the Democratic Party, what it has become, and are now bravely sharing their stories with the world." A LBGT and straight safe & friendly community.
I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(
Is it so hard to believe with everything going on, that Smart people are among the first to wake up? Even if he is only virtue signaling, doesn't matter. Eyes on. Message is Clear.
I haven't paid enough attention to Elon Musk to form an opinion as to his loyalties but he must be in someone's good graces to be allowed to put up those satellites.
Yes. And not hard at all, simply statistically improbable to the point of absurdity. In order to occupy ANY position of authority, wealth, or office, all must swear absolute fealty to isreal and submit to being recorded either raping, consuming or doing both to an infant.
You think you can be woke and follow someone blindly?
Certainly possible controlled opposition like Alex Jones, but isn't the net effect more people waking up? Streisand Effect at least. If and when he want's to go that route...
Since I've been truly redpilled for years now, does that make me smarter than Elon Musk? Shit, It must because he's wayyyy closer to the cabal than I am.
Great, the same Elon Musk who got the go-ahead to blanket the WORLD with 40,000 5G satellites is "on our side."
And isn't it convenient that Musk's grandfather was the leader of the Technocracy Movement - a political action think tank whose goal was to replace democracy with Rule by Technocrats?
It's almost like Musk is another child of the Elite, who was given billions of $ and a role to play (like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg), putting a "whiz kid" face to a sinister, technological slave system.
Elon/Grimey claimed the reason they chose that plane for inspiration was because it is a "peaceful plane". Flies high, fast and isn't utilized for weapons.
Neuralink is the scariest project that Musk is selling.
Implanting a microchip DIRECTLY into the human brain, specifically to merge us with AI. A true nightmare technology!
On his latest Joe Rogan interview, he stated that humans with the chip will not even need to speak to each other using words, in as LITTLE AS 5-10 YEARS MAX. So you can be sure the tech is ALREADY at that level and the powers-that-be are just waiting for the right time to roll it out to the masses.
It's all coming together. I remember reading an Army College report in early 2001, brought to my attention by Alex Jones (he's still good for something) that predicted a FULLY MICRO-CHIPPED POPULATION by 2030.
ID2020, Agenda 2030....seems the next 10 years are pivotal for the full roll-out of the NWO.
You go ahead and read it, and tell me what it tells you. I know what it tells me, and you're just trolling with your SHOUTING CAPS so I am responding in kind. Your opinion is the one that is garbage, because you haven't even taken in the scientific knowledge contained in that book.
Actually here's a little sample: the Earth is supposed to curve at 8 inches per mile squared. (The mile is squared, not the 8 inches.) In other words, at 6 miles it would be 8 inches * 6 * 6 = 288 inches, or 24 feet.
That means that an object six miles away will appear 24 feet "below the curve". Thus, if the object is 25 feet tall, you will only be able to see the top foot of it.
Using a zoom lens, I have seen more than that. So, their math is busted, doesn't need further discussion.
Whites pioneered astronomy and cosmology long before kikes ever got involved, so your braindead criticism makes no sense. Plus I can literally see all the planets up through Saturn from my own backyard with an amateur telescope. You tinfoil hat faggots are utterly retarded, and you're shitting on the accomplishments of White men far greater than your pathetic schizo ass could ever hope to be.
Right. Of course. But you didn't answer the question, bud.
WHY are all of the goyim, who work at NASA, any communications company, any aerospace company, etc, ALL going along with it? Surely you don't think every employee is a Jew?
no, most regular employees at NASAS are not jews. Most of the employees are good people and very intelligent, but they believe the lie and therefore help develop the lie. They basically play a trillion dollar version of Kerbel Space Program, the framework models given to satanists thousands of years ago by fallen angels via demonic channeling and other rituals. It's all about squaring the circle (Square and Compass Freemasonry).
Ok. So these intelligent goyim, they take Calculus? They build machines and satellites that allegedly travel through space, land on Mars, photograph outer planets, etc, and they have to design the flight software that corresponds to PRECISE mathematics that explain this motion. They haven't figured it out? How smart are they? How is it the high level Jews are able to simultaneously sell them a lie, AND provide them fake EVERYTHING that these advanced electronics are surveilling? Sounds like the Jews are the smart ones, no?
While 5G is an exciting new standard, it has nothing to do with Wi-Fi. 5G is used for cellular connections. Future smartphones may support 5G and 5 GHz Wi-Fi, but current smartphones support 4G LTE and 5 GHz Wi-Fi.
5ghz wifi isn't 5G you are really just showing your ass, I can tell you did a shit google search and just responded with the first phrase that confirms your bias but your bias was confirmed out of ignorance, you don't know what those terms mean and you are ignoring the grammar to suit your own BS.
Now maybe I've misunderstood your intention with this reply but because of the downvote I assume you think an article with the title "whats-the-difference-between-5g-and-5ghz-wi-fi" copied straight from the URL, somehow proves wifi and 5G are the same. because the association of the number 5 in your quote.
I think I figured it out. You're not the same account as 23869899? -- which is why you're agreeing with my response which pointed out that 5G is not 5 Ghz.
Uh, the stuff he said isn't true. Curious as to if you're replying to your own comment or you've just used the misinformation to make up more bullshit.
Having an excessive amount of money is what allows the "elite" to believe in a different truth. They aren't smarter, stronger, or better than anyone else, they are just wealthy.
Elon is rich. Calling anyone "elite" gives a label that implies they are superior to you. Words matter. You shape your own reality based on the words you use. He's just a human. Don't promote caste systems.
I believe in the U.S. Constitution. Freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment, which prohibits laws establishing a national religion or impeding the free exercise of religion for its citizens.
Would you say the same to Satanists or just falsely accuse them of devil worship (they don't believe in the devil) and/or fucking kids (they explicitly condemn harming children)? (Genuinely wondering if you practice what you preach)
Satanists, and/or devil worshippers, have the right to be left to their faith, and leave the state from their faith. No one, regardless of faith or lack thereof, has the right to violate the right of the individual.
If Satanists, or devil worshippers, violate the Supreme Law of the Land, or conspire to, they should lose citizenship permanently, and be deported. They should be executed if sworn.
If they are American, and are not criminal, their faith is irrelevant.
i've read their book, seems clear to me that they agree mutual respect is a good thing, but seem to have no problem 'culling' the population when necessary.
if there ever was a gateway drug.. it is satanism.
it gives you the tools to be a king in this world, but devoid of God you will fail miserably.
only because we need the inner guidance to not be taken.
I would not call devil worship a religion on the same grounds that islam is not a religion, they both seek to rule and over throw the local elected governments with brain-washed baboons.
They can worship what they like as long as they are not sacrificing babies. Don't be a fucking retard. Obviously you can't have psychopaths murdering whoever they like becasue they say it's their religion you fucking moron.
They can worship what they like as long as they are not sacrificing babies.
Don't be a fucking retard.
I'm not.
Obviously you can't have psychopaths murdering whoever they like becasue they say it's their religion
Also agree.
you fucking moron
Stop being so emotional, I was asking because I wanted to see if you're actually genuine, which props to you for being reasonable. Just relax, okay? I'm quite pleased to find that you're a cut above the average around here.
23887713? ago
The fuck is with all the negativity here? Musk isn’t perfect by any means but he’s a famous billionaire who’s very publicly calling for reopening the economy and heavily criticizing the fascist overreach of Commifornia’s government to the point where he’s now announced a move to Nevada and Texas states without an income tax. That and he’s specifically called out the danger to our civil liberties as a result of this plandemic
23875306? ago
he's just a distraction and a drug addict
23874075? ago
Yeah the same Tony Stark who wants to chip your brain... so you can spek any language instantly... tower of babble!
23873497? ago
Musk is a mystery to me. A lot of anons can't stand the guy but for me, the door is not closed. Maybe he has flipped. Don't forget the guy accuse some random dude on twitter to be a pedo and this is...really weird. (+ he wants the end of the lockdown and I don't remember him attacking potus) So...we'll see.( And the trump family seems to welcome him in the red pill team, are they all being fooled??)
23872411? ago
Now take the black pills.
9/11 was an inside job. Taxation is theft. 13% of the population commits 52% of the crime.
23871002? ago
He is friends with Epstein. I don't trust this guy.
23870979? ago
I'm not sure even Elon knows what he thinks. Dude is all over the map. Plus he knocked up an ugly twelve year old and then gave the baby an algebraic equation for a name. I do believe he has lost a marble somewhere.
23869965? ago
When Elon Musk speaks he doesn’t convey a whole lot of intelligence. I’ve always thought he was just a front man. I also believe that he and his new ‘baby momma’ are satanists.
23869444? ago
He's offering a painted red rose (he wants to take the deal).
23869407? ago
It's BS
23869304? ago
((Ivanka))) would know
23869028? ago
i feel like this is to make red pilled people look insane/dumb because he has a lot of bad publicity about being a violent, abusive drug addict, alcoholic, company tanking, etc...
23869935? ago
Maybe he's a good guy and all the bad publicity was a way to attack him.
23869025? ago
musk is no genius. he's a monarch project himself. same with bezos gates zuckerberg and the rest of the tech titans. they are empty suits and controlled
23868839? ago
Democratic socialists use the red rose as their symbol. Still not sure about Musk..
23868457? ago
How can someone who is part of the nwo become red pilled about the nwo, it's so stupid. It would be like Hillary Clinton suddenly saying she became red pilled about Epstein Island.
23872100? ago
Or... Satan repenting?
23868342? ago
Space x says it all
23868266? ago
Ivanka most definitely has NOT taken the red pill.
23868099? ago
Elon Musk seems like a a false prophet meant to lead the movement astray.
Funny he tweets this now that his little tunnel digging project in Vegas is complete.
Then again, there sure have been a lot of big earthquakes in Nevada this week.....
23868048? ago
Elon is ready.
If you are going to open up new technology, you'll need someone to build the cool shit.
23868042? ago
Tesla in space.....hes a fraud
23867889? ago
You niggers are retarded.
23867848? ago
Nobody has been red pulled unless they have smoked DMT...
23868924? ago
Machine elves.
23867740? ago
Which one?
23867700? ago
Australian actor Elon musk? BS. Just trying to control the narrative. 100% Deepstate
23868045? ago
Thought he was South African?
23867610? ago
Even if Elon is full of BS the replies are awesome.
23867511? ago
Bunch of idiots on this thread today. What the hell is the matter with you people? Ivanka Trump and Jared are Patriots. You better get use to that idea or you aren't makin' it in this movement. Get with the Plan or get the hell out. Did you not SEE that Trump Jr. also said Welcome to Musk in the above screenshot? Are you all that stupid and narrow minded normies? Geesh!
23868327? ago
You're a dumb nigger if you think Ivanka and Jared are Patriots for ANY country other than Israel. And if you are another Israel First faggot like Ivanka, Jared, AND DJT , then it is YOU who is the retard that needs to get the fuck out.
23868364? ago
Ok Nazi, believe what you will. Karma is a serious thing.
23868478? ago
Hahahaha. You actually call me Nazi? On VOAT? HAHAHAHA. Ok. Boomer neocon faggot. Go back to Reddit, ya dumb cunt. In case ya haven't got the memo around here, Nazi isn't an insult. Just shows what an Leftist faggot you are by using it. Go suck a rabbi's cock, faggot.
23868991? ago
And your use of “fag” and “faggot” was lifted from the chans. Stop being a wanna be and acting like Voat users are any kind of OG.
23867591? ago
Outed shill is outed ^^^
23867666? ago
You are the troll and doubting shill. Either contribute something of substance to the movement or GTFO, normie-pretend-patriot.
23867316? ago
Been undecided about Musk. But it appears to me he has turned rogue and joined the lightside
23867278? ago
New Meme on twatter
With a copy of the White House Red Rose Garden.
23867239? ago
Here is my new Meme on Twatter;
23867136? ago
Look into his new baby mama...Grimes...she predicted the COVID in August/September 2019 with her music video "Violence"
23867448? ago
Looks kindof cult like.
23867407? ago
Can we get a quick run down on that?
23869215? ago
She released this video shortly after 'meeting' Elon
23868846? ago
Here's some more music from before Elon chose her nasty ass
23868818? ago
"You can't see what I can see...."
A quote repeated in the song
23868699? ago
Uploaded September 5th
Art of War book is what she is reading at the beginning and it is blurred out/censored except for a few frames near the final quarter of the video.
Covid masks appear within 60 seconds.
Choreography resembles gasping for air at multiple points in the video. Covid attacks respiratory system.
She just had Elon Musk's child within the past two weeks.
23870276? ago
At Sept she would have been very early in a pregnancy and NOT SHOWING. And she might not have even been pregnant when the video was shot. Do the math. S, O, N, D, J, F, M, A, M is 9 months.
23871863? ago
So she got pregnant just as they created the video. Chances are high that it was written and planned at least a month in advance...right? So explain the COVID related visuals...such as the masks and choreography. Not to mention the lyrics mocking people for not seeing what she sees....who did did she have a child with again? Wasn't that person part of POTUS' cabinet near the start? I wonder what has happened or will happen?..
23871833? ago
She seems to know she is prego based on the lyrics alone...just saying
23871821? ago
When did the first reported case occur?
23869798? ago
23869615? ago
in your face. thanks OP.
23870163? ago
OP didn't comment that...or else his comment would've been purple...
23869455? ago
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23868772? ago
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23867098? ago
Still don't trust the HOAXMASTER. Sorry.
23866820? ago
If you think Musk is not some weird Zuckerberg type figure you really fucking prove QRV's tardidity
23867611? ago
Lol all it takes to program the idiots are a few well choen words in a twitter post. Just like that they'll never question trump's handler or isreal's errand boy again.
23871387? ago
LOL's are for faggots and little girls
23866652? ago
Elon musk smokes weed on the roe jogan podcast. I sometimes think that hes just a figurehead.
23866638? ago
As cheesy as it sounds, telling people to take the redpilll is alot more effective than just jumping right into Jews. Even if it sounds silly you can play it off as a joke and most likely they'll google it and start their journey.
23866603? ago
so many kikes bashing elon lol...i agree he was wrong on johnny depp
23866538? ago
Dirty kike loving whore can choke on the goddamn red pill.
23866423? ago
He put a red rose 🌹 beside it. Not convinced. When I see him go on Joe Rogan and unapologetically explain/profess then I’ll believe him.
23871181? ago
Dumb but Guy Fawkes left one red rose for each victim in V for Vendetta before he killed them. Just sayin.
23868017? ago
Queen E has been giving her little pep speeches surrounded by red roses lately too.
23867084? ago
The red rose is an adrenochrome reference, I believe.
23868657? ago
isnt the red rose a deep state Hillary call sign? or marker? i believe a red rose was left at the FF crime scene at the Broward county florida high school shooting?
23868581? ago
It's typically a reference to socialism on twitter. I did see the Alibaba adrenochrome bowl garnished with roses.
23866560? ago
23866410? ago
Elon Musk is also a kike just like her. Do none of you find it bizarre and mathematically impossible for kikes to be at the head of everything we have?
23871678? ago
I disagree
One Of Many Gay Patriots Is Brandon Straka :)
• He supports Trump
• 145,000+ subscribers with Brandon's WalkAway Campaign channel at
• Video by Mark Levin Fox News March 3, 2019 with Walk Away Founder Brandon Straka
• "The #WalkAway Campaign is a true grassroots movement, founded by former liberal, Brandon Straka, dedicated to providing a place to share #WalkAway testimonials and personal journeys to freedom. It is inspiring, exciting, heart-wrenching, and extraordinary to watch and read the stories of the individuals who no longer accept the current ideology of the Democratic Party, what it has become, and are now bravely sharing their stories with the world." A LBGT and straight safe & friendly community.
• Twitter at
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• Wikipedia article at
• Support WalkAway at
UNITED or Divided?
I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(
With infinite love ♥
23871691? ago
You can disagree all you want, israeli shill. Elon Musk is jewish.
23869794? ago
Ivanka Trump is not a kike. Ethnicity is not conferred by marriage.
23870931? ago
Then why did she have the "hello fellow white people" surgery?
23866344? ago
Do NOT trust him, he is an evil troll.
23867683? ago
But his dumb normie followers won't know that
23866253? ago
I don;t trust him.
23867909? ago
Nope, not one bit.
23866089? ago
It's either BS or he has been redpilled for a long time.
23866074? ago
That looks to me like a red rose not a red pill.
"Painting the roses red":
23866067? ago
When this phrase becomes common in our lexicon, you know the movement it dead. It will be co-opted by the elites and shoved down our throats.
Oh fucking hell. Why do the powerful normie-controllers ruin everything...
23866092? ago
Ok blackpill faggot.
23867630? ago
Outed shill is outed ^^^ x2
23866587? ago
Ok naive boomer
23866020? ago
Original tweet, or it ain't happened.
23866104? ago
23866115? ago
This is better:
23866514? ago
This just makes me wonder more about Ivanka.
23867134? ago
I don't trust her either.
23868037? ago
Nope. She was a raging NY liberal up until....always.
23865940? ago
The question here is: Real Redpill or the fake Neoconservative, Civic nationalist one?
23866703? ago
Is it so hard to believe with everything going on, that Smart people are among the first to wake up? Even if he is only virtue signaling, doesn't matter. Eyes on. Message is Clear.
23869772? ago
I haven't paid enough attention to Elon Musk to form an opinion as to his loyalties but he must be in someone's good graces to be allowed to put up those satellites.
23867667? ago
Yes. And not hard at all, simply statistically improbable to the point of absurdity. In order to occupy ANY position of authority, wealth, or office, all must swear absolute fealty to isreal and submit to being recorded either raping, consuming or doing both to an infant.
You've been played again.
23868095? ago
But what is the down-side exactly?
If Elon's followers are getting red-pilled?
You think you can be woke and follow someone blindly?
Certainly possible controlled opposition like Alex Jones, but isn't the net effect more people waking up? Streisand Effect at least. If and when he want's to go that route...
23866835? ago
Since I've been truly redpilled for years now, does that make me smarter than Elon Musk? Shit, It must because he's wayyyy closer to the cabal than I am.
23867878? ago
He called the kikes out like 3 years ago, he's been aware for a while I think he probably just got into MDE and Sam Hyde.
23865910? ago
Great, the same Elon Musk who got the go-ahead to blanket the WORLD with 40,000 5G satellites is "on our side."
And isn't it convenient that Musk's grandfather was the leader of the Technocracy Movement - a political action think tank whose goal was to replace democracy with Rule by Technocrats?
It's almost like Musk is another child of the Elite, who was given billions of $ and a role to play (like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg), putting a "whiz kid" face to a sinister, technological slave system.
I feel so much better now.
23873335? ago
I respect your intentions, but those satellites aren't 5G.
5G are LOW range, high data, HIGH RADIATION, antennae. Also 5g waves don't have penetration power.
I know it sounds backwards, but the truth is that if radiation has high penetrating power it's more harmles because it doesn't interact with anything.
Think radio waves, which penetrate nearly everything.
If it interacts with everything it does damage to everything it interacts with.
Think x-ray. X-ray radiation doesn't penetrate effectively, which it's why you can use it to see dense structures in the body.
5G doesn't penetrate. What the fuck are they thinking in installing it?
But Starlink isn't 5G
23869892? ago
23868704? ago
He just said on Joe Rogan a week or two ago that he named his kid after some CIA program.
23869417? ago
He was speaking about the SR-71 plane program
23875890? ago
The first prototype the A-12 Kids name is X AE A-12 so pretty much pronounced Xasha-12
23873016? ago
Wasn’t that the name of some shitty 90s band?
23883400? ago
Elon/Grimey claimed the reason they chose that plane for inspiration was because it is a "peaceful plane". Flies high, fast and isn't utilized for weapons.
23868631? ago
Don't forget Neuralink.
23868881? ago
Neuralink is the scariest project that Musk is selling.
Implanting a microchip DIRECTLY into the human brain, specifically to merge us with AI. A true nightmare technology!
On his latest Joe Rogan interview, he stated that humans with the chip will not even need to speak to each other using words, in as LITTLE AS 5-10 YEARS MAX. So you can be sure the tech is ALREADY at that level and the powers-that-be are just waiting for the right time to roll it out to the masses.
It's all coming together. I remember reading an Army College report in early 2001, brought to my attention by Alex Jones (he's still good for something) that predicted a FULLY MICRO-CHIPPED POPULATION by 2030.
ID2020, Agenda 2030....seems the next 10 years are pivotal for the full roll-out of the NWO.
The madness is only getting started.
23869700? ago
I saw a sitcom called The Feed very similar tech
23868589? ago
until he denounces 5g and works to stop the harm by it, i will assume Elon does not know what a red pill is.
23868572? ago
they're not 5g satellites rabbi.
23868885? ago
^ Elon Musk fanboy spotted (a true Rabbi).
23868224? ago
guy. the 5G thing is almost as bad as FlatEarth. please stop.
23868484? ago
Except the earth is flat you dumb faggot.
23871053? ago
Any proof (that isn't a YouTube video) of this flatness?? Something measurable? Something that can be confirmed?
23872042? ago
Bedford Level, in England.
Here's a book, with an experiment describing that, and a hundred or so other experiments. Enjoy the read!
23872492? ago
So, instead of YouTube, you went with
Cool cool. So do YOU PERSONALLY know, as in, COMPREHEND any of that to be able to explain it? Because that is garbage.
23879264? ago
You go ahead and read it, and tell me what it tells you. I know what it tells me, and you're just trolling with your SHOUTING CAPS so I am responding in kind. Your opinion is the one that is garbage, because you haven't even taken in the scientific knowledge contained in that book.
Actually here's a little sample: the Earth is supposed to curve at 8 inches per mile squared. (The mile is squared, not the 8 inches.) In other words, at 6 miles it would be 8 inches * 6 * 6 = 288 inches, or 24 feet.
That means that an object six miles away will appear 24 feet "below the curve". Thus, if the object is 25 feet tall, you will only be able to see the top foot of it.
Using a zoom lens, I have seen more than that. So, their math is busted, doesn't need further discussion.
23879491? ago
And you think this formula works on an irregular surface?
Or were you referring to the EXACT SAME NUMBERS this moron FlatEarther used to completely disprove the Flat Earth "theory"....?
23879519? ago
Good luck to your journey.
23879657? ago
No luck needed.
Fortuna Fortes Parat.
How upset were you when the exact same numbers showed up?
23869487? ago
Haha, no, it isn't. You're just clinically retarded.
23870373? ago
"jews lie about everything! except space. They are telling the truth about that. "
dumb nigger.
23872617? ago
Whites pioneered astronomy and cosmology long before kikes ever got involved, so your braindead criticism makes no sense. Plus I can literally see all the planets up through Saturn from my own backyard with an amateur telescope. You tinfoil hat faggots are utterly retarded, and you're shitting on the accomplishments of White men far greater than your pathetic schizo ass could ever hope to be.
Kill yourself.
23871061? ago
Oh. Its about Jews now? So why did all those goyim go along with it?
23871439? ago
Because you have lied to them about everything since the moment they were born, rabbi.
23871459? ago
Right. Of course. But you didn't answer the question, bud.
WHY are all of the goyim, who work at NASA, any communications company, any aerospace company, etc, ALL going along with it? Surely you don't think every employee is a Jew?
23872823? ago
no, most regular employees at NASAS are not jews. Most of the employees are good people and very intelligent, but they believe the lie and therefore help develop the lie. They basically play a trillion dollar version of Kerbel Space Program, the framework models given to satanists thousands of years ago by fallen angels via demonic channeling and other rituals. It's all about squaring the circle (Square and Compass Freemasonry).
23873114? ago
Ok. So these intelligent goyim, they take Calculus? They build machines and satellites that allegedly travel through space, land on Mars, photograph outer planets, etc, and they have to design the flight software that corresponds to PRECISE mathematics that explain this motion. They haven't figured it out? How smart are they? How is it the high level Jews are able to simultaneously sell them a lie, AND provide them fake EVERYTHING that these advanced electronics are surveilling? Sounds like the Jews are the smart ones, no?
23867854? ago
His starlink plan predates 5G, they are wifi, about as intensive as 3G.
23868227? ago
5G simply wouldn't work at that range. It's mircowave repeaters
23867675? ago
Maybe he sees the trend.
Even if he's a REDINO he'll have to at least put on a good show which will wake up normies
23867201? ago
They have 10g stuff in space according to information about the ones used by scientists in Antarctica. They are old from the 1960s
23867844? ago
G stands for generation, you are fake news. 5G is fifth generation cellular data transmission tech.
23869899? ago
Look it up. G is gigahertz not generation.
23872032? ago
neat to see someone stick to their ignorance!
23873038? ago
It's ubiquitous on Q subs, they hate truth so much.
23882262? ago
23883154? ago
You don't know what that means do you?
5ghz wifi isn't 5G you are really just showing your ass, I can tell you did a shit google search and just responded with the first phrase that confirms your bias but your bias was confirmed out of ignorance, you don't know what those terms mean and you are ignoring the grammar to suit your own BS.
Now maybe I've misunderstood your intention with this reply but because of the downvote I assume you think an article with the title "whats-the-difference-between-5g-and-5ghz-wi-fi" copied straight from the URL, somehow proves wifi and 5G are the same. because the association of the number 5 in your quote.
23883346? ago
I think I figured it out. You're not the same account as 23869899? -- which is why you're agreeing with my response which pointed out that 5G is not 5 Ghz.
Took a minute. Anon sub. God bless.
23886841? ago
Sorry i misunderstood also, been telling Putt anon subs should've been more like chan boards so these misunderstandings don't happen.
23887196? ago
But we get make-up, um, comments. :)
23879282? ago
kek, not getting it are you? you are the laughing stock
23881255? ago
Says the lying faggot who refused to double check his own facts after being called out and instead doubles down.
Q and qtards are the laughing stock of the right. We'd find you funnier if we didn't hate you so much.
23882245? ago
kek, you have no idea who you are talking to! i came in with the "neat" comment, and you're still the laughing stock of this joke.
23883170? ago
I doubt it, Qtards are all the same, ignorant shits afraid of cognitive dissonance.
It's easier for you vipers to lie than be honest.
23867678? ago
Heh. Funny how all roads lead to antarctica but the (((q))) psyop works doublehard to distract all eyes from it.
23869686? ago
Uh, the stuff he said isn't true. Curious as to if you're replying to your own comment or you've just used the misinformation to make up more bullshit.
23866790? ago
He wants some of those Space Force contracts! Good businessman...
23872086? ago
He's an alien hybrid. A beautiful one at that.
23867883? ago
Nailed it.
23865847? ago
23866563? ago
white house:
23865805? ago
I hope they don't red scarf him.
23865741? ago
Elon is elite. He believes in a different “truth”. They believe truth is subjective.
23869816? ago
Having an excessive amount of money is what allows the "elite" to believe in a different truth. They aren't smarter, stronger, or better than anyone else, they are just wealthy.
23867250? ago
Elon is rich. Calling anyone "elite" gives a label that implies they are superior to you. Words matter. You shape your own reality based on the words you use. He's just a human. Don't promote caste systems.
23867978? ago
THIS! Thank you. It needed to be said.
23872022? ago
Also nothing is above my "pay grade" :)
23866768? ago
Elon is a front-man, like all the other "young entrepreneurs" selling DARPA technology. Seems he does not like his role anymore.
23865916? ago
OK but stop calling them elite. Patriots are the elite.
23868087? ago
El worshipers are the elite. El. Baal. El-ite. Satan worshipers
23870028? ago
23872017? ago
23866122? ago
23865703? ago
Who shadow funds Elon Musk to unprofitably play around with ideas all day every day?
23871056? ago
My guess? The US taxpayer.
23868001? ago
23865626? ago
Still not sold.
23865707? ago
Me neither, he's hard to read, but I do know if he were really that bad, he could have done way more damage.
23865860? ago
His part in the DS plot got shut down with Space Force.
23870563? ago
That would be good^^^
23865476? ago
Tom Swift gonna TRIGGER the MSM.
23865005? ago
smells like BS
23871623? ago
Photo Musk with Trump at
23871615? ago
Elon Musk really did say he took the red pill 🔴 . Source May 17th, 2020:
23869397? ago
23867876? ago
My first thought too.
23865004? ago
Just wondering, do you really believe in freedom of religion? (the comment you made in your previous thread)
(No, I'm not the faggot who got in your face there)
23865034? ago
I believe in the U.S. Constitution. Freedom of religion is protected by the First Amendment, which prohibits laws establishing a national religion or impeding the free exercise of religion for its citizens.
23865045? ago
Would you say the same to Satanists or just falsely accuse them of devil worship (they don't believe in the devil) and/or fucking kids (they explicitly condemn harming children)? (Genuinely wondering if you practice what you preach)
23865643? ago
Satanists, and/or devil worshippers, have the right to be left to their faith, and leave the state from their faith. No one, regardless of faith or lack thereof, has the right to violate the right of the individual.
If Satanists, or devil worshippers, violate the Supreme Law of the Land, or conspire to, they should lose citizenship permanently, and be deported. They should be executed if sworn.
If they are American, and are not criminal, their faith is irrelevant.
23865956? ago
Very well put.
23865772? ago
You'll find that they're more vocal than just about anyone when it comes to separation of church (religion) and state.
23865641? ago
i've read their book, seems clear to me that they agree mutual respect is a good thing, but seem to have no problem 'culling' the population when necessary.
if there ever was a gateway drug.. it is satanism.
it gives you the tools to be a king in this world, but devoid of God you will fail miserably.
only because we need the inner guidance to not be taken.
23865489? ago
I would not call devil worship a religion on the same grounds that islam is not a religion, they both seek to rule and over throw the local elected governments with brain-washed baboons.
23865072? ago
They can worship what they like as long as they are not sacrificing babies. Don't be a fucking retard. Obviously you can't have psychopaths murdering whoever they like becasue they say it's their religion you fucking moron.
23865110? ago
I'm not.
Also agree.
Stop being so emotional, I was asking because I wanted to see if you're actually genuine, which props to you for being reasonable. Just relax, okay? I'm quite pleased to find that you're a cut above the average around here.
23871994? ago
otheranon here, i see the games you play