23870332? ago

"False Prophet" comes to mind.

23870886? ago

Revelation 13:13

"And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men"

I was thinking of the SpaceX rockets that return after launch. And look totally fake by the way.

23874070? ago

I live in Florida and can see them myself when they launch.

23874479? ago

Not talking about the launch but the rocket return.

23869586? ago

elon and rogan trying to turn Tx into california nightmare

23868960? ago

Just like Kanye.

23868856? ago

COMPLETELY agree. Sickening how a person of no character is idolized.

23868811? ago

Elon's cars are committing murder.

23868895? ago

You rabbis really hate him.

23868865? ago

Most modern cars now have that capability

23869064? ago

Michael Hastings approves of this message, likely.

23868900? ago

If you're going to be that stupid, 1970s cars had that capability too and 3X the horsepower.

23869183? ago

70s had cars that were completely autonomous?..

23868917? ago

Prob 1/3 the HP.