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23661652? ago


@MolochHunter here

you've done it again, and lied - this time in your opening sentence, instead of in your 2nd sentence last time you tried this on

my post makes it explicitly clear Racine is not off-topic, and that it is only posts that bear the hallmarks of @TrustTheTruth 's Consensus Cracking SockPuppeteering psy-op

anyone reading this can verify it here

23662340? ago

This is an easily proven lie. Just because you SAID that Racine is not off topic, doesn't mean that's actually true in practice. In reality comments with linked sources have been deleted.

Here are some examples of posts that were deleted even though moderators claimed they would not delete posts that cited sources or "did their homework":

In fact, in one instance you banned an account and claimed it was because "porn was posted" when in reality no porn was posted, but a link WAS posted that proved there was a sex abuse scandal in a Wisconsin youth reform school.