23662316? ago

Here is some info about the "Path of Souls" that the racine poster keeps talking about


23661652? ago


@MolochHunter here

you've done it again, and lied - this time in your opening sentence, instead of in your 2nd sentence last time you tried this on

my post makes it explicitly clear Racine is not off-topic, and that it is only posts that bear the hallmarks of @TrustTheTruth 's Consensus Cracking SockPuppeteering psy-op

anyone reading this can verify it here

23666984? ago

Get outta here you dirty kike.

23662357? ago

This is an easily proven lie. Just because you SAID that Racine is not off topic, doesn't mean that's actually true in practice. In reality comments with linked sources have been deleted.

Here are some examples of posts that were deleted even though moderators claimed they would not delete posts that cited sources or "did their homework":




In fact, in one instance you banned an account and claimed it was because "porn was posted" when in reality no porn was posted, but a link WAS posted that proved there was a sex abuse scandal in a Wisconsin youth reform school.

23662488? ago


dont you think it's time you graduated from that L on your forehead drawn with a sharpie, to getting it permanently tattooed ?

23662610? ago

I'll pass on taking a mark on my forehead, or in my right hand.

23662340? ago

This is an easily proven lie. Just because you SAID that Racine is not off topic, doesn't mean that's actually true in practice. In reality comments with linked sources have been deleted.

Here are some examples of posts that were deleted even though moderators claimed they would not delete posts that cited sources or "did their homework":




In fact, in one instance you banned an account and claimed it was because "porn was posted" when in reality no porn was posted, but a link WAS posted that proved there was a sex abuse scandal in a Wisconsin youth reform school.

23667018? ago

Why would you claim these as wins? None of that really matters in the grand scheme of things.

23672928? ago

None of that really matters


23661541? ago


23661052? ago

GA sub does not represent Q and its shill mod works for child traffickers.

23667033? ago

The mod is mentally broken and morally bankrupt.

23660984? ago

Anybody else notice this thread is being brigaded with downvotes?

23661597? ago


23661510? ago

i will upvote.. because for 4 years i have seen anything posted about Racine be aggressively attacked

23666276? ago

thank you

23666950? ago

Those kikes on Great awakening shouldn't be attacking my friend Jem777 she was one of the best researchers on this platform, they are scum.

23660764? ago

you reddit-teir noob, some subverse on voat is not Q

if you don't even understand that, then all your blabbering will be ignored

23660680? ago

Your first act in trying to garner support for your cause is to enter QRV and proudly proclaim Q bad.

How about you jump off a cliff with a note about it in your farewell letter.

23660546? ago

Save it for your book club.

23660625? ago

Qtards like NeonRevolt are the only ones cashing in with books, faggot

23662268? ago

What's wrong with capitalism? What are you a commie?

23660896? ago

Are you talking to me?

23660815? ago

and the rest are criminals