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23489553? ago

Streisand Effect ftw

His agent is prolly a pedo

23493696? ago

Do we know who his agent was? Perhaps send a few "Q sent ne" emails and tweets.

23497843? ago

You sound like that faggot Steinbart

23495157? ago

Q never sent you to his agent though, Q sent us to the video. Besides, the whole "Q sent me" thing is kind of cringe. At least drop red pills instead.

23499008? ago

What about The Crunge? Have you seen the bridge?

23497239? ago

Q sent me to tell you to quit being such a little faggot. Cringe is a verb, not a god damn adjective. Finish school, retard.

23495760? ago


23490782? ago

Likely he was pressured, threatened by pedoes

23500075? ago

Some of his tweets are amazing

23495748? ago

Lavender Mafia

23490460? ago

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