23497893? ago

Agent is a shill pedo, not the "guy" who didn't name the jews.

23497802? ago

Well, he didn't get fired for naming the joo.

23497562? ago

Anyone really think this guy expected to work in Hollywood again? He would have to build every part involved in his stunts to avoid sabotage. One does not throw ones own industry under the pedo bus and continue in said industry... without being silenced. Hell he already has to be concerned about retribution let alone jumping off a building or being in a car thats about to explode accidents happen ya know. Agent probably had no clue about the doc and had to do something to distance themself so the industry doesn't consider them an accomplice in the under bus toss.

23497974? ago

I was thinking the same thing. Who was the Rolling Stone writer whose car exploded, er um I mean, hit a pole, after the Patreus investigation?

23498242? ago

Micheal Hastings.

23498512? ago

yes. thank you

23498765? ago

I cheated Duck duck goose lol. i couldnt remember myself.

23496788? ago


agents are the niggers here.

how does someone get fired by their nigger?

man the fuck up.

you took the chance

stand up.

23496470? ago

How does an agent fire his principal?

23495884? ago

If only the entire population could just see this documentary. So, sad the sheep are funding satanic crap like the hunt, movie. Anyone who buys a ticket to the filthy movies the demons put out, is voting for it to continue. TV free for 7 years, now. Unplug it! #BELEVOLENCENOW!

23495303? ago

he will never be without a job or friend or God.

23495326? ago

sleeps like a baby

23494649? ago

Your agent works for you. He can quit or you can fire him, But your agent cannot "fire" you.

23493704? ago

Who was his agent?

23493630? ago

Guy makes video that gets 1 million views a day and gets fired by his agent. What part of this makes sense?

23493450? ago

if he hasn't been demonetized by Youtube, he'll rake in some $$$

23493272? ago

Gets fired for a raging success

23493259? ago

Wow. Didn't see that one coming.

23493106? ago

Is this worth watching if you're not a normie, and you actively avoid acquiring knowledge of actors and corporate sports types?

23493466? ago


23493931? ago

Fair answer, you can't say I didn't get exactly what I asked for.

23493046? ago

How does an agent fire his client? Dont make sense.

23492910? ago

Hollyweird's pissed

23492858? ago

Considering that his agent works for him, not the other way around, that makes it all the more fishy.

23492487? ago

They should just start making their own movies. Hellyweird sucks

23492270? ago

If true this is bad. This means he's a pariah in Pedowood. I hope he has a plan B.

23495209? ago

It kind of does confirm that he's over the target, though.

23492109? ago

Hey....he would be a great choice for Q - The Movie. He is a director too.

23492086? ago

The agent probably didn't have a choice not to fire Crux.

23492063? ago

Hilarious. Maybe Allah is real after all.

23491474? ago

His agent? WHO was he????

23491465? ago

Who’s his agent?

23491344? ago

Maybe he should take the hint and not be writing about things he has no business writing about.

23491338? ago

Express thanks if you appreciate his works, and encourage him to do more independently. When you see establishment forces attempting to blacklist and silence voices, you must figure out ways to support their efforts. Whether it be sending Owen Benjamin silver, using products/services endorsed by Rogan or Carolla, buying books from Peterson or Molyneux, or going to Trump's rallies.. your masters will try to silence signals, and leave you with nothing but noise.

If you appreciate the signals, do what you can to support them, or they will fade, and we'll be left with only noise!

23491317? ago

As he should have been. Duh.

23491196? ago

Figures. Can't have anyone with morals in Hollywood now, can we?

23491161? ago

Time to look into the agent?

23491141? ago

So his jew said adios?

23491134? ago

Still pushing this "muh satanists" crap?

23491090? ago

America and the world are just a few months away from needing great film makers. Hollywood will fail but the desire to go to movies won't. This is a big gift and blessing for him.

23491003? ago

Sounds like a lucky break

23490918? ago

That tells me something about his agent.

23490827? ago

Agents do not fire actors or stuntmen. They work for the actor/stuntman, not the other way around. Maybe told him no longer wants to represent him, but not "fired."

23491933? ago

Distinction without a difference.

23490787? ago

He was not FIRED. Agents don’t fire people. Mike and Brad’s agents just stopped representing them. I am sure they were not going to do the same jobs anyways.

Question.....I know them both and support them but no one ever held a gun to them and made them do the movies they did. They could have chosen which jobs to take. I do the same job they do and I have turned down many jobs because it was a film I can’t support. They are talented guys and will be hired by others.

23490785? ago

Refusal of service? Based on ideological differences?

That agent is starting to sound ripe for a cake baking.

And for the record I do think it should be fine to deny service for almost any reason. (I'm sure there are outliers I haven't considered), but it is standard leftist hypocrisy to find Colorado Baker as bad, and a pedo sheltering agent as justified.

23490774? ago

Proof that he was dead fucking OVER TARGET. He needs to sue the pants off of them. Take their lifeblood....money. And keep producing films that expose them for the criminals they are.

23490697? ago

What he did is going to make him more famous than the clowns he risked his life for.

23490615? ago

Go get Mel Gibson's agent if he has one.

23491920? ago


23490560? ago

Agent Quit?

23490536? ago

To any bears out there, I think this is kung fu bear.

23490506? ago

Has he provided the name of the agent and the agency? Surely the world should know about an agency that objects to a film like that. Their reaction speaks volumes.

23490429? ago

You mean his agent quit?

23490341? ago

He should have fired his agent, many can and will offer to replace the dumb agent.

23490249? ago

Just means that his agent is likely going to prison, he probably would have needed a new one soon either way.

23490232? ago

More winning !

23490192? ago

probably @gabara went into that too.. you know he downvtes people he doesnt like right? much like a jew

23490117? ago

Good riddance! To his agent, of course.

23489989? ago

Good. Pedowood isn't the only game in town. This guy is dangerous.

23489934? ago

Agents work for their clients.

Agents don't fire their clients.

They can quit or refuse to service.

But I know what you meant to say either way, just trying to be clear.

23491112? ago

Welcome to Hollywood, where agencies are higher on the totem pole than most actors.

23490247? ago

This. His agent quit, so Mike will just hire another who's more based.

23489900? ago

"You'll never work in this town again! "

Great, thanks.

23489828? ago

I don't think he was planning on acting in Hwood anyways after this

23490816? ago

A stuntman with a broken back.

23491059? ago

A fixed*** broken back.

23493789? ago

That can be fixed - neck.

23489747? ago

He did not kill himself

23489734? ago

I smell a semetic conspiracy.

23489680? ago

He will get a better Job soon, I´m 100% sure.

23493771? ago

I very much doubt it - blackballed for life.

Lucky to have a life to be blackballed.

These people don't mess around.

23495141? ago

Mel will hire him.

23492824? ago

He has a brand new body waiting for him in heaven that's even better...

23489559? ago

Since when can an agent fire somebody? Doesn't the agency represent the client? Something seems fishy when that happens.

23493154? ago

Since when can an agent fire somebody?

Agencies are not like court-appointed lawyers, who have to get permission to stop representing the client, and bakers do not have to bake faggot cakes.

23491996? ago

Agencies/ Agents can drop clients. Usually for 'bad' behavior. Or, 'creative differences.'

23491286? ago

No business is forced to do business with somebody.

This guy is radioactive now that he has made the documentary. He is probably going to have to find a new career since very few in Hollywood will want him. But I think he knows this. I hope he knew it.

23496557? ago

I am sure he knew it...got family in the business and they are very Quiet about there views because there is a black listing that goes on in Hollywood.

23496601? ago

Its how the bad actors maintain control. They are in-network and they slander anybody who speaks against them, effectively blacklisting the person.

23495688? ago

He's an intelligent guy. Of course he knew. Anyone doing this would know what the consequences would be, up to and including arkancide.

23493239? ago

"No business is forced to do business with somebody. "

Except if your a bakery in Colorado.

23492583? ago

He covers this in the twitter thread: "Guys it's no big deal... I knew this would happen"

23492201? ago

No business is forced to do business with somebody.

Tell that to bakers and photographers being sued because they don't want to do gay weddings.

23491815? ago

Words being pushed around for him to make his own Agency, then others can join. This could be the start of the new.

23492836? ago

Hollywood elites would crush him but it would be great if he could...

23493263? ago

hollyweirds are being taken out

I think he could. People are waking up. Pray and support other Patriots.

23494698? ago


23491340? ago

Yeah you have to expect career suicide from this

23491865? ago

A patriot who gave much to the cause. A salute to him!

23489990? ago

Exactly - should have fired the agent first.

23489926? ago

He actually did not say anywhere that his agent "fired" him. But that the agency is no longer representing him. That is something any talent agency can choose to do.

23489908? ago

Use your head, please.

23489553? ago

Streisand Effect ftw

His agent is prolly a pedo

23493696? ago

Do we know who his agent was? Perhaps send a few "Q sent ne" emails and tweets.

23497843? ago

You sound like that faggot Steinbart

23495157? ago

Q never sent you to his agent though, Q sent us to the video. Besides, the whole "Q sent me" thing is kind of cringe. At least drop red pills instead.

23499008? ago

What about The Crunge? Have you seen the bridge?

23497239? ago

Q sent me to tell you to quit being such a little faggot. Cringe is a verb, not a god damn adjective. Finish school, retard.

23495760? ago


23490782? ago

Likely he was pressured, threatened by pedoes

23500075? ago

Some of his tweets are amazing

23495748? ago

Lavender Mafia

23490460? ago

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23489538? ago

Highly acclaimed and widely viewed, people are still talking about it so I'd say the video was a huge success.

23494405? ago

With many lock at home orders still in effect will it get memory holed? By the time people get back to work are they just going to talk about Tiger King? Question everything.

23499089? ago

Hopefully by then they will finally notice the programming for themselves...once you start to see it, you can't unsee it.

23490996? ago

too bad youtube is making the official video damn hard to find. I watched it on Saturday morning, but for fun tried to find it on youtube and failed. I found other posts of it but not the official post.

23492464? ago

Official video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY8Nfzcn1qQ

Currently at 9.2 million views.

Keep posting it!

23499024? ago

13 hours later and now it's at 9.4mm views.

23492178? ago

Personally this is the first time I've had trouble finding something on Youtube. Quite telling.

23493376? ago

Note that if you add a "gen" before "youtube" (i.e., so the domain is actually "genyoutube.com"), then it will present download options.

For a few weeks, ending a day or two ago, it appeared that any "long" videos got an error, and didn't show the download buttons. I just tried it with this video, and it worked just now. So it appears that there was a bug, which they fixed.

I routinely watch YouTube videos at 2x, and I believe that I would be able to handle them at a faster rate, but YouTube doesn't make one available. So I'm considering making some software such that I can "click one button" (probably will be a right-click, to make a menu appear, and then a left-click from that menu "Play locally"), and it'll start downloading; after a certain period of time[1], it'll launch VLC and start playing the stream; and, adjust the playback to 3x, with an option to change that adjustment.

This way, I'll also have local copies of everything that I watched, making finding them a little easier (especially if they've been taken down!).

[1] -- An adaptive algorithm would work best here, which I'd code something like: set Y=10. If in time interval X it downloaded X*Y of the video, start playing. Once it's been downloading for more than 10 seconds, subtract 1 from Y, making it 9; do this every 10 seconds until Y is 2. This, also, should go through some testing as it's just off the top of my head. The idea is we want to start playing as soon as possible, but not if we're going to experience any buffering. And, we don't just want to "wait ten seconds at the start" because above a certain speed, it could start streaming in under one second, so no reason to wait any longer. Edge cases, in algorithms, was my forte when I had a career in software. :)

23489527? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/RYJIr :

Crux on Twitter: "Well... I guess my agency didn't like the film... I just checked my IMDB page and I guess I no longer a client. I wonder why?"

This has been an automated message.

23489386? ago

He should get something in writing from them to prove this.

23493175? ago

Well... I guess my agency didn't like the film... I just checked my IMDB page and I guess I no longer a client.

To prove what?

23493293? ago

That his agency dropped him obviously.

23493657? ago

It would be very difficult to not do that, unless he's some kind of recluse who avoids human contact. Being that he twits, that seems unlikely.

There would be a contract that covers all of that kind of thing, and it would be the normal course of business to have his attorney look into the status of their relationship.

23495454? ago

Yeah, some kind of proof would be good.