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23410363? ago

ok, that's a shit-show of a thread.

Unfortunately it is also weak on information (what Supreme court case for Amazon??)

23410767? ago

that's a shit-show of a thread

Yeah that's what the Racine narrative pushers do, they shit up submissions with a bunch of unsourced spam, disinfo, gaslighting, etc.

23411125? ago

Everyone that defends the corrupt people in Racine are shills. This guy just copy pastes the same message to all articles ( unsourced spam, disinfo, gaslighting, etc. )

23411188? ago

I'm not (and will not) defending anyone guilty of corruption. Your narrative is garbage and the fact that you use subversive methods to enforce it just adds to that assessment.

23411301? ago

It's not my narative, I only observed the pattern of deaths related to Racine Wisconsin investigations and the rampant nepotism found in all government institutions there.

23411310? ago

It's not my narative

You're not fooling anyone (except those unfamiliar with your tactics), sockpuppet.

23411316? ago

Whatever you say shill.

23411351? ago

Another predictable tactic, accusing someone else of being a shill for speaking out against your narrative(s), to deflect from your own subversive ways.

23411723? ago

Okay shill