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23410303? ago

Where's the sauce on Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt being dead?

23410744? ago

There is none, because they aren't.

W_i_C switched to a litany of alt accounts, starting with RIPJem, then TrustTheTruth and countless more since (easily near or over 100 now) and even has SBBH creating sockpuppet accounts larping as them now too.

23411617? ago

I live in WI so back when PG was first on voat after reddit shut it down, I was paying attention to the Racine guy who was constantly posting in the PG subs. I'm no shrink, but that guy appeared to have some untreated mental health issues. Not to say Racine isn't corrupt or Wisconsin for that matter. Racine is very close to Chicago so spillover corruption for sure. But the guy's rhetoric was way over the top. And now I mostly ignore the Racine stuff as questionable stuff I don't have time for.

23411695? ago

Not to say Racine isn't corrupt or Wisconsin for that matter. Racine is very close to Chicago so spillover corruption for sure.

Yeah that's the ironic part. There's corruption in plenty of places and WI abroad is no exception. Their narrative, though, is propaganda-laden crap designed to waste time and make anyone who associates with it look ridiculous – on top of that, they've turned it into an extreme campaign to attack various users (particularly v/pizzagate and v/GreatAwakening moderators/contributors).

And now I mostly ignore the Racine stuff as questionable stuff I don't have time for.

Ditto. It's mostly whitenoise at this point and they even shot themselves right in the foot by trying intersperse another larp from the 1980s into it.