23377839? ago

I wonder how many kids did he have to rape for him to be that controlled into muh globalism?

23376713? ago

It's encouraging to see how the Great Awakening is reducing the DS players' power--BG included. We now know we are the majority, & we're not falling for the storyline anymore.

23376338? ago

Bill gates is a fraud and he will pay dearly for his transgressions.

23375424? ago

Got to be a lizard.

23372855? ago

Once the whole world takes my injection then I will "allow" them live on my planet.

23372589? ago

Remember that Bill Gates was on Epstein’s Lolita Express flight log. As much of an evil asshole as he is, there is an even more evil master controlling that puppet. He’s smuggly playing a role that was forced upon him (b/c of his own poor character) which is why he left Microsoft and why he can barely hold it together during this interview. It’s killing him from the inside that he can’t tell the truth...

23372325? ago

“We didn’t simulate this”

I’m sorry, what was event 201 held in NYC in Oct 2019? You disgusting, foul POS. Hopefully the next ‘pie’ that hits you in the face is traveling roughly 2000fps faster than the last one!

23371671? ago


Check out who Bill Gates Sr (Bill Gates Father) hangs out with.... Soros, Fauci, Rockfeller, Etc.. So you know father like son.

23371622? ago

Gates is one sick, evil POS.

23371582? ago

This dude wants to inject who-knows-what into every human on planet Earth. I wonder if the demon operating through the corpse known as Bill Gates actually has a name.

23372383? ago


23371259? ago

The globalist piece of crap talks to the globalist crap broadcasting corporation. I can't believe how much airtime this parasite is getting. I do hope we get to see him carted off for crimes against humanity soon.

23370862? ago

Did he help Mastermind the release of this shit? Every press thing he does he seems to be happy about this crap.

23370582? ago

Alex Jones is right about Gates

23370528? ago

Anybody got time code sauce?

I can’t stand watching this asshole.

I’ve been dealing with him since we were kids and he was pushing MS DOS down everyone throat.

23370506? ago

This guy has been dishonest since the beginning.

23370391? ago

What's with his suppressed laughing? At 14:17 for example but throughout the whole interview. Is he on medication? Is he high?

23370338? ago

I couldn't take 5 minutes. He says nothing but general crap. He puts himself in the group of health experts to which he refers. He's a computer guy for Pete's sake.

23369963? ago

clickbait title, he doesnt say any of that shit.

23374656? ago

its close enough, Bill Gates is pure EGO thinks of himself as some kind of biologist genius or pathogen and flu expert when all he is doing is probably involded in the whole ponzi scheme screwing the US tax payer for a quick buck. I'm not saying Corna does not exist, it is a threat but what happened across some of this Earth and whats happening in politics is BULLSHIT, Bill Gates is part of the scam, he is not interested in prevention or a cure he wants the American peoples Money AGAIN !!

23374696? ago

That's cool but the interview says none of that

23370191? ago

What do you expect from these braindead sycophants?

23374661? ago

Do you know how many small tech business Bill Gates ruined, he is a major league scammer, too big too fail, almost took down the US government itself.

23428412? ago

Okay, I agree with that, but those things you mentioned have literally nothing to do with the bullshit clickbait title of this post.

23369953? ago

Bill Gates taking credit for what Rockefeller foundation wrote in their study in 2010

23369840? ago

Injecting a Human against their will is ASSAULT , end of . . .

23369826? ago

Schools around here are switching to online learning using Microsoft teams.. payed for licenses for every single student.. would be a very hefty profit for Microsoft.

23369705? ago

In our special forces we have some of the best snipers on the planet. We can't expend 1 bullet on this meglomaniac to stop what he is trying to do to all of us? Is any one person more of a threat to the world, than him?

23369879? ago

In a nutshell, no. Seems we are in a bit of a pickle.

23369595? ago

The comments under the video were great - every single one reflected the truth about him. Guess they will have to find a way to disable the comments.

23369562? ago

They don't even hide their evil anymore. They flaunt it hoping to normalize it. Its been in front of us the whole time.

23369506? ago

Someone should screen all those comments.

23369481? ago

I understand bill gates is evil and a piece of shit.....but what is fundamentally wrong with eugenics?? I didn't realize we were all a bunch of antifa liberals here......

23370238? ago

I guess these Qtards like it when retarded Africans have 12 kids a piece while White westerners are going extinct. Fucking brainwashed idiots.

23371013? ago

Ya they're a bunch of fucking idiots who aren't really able to collect their thoughts in a consistent way

23428546? ago

Talking to them really is like that analogy of playing chess with a pigeon.

Not one of them was able to explain to me why eugenics is fundamentally wrong. I don't think they even know what it means. They're so detached from reality it almost makes me feel sorry for them.

23370225? ago

Seriously. Eugenics is a positive thing. I mean its literally in the name. "Good genetics".

23369136? ago

Bill Gates' father was the head of Planned Parenthood.

Short clip here with BG admitting it, himself, that his parents were both very involved:


Eugenics runs in their family.

Please share this everywhere.

23369497? ago


23370183? ago

I wish. Nazis are the good guys.

23369015? ago

His hand gesturing is that of a mad man.

23368998? ago

And they are using Coronagate to push their agenda. I have had enough of "Lockdown" for a less than 1% chance of death. This overblown DS agenda needs to be shut down STAT. Patriots are furious that DS Doctor Actors like Fraud Fauci and Scarf Woman Birx are getting away with flaming the fires of hysteria. SHUT IT DOWN. OPEN UP THE USA NOW.

23368995? ago

Wow, the propaganda machine is really pushing for the global government aren't they. Literally the first thing the propaganda puppet asked was "how important is it to have a GLOBAL response?"

23368984? ago

Gates is such a creep. He isn't intelligent. You can tell that he doesn’t have education behind him because he talks like a 16 year old. I yearn for the day the truth is shown on all of this.

23369833? ago

but he said he was a health 'expert'...

23370906? ago

Why are you getting downvoted, you’re being sarcastic.

23369802? ago

'It was eye opening to see how these devils were embedded in government.' https://voat.co/v/QRV/3761928/23368440

23368955? ago

Q? Please?! Is he going to be stopped???! We can't let these vaciines happen!!

23368811? ago

Cut off his hands, he can never say another word! Of course, cutting off the head of this snake would have the same effect!

23368641? ago

Lock them all up in a zoo like setting, inject THEM with the vaccines they want to force on us and then observe them 24/7 in real time to monitor the health effects.


23368471? ago

Evil incarnate.

What more is there to say?

23368385? ago

Can anyone post timecodes, I don't want to listen to this guy for 17 minutes.

Damn you think they'd interview Dr. Fauci, an actual doctor at least but oh snap! Pence has barred them from doing interviews.

Barred kek

23369461? ago

Jessie Watters did a pretty hard hitting interview with him. I believe I read that Fauci is one of the top paid individuals in the federal government, and he takes zero responsibility for this fiasco. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1249372642454515712

23368652? ago

Dr. Fauci is also a eugenicist, he's behind the fake AIDS epidemic, killing degenerates off in the most expensive way possible.

23370161? ago

Based. Why is everyone acting like that's a bad thing?

23369167? ago

Birx interned at Fauci's lab while she was a student. Both go back a long way.

23374008? ago

Shagging the intern?

23368770? ago

Gates started a software company and they are having him on as a medical expert.

23369271? ago

Gates started Microsoft about as much as Cuckerberg started Facebook. Get it now?

23368851? ago

LOL, he didn't start anything, he's a bloodline dude who was set up with an excuse to have the money and power he has.

23368308? ago

So... the only thing that's changed with the Nazi's is they stopped being nationalists.

23370206? ago

These people have less than nothing to do with national socialists. I'm a natsoc; we hate globalists with a passion.

23368659? ago

You must mean AshkeNAZIs.

23370342? ago

Since when was there a difference?

23368481? ago

The witchcraft pizzgate woman artist https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3761843

23368551? ago

Occult cunts are nazi cliche

23368278? ago

adrendachrome withdrawl

23368218? ago

Guess he was a POS his whole life. He never finished college and stole the software to create Microsoft. Wonder who funded him in the beginning?

23374895? ago

  1. Gates is Dr. WHO.

One of his employees was named by Epstein to be back-up executor of Epstein’s estate.

Microsoft just launched an ad using “spirit cooker” Maria Abramovich.

Gates got government to indemnify him against any lawsuits related to CV treatment & vaccinations.

Microsoft got the contract to store the military’s electronic data.

23370163? ago

Jews. He is a cryptojew.

23370472? ago

So are the Rockefellers

23370524? ago

Controlled by kikes....and or full on cryptos like you said.

23370125? ago

His mother had some relationship with IBM. So when it came to putting an OS on IBM's new personal computer guess who was in the ready. JUST FUCKING LUCKY! Microsoft never had a dime of debt. So now we know her lineage goes back to the Rockefeller's and further back to the Queen. All connected to fuck with us. Time for torches and pitchforks I think.

23369376? ago


23369047? ago

Many are. Elon Musk's grandfather was part of the Canadian technocrats. The same Elon Musk who's SpaceX is currently sending tens of thousands low-altitude satellites in order to cover the entire world in electro smog.

Reminder, even 2G and 3G cell phone radiation causes cancer.

23368464? ago

Spirit cooking satanist Maria featured in new Microsoft commercial https://voat.co/v/QRV/3761797/23368009

23368211? ago

Gates is already one of the top serial killers. Why in the world would we let him kill more people?

23368194? ago

Who is going to volunteer to be the first to take an injection from a Bill Gates vaccine. It mostly CERTAINLY won't be me. That guy is a monster. He is trying to kill us all.

23368150? ago

I would love to punch his nose crooked.

23368087? ago

If you look up the definition of psychopath, you'll see a pic of Bill Gates. Seeing that his dad was warped, he was obviously born this way. To be a true psychopath, you have to be born as such. Sociopaths are made.

23368034? ago

I can't even stand listening to that hand wringing sissy boy man illuminati kill plan faggot.

23368021? ago

Eugenicist == Nazitard

23370218? ago

Kill yourself boomer.

You fell for the Jewish brainwashing.

23376124? ago

^^ completely brainwashed nazitard thinks nazis were not eugenicists.


23428389? ago

Being a "eugenicist" is not a bad thing, you dipshit goatfucking faggot boomer.

Nazis were eugenicists, and that's good, because if you don't have eugenics, you have DYSGENICS, and that leads to idiocracy. Literally, the movie Idiocracy is what happens if we continue on our society's current dysgenic path, where retarded niggers on welfare have 6 kids a piece while intelligent, conscientious White people maybe only have 1 or 2 (or none at all), because they feel like they can't afford more.

You, for example, should not breed, since you are too stupid to understand what basic words mean.

23430887? ago

Being a "eugenicist" is not a bad thing,


OK Billy.

23485635? ago

Not an argument, dipshit. Explain how it's bad or kill yourself.