23383934? ago

Lol, the video got set to "private" . Makes me wonder just who has the permission to watch it...

23382182? ago

They made it private now. Fuck Bill Gates.

23379775? ago

Wow. I was expecting it to be a brunette woman who is not her, a case of mistaken identity.

Nope, it's absolutely her 100%.

23379278? ago

As of now 579 ups to 19000 downs 😂😂😂😂😂😡😡😡😡😡

23378896? ago

Time to boycott Microsoft

23378341? ago

15k downvoats. 550 upvoats

23378282? ago

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus. Father many of us here on QRV know what Marina Abramovic is and who she is enslaved to. We know the history of her wickedness, that she hates you and despises the righteous. She has murdered children, sacrificed to her demonic god, feasted upon the flesh of humans - whom you created in your likeness and for your purpose on the face of the earth.

Father, hear my cry my God! My Savior! Our Defense and Comforter! Turn back upon the head of the enemy every curse they send! Let them fall down and forever fail. Remember, Dear God in Heaven! I memorialize before your throne those innocents this Marina Abramovic has murdered! Do not let their blood be for naught, Oh God! The cries of their blood comes to your ears! Remember Abramovic and those who support her, who follow her, who worship demonic forces with her!

Let the wickedness she and they portend fall back and strike them without mercy. Humble the software company, Microsoft. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! Bring confusion and damnation upon them. May they hear a noise and be terrified, even if it be but a rustling of the new leaves upon the trees. Horrify them. Terrify them. Let those who beg for your mercy be saved. May your enemies find just eternal torment.

We ask this in the Name above all names, Jesus.

23377462? ago

If you ever needed a good reason to go to Linux.......

23377213? ago

Reported & down voted. Dark to light - PAY DAY IS COMING MICROSOFT & COMPANY.

23377155? ago

95% down votes.

23377070? ago

I thought her name was "Marina"?

23377011? ago

For anyone who doesn't know the Holocene system works by projecting the hologram beam of light directly into your eye and using your retina as the 'screen'.

This folks is one step before contact lens, implants, and who knows what else.

As of right now your brain can't perceive the difference between good VR content and reality. That is why people get motion sickness from it.

Just as you can use you minds eye and meditate strongly to imagine yourself in new surroundings...these devices will allow for passive waking dreams.

Imagine a man made fictitious veil in from of your eyes all day long. For the rest of your life. If you pay close attention to sci fi movies, they anticipate this going so far that they real world will be built in white or grey. And these facsimile visions will be projected to color, design, and styles to re-recreate a pleasing artificial layer over your everyday daily surroundings.

23376980? ago

I am now proud to say that I've pirated every version of Windows that I've used. I would hate to give them money.

23376806? ago

If you guise wanna see some really edgy shit, check out what the Satanists have to say about things.

Not what you’d expect.

Also, not exactly how Q portrays them either.

I suppose different sects/denominations exist.


Based? LOL!

23376431? ago

That's it, that's the last straw. I'm going to have to learn how to replace my old microsuck systems with Linux at home.

23376138? ago

Just added my dislike, at 9.6K now

23375822? ago

An Open rebellion against GOD

We don’t want their luciferian tyranny

23375669? ago

'comments are disabled on this video' i wonder why lol

23375358? ago

Fucking gargoyle 😠

23375255? ago

We need some good Video Editing Anons to redo this this video filled with all of her Spirit Cooking artwork...

23375162? ago

486 up 8.1k down

23374444? ago

She’s the modern-day Ishtar.

23374181? ago

Very interesting... she is 5 years younger than my mom...and looks 50ish. Adrenechrome much? I saw her next to one of the Rothschilds...her head is very large.

23374165? ago

If you ever wondered why they burned witches at the stake just take a look at what this evil bitch calls art.

23374069? ago

430 likes to 6900 dislikes. I also reported that shitstain.

23373775? ago

I disliked it as well. 462 likes and 6K+ dislikes. They know better than to enable comments. This was a big middle finger to all of us for Easter Weekend IMO.

23373648? ago


23373639? ago

awesome now has 6k downvotes to 400 upvotes, nice job anons.

23373563? ago

This verifies the 666 symbol in Googles Chrome symbol.

23373216? ago

Well good thing my company is moving to Linux and so am I at home

23373090? ago

Satanists feel they receive power by flaunting the evil they intend to do in your face.

Bill Gates feels he derives power from telling you he's going to vaccinate you to your face.

He thinks he derives power by boldly featuring a satanist in their commercials.

Symbolism will be their downfall.

23372899? ago

No one is allowed to get as rich as Bill Gates without being part of the Deep State Global Cabal. Perhaps in the future that will change. WWG1WGA.

23372822? ago

Why is she still walking free ?

23372810? ago

4.7K down votes now

23372433? ago

How do you bring terror to the public and they don't run away? Put it right in their lap with new technology and they will call it art.

23372315? ago

That video is ratioed, that should tell you something

23372059? ago

She looks and sounds like a dude.

23372277? ago

Gotta have that Baphomet inversion.

23371891? ago

she sleeps in the same room with that freaky weirdo woman, who's mother wears a hood over her head.

23371848? ago

6:20 pm EST 3.8k dislikes, 436 upvotes

23371843? ago

"art" is such a sham, Christ (Sorry God). They are all so up each others asses it's ridiculous.

23371729? ago

3,700 dislikes and counting.

23371720? ago

Comments turned off.

23371678? ago

Report the video. You can say something like this "Marina Abramovic is a demonic soul who teaches spirit cooking and other cannibalistic behaviors. Not only should this video be banned, Microsoft should lose their business licenses for even promoting this person's work in conjunction with their products. "

23371869? ago

We do not want it removed. We want them to reveal to the world who they really are. It is also a good way to get a general idea of how many of them versus us there are with the up and down votes. When people start waking up and researching who she is and what she does then they will see more of who Gates really is. Pure evil!

23371547? ago

Windows 666: Moloch Edition

23371533? ago

live your lives...he is risen! Stay positive - evil has always been here. Family and friends matter most! wwg1wga

23371396? ago

What the fucking fuck. Someone please cut this satanic cunt into little pieces so the world never has to see her "art" ever again

Microsoft needs blown to hell and back.

23371384? ago

Bill Gates: “we are only safe if everyone stays 6 feet from another human”

Same Bill Gates: “now go watch a satanist by sharing the same headset PC with many other people”

23371286? ago

Downvoted...3.4k against 431 lost souls who upvoted this monster. M$ never getting another penny from me...

23371216? ago

Wow ... they are truly coming "Out of shadows" with this one.

23371193? ago

Bill Gates and the ghoulish fiends that he hangs out with will be the shocker to the world if we prove it in court - which we will. There are so many billionaires to choose from to be the first to go down but this virus thing put his name at the top of the current Most Evil Person in the World Award even surpassing his dad who is responsible for the murder of millions of human babies during years as head of Planed Parenthood.

23371177? ago

Comments are disabled for this video... interesting that all of their other videos allow comments.

23370987? ago

that is a SICK woman. I shouldn't be surprised that Microsoft would be promoting her.

23370952? ago

Satanic arrogance on display for all to see. I’m all for a fair trial, if found guilty- burned at the stake.

Salem Witch Trials were probably legitimate imo. Those colonists probably recognized it and wanted to rid our new found Nation of the satanic scourge before it got a foot hold.

23370902? ago

There are no words. Did you see there are about 3 other videos about her? This is the same thing they are doing with Gates. Lionizing these people is nothing less than an attempt to get ahead of the narrative. They think they are so clever. TAKE THEM ALL DOWN AG BARR! GITMO is too good for them. What an evil bitch!

I second the comment that they uploaded this satanic witch on Good Friday.

23370892? ago


sick freak!

23370756? ago

I wish that I had more hands to give more thumbs down

23370701? ago

Ohhh this is great! Oven them all..

23370641? ago

That witch is 73 years old, and she's eaten enough babies to make her look 55.

23371901? ago

As an almost 55 year old woman No. She looks like a plastic overfilled old lady trying desperately to hang on to some semblance of "woman". Please don't lump us with her. She has the classic cement face of someone who has too much money and time but no mirror.

23370608? ago

OMG. Maybe this is the Matrix or we are in hell. What is going on with these sick peoples? Can I go home please? Another universe or something were there is love and beauty.

23370514? ago

what kind of brainwave entrainment is happening in the VR headsets? no patriot should ever put one of those on his head

Augmented Cognition via Brainwave Entrainment in Virtual Reality: An Open, Integrated Brain Augmentation in a Neuroscience System Approach link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41133-017-0005-3

23374755? ago

Very dangerous technology in the wrong hands.

23371363? ago

^^ This.

23370484? ago

Act of WAR

Shot across the bow

23370440? ago

Microsoft showing its true color.

23370425? ago


23370424? ago

Gates has been telegraphing the truth about himself since the beginning. The name of his company is a description of his dick.

23370409? ago

They must think that they're going to win this. Nope.

23370389? ago

I guess they really are coming out of the shadows. We know who they are.

23370353? ago

disliked and reported and made a lovely comment spirit cooker.

23370604? ago

Comments were turned off. Where did you comment?

23373025? ago

in my report. I do it constantly on every single CNN, MSNBC and ABC recommends.

23372254? ago

When you report you can make a comment

23370177? ago

Need to bring back caning as a punishment. Give Bill a good 1000.

23370165? ago

What arrogant fucks they are.

23377473? ago

Yeah this is bad optics at the very least.

23370069? ago

Prepare for some overt "of course it's not what it looks like" symbolism-based, activation "art ". Mass marketed and broadcast to shake every un-triggered asset out of their hugboxes.

23370052? ago

in your face... they are getting to the point of not caring who knows what. that's dangerous.

23370001? ago

Remember the Salem Witch Trials. The Jesuits recorded the Court testimony while the Pedovore Church went under ground.

To the Jesuit Occult we now call the Masonic Temple and the Union Labor that runs it.

23369965? ago

Pure Satanic evil that we need to fight against with every ounce of strength that we have!!!!!

23369893? ago

I can't believe this. All I know of this woman are pictures of one of her parties. That's all I have to know. I'm having a hard time reconciling using windows for anything. Maybe I'll use mint or debian more. I remember a phrase microsoft used in one of their commercials, "Where do you want to go today"? I didn't know that HELL was one of the places on their itinerary. Blue screen of death has a new meaning now.

23370667? ago

Time to put everything Microsoft in the trash!

23369867? ago

Art will be "pure transmission of energy between the veiwer and the artist". Meaning total mind fuck from satin's whore. Imagine her inside your children's mind. EVIL

23370574? ago

Witchcraft... a dying “art”.

23369843? ago

407 up. 2.2k down (including me).

23370062? ago

15 minutes later 411 up, 2.4K down (dammed straight I voted at 2.2 down)

23369816? ago

Vid is getting ratio’d pretty hard. Comments disabled. What a bunch of faggots - comment on their other videos

23369683? ago

That is totally messed up

23369621? ago

Comments disabled. THEY know what they'd get from us. People are not blind anymore.

23369592? ago

Why can't anyone ever do anything fun like this on the side of the light? This dark agenda is always SHOVED down our throats like it's the end all be all. She is so gross. I could think of a lot of performers I'd love to watch over her. She'd be the last I'd probably choose.

23369565? ago

What's wrong with Satan?

23369546? ago

Thanks for posting. 1.9k dislikes right now.

This is pure evil.

23369476? ago

It is almost as if they are bragging about it......I think Bill Gates Secret Service name should be "microSOFT"

23369418? ago

Disliked that shit. How the fuck do these weirdos make money?

23369383? ago


1.9K dislikes

Who would even want her horrid image to be around forever?

23369311? ago


23369258? ago

Talk about BLATANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

23369181? ago

its like they enjoy sticking their finger in your eye

23368933? ago


bringing "spirit cooking to mainstream"

23369399? ago

I think his spirit is cooked!

23368900? ago

Almost 2K dislike to 339 like.

23368866? ago

President Trump called in out on Friday - they're doing spells on the rest of us.



23370455? ago

In Jesus’ Holy Name we reject this satanic garbage. AMEN! 🙏🏻

23368803? ago

Good and evil have never been more clearly exposed. The time for choosing is almost done. The day where we will take a stand for the side we have chosen is almost here.

23368791? ago

At 2:22 EST today the ratio was 393 likes to 1.5k dislikes.

Fuck these satanic demons.

23369172? ago

2:49 EST and the ratio is now 394 to 1.7k.

23369931? ago

3:45 EST and the ratio is now 408 to 2.3K

23370722? ago

4:48 EST and the ratio is no 424 to 2.9K

23368780? ago

Hey guys remember that we were gonna highlight “spirit cooking” portion of the leaked e-mails, because it was pretty straightforward, cut-and-dry, not subject to misinterpretation, etc...

Heres our chance!

Id also like to add that this woman is disgusting, and her “art” is disgusting,

And people like her are the reason people don’t like people like her, if you know what i’m saying...

23377909? ago

She is the crack in the damn that breaks open the whole underworld culture of wicked degeneracy practiced by the most affluent, and powerful people in our society. She is connected to many of them, and even the normies will know what it means when they see it.

23368752? ago

Tech is cool though. Maybe gamers will get off their fat asses.

23369218? ago

I have an 8 pack, you fat faggot.

23370334? ago

Yeah I know, it was a 12 pack but you already drank four. Niggerfaggot

23371355? ago

I don't drink alcohol. That's for faggots like you.

23372943? ago

An oven dodger like you is probably still drunk from Passover. Fuck you kike!

23373086? ago

I'm a white Polish man. You are dumb.

23370619? ago


23368727? ago

Downvoted also

23368709? ago

Pure evil.

23368671? ago

She pours breast milk, blood, and cum on child statues and is abominable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E

23368650? ago

Salem 2.0 needed.

23370115? ago

Except this time the Jesuit Occult will not be re-writing history while it happens.

23368628? ago

Shocking. Explore medium of mixed reality. Looks like they are putting this out there to pretend it is fakery.

23368623? ago

Disgusting!!! Another dislike.

23368599? ago

This witch knows her appointment with the lake of fire is close so she’s uploaded herself to VR in an attempt for some sort of hellish immortality through Gates Microsoft. You couldn’t write a creepier-ass script. Sickening.

23370467? ago


23368589? ago

Madonna, Maria - at least they're going all in on letting us know exactly who they are.

23368542? ago

Up voted just so everyone can see this and go down vote the video.

23368511? ago

Tin Drum


The story revolves around the life of Oskar Matzerath, as narrated by himself when confined in a mental hospital during the years 1952–1954. Born in 1924 in the Free City of Danzig (now Gdańsk, Poland), with an adult's capacity for thought and perception, he decides never to grow up when he hears his father declare that he would become a grocer. Gifted with a piercing shriek that can shatter glass or be used as a weapon, Oskar declares himself to be one of those "clairaudient infants", whose "spiritual development is complete at birth and only needs to affirm itself". He retains the stature of a child while living through the beginning of World War II, several love affairs, and the world of postwar Europe. Through all this, a toy tin drum, the first of which he received as a present on his third birthday, followed by many replacement drums each time he wears one out from over-vigorous drumming, remains his treasured possession; he is willing to commit violence to retain it.

23376277? ago

So [they] invented this "remaining a child" plot device -- in order to have "several love affairs" starring a three-year-old. [They] are so much more easily seen through these days!

23376928? ago

The post modern fascination with mental illness is so tiresome.

But good catch at the attempt for normalization of child sexualization.

This is the same b.s. line that allows representation of cp in hentai and anime as the cartoons characters just 'look like' children.

23370532? ago

Thank you! ^

23368475? ago

Of course, lame ass Microshaft has the comments turned off.

Shocking they would put a known satanist on their brand this way. Just right out in public.

23369855? ago

Even more shocking is they would never put a known Christian of comparable stature

23368446? ago

Love how comments are turned off!

Was going to watch it myself, but clicked off when they started projecting all those disjointed images. Trying to cast her spell and hypnotize, I see.

23368444? ago

Get their names right. Marina Abramović

23369358? ago

Shit, my bad, im OP, I always read it as Maria, more of her witchcraft?

23370172? ago

Abramović is all we need to curse like a drunken sailor.

23368338? ago

"Arguably the world’s most acclaimed performance artist, Marina Abramović " Are you f'ing kidding me? If you were on the fence about Bill Gates and Micro$oft this should convince even the most skeptical out there - he is on the wrong side of the Good vs Evil fight.

23368324? ago

Love the 👎 count. Let it be known that we reject their alternate reality.

Marina Abramović presents “The Life” in mixed reality



675K subscribers

1:56 pm est April 12, 2020

23368312? ago

Until this moment, I'd been thinking it is possible we are misinterpreting Bill Gates. No longer. It is impossible that he is a good guy now. Evil surrounds all he does.

23374993? ago

I’m glad you understand now, but honestly don’t know what there is to misinterpret. He is behind every vax pack they push into our children and a integral part of the surveillance state we live in.

23368175? ago

Just disliked this BS satanist video. She must have been taking adrenochrome for decades. Has Microsoft gone full blown satanist and now showing the world.

23370050? ago

And damned near the entire government runs on Windows. Most of the world does.

23370364? ago

Wrong. Most, if not all, government agencies run on Linux.

23370475? ago

Every USG desktop I have worked on uses MS Windows. Back end may be different, but desktop environment is 100% MSFT.

23368142? ago

This satanist is 73 years old - she looks like she has been taken adrenochrome for decades.

Microsoft just proved that they are in the satanist cult. Why not, look at what Bill Gates is doing.

23380783? ago

I would not have thought she was that old... she looks about 50 at most.

23369900? ago

(((Young Blood))) became (((Adrenochrome))) for movers and shakers.

Soon after Young Blood became a Jesuit Ritual the dependence on fetus blood extracted from a tortured and dead mother became true power with LONG LIFE.

23368109? ago

Be heard! Thumbs DOWN!

23368024? ago

These assholes are right out there flaunting it. Published by Microsoft on Good Friday 4-10-20.

23368009? ago

Holy fuck, am I dreaming? She's well known to every pizzagater. Billy is sending a message to us.

23368472? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

Posted automatically (#104010) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

23368131? ago

Bill is trying to say "we're so rich and powerful, you can't bring us down and I will rub our degeneracy in your face"

23368408? ago

But Bill Gates has nothing to do with Microsoft though.

23371856? ago

nothing AT ALL.

23370705? ago

Sure, he, a multibillionaire who created it packed his suitcases, walked out of the office and from that day he had nothing to do with MS. How the fuck do you think this works? Yes, smartass, I'm aware he left his post few years ago. Even if he formally has no ties, that still doesn't mean anything.

23370331? ago

Except he owns it.

23369777? ago

Clinton Global Initiative has nothing to do with Hillary or Slick Willy personal wealth.

That would be unethical and very naughty. Besides, they are too big and under a microscope of the "honest" IRS, US Marshals, Secret Service, SEIU enforcers and even the Vatican Bank. (Hi Rothschild's)

Hell, even the FBI would have to investigate if true, right?

23368829? ago

If you think he has nothing to do with MSFT, then you’re either drunk or so steeped in denial. Wake up man. It’s right there.

23368473? ago

He stepped down right as COVID19 panic was spreading so he can push the vaccination and tracking implants.

She is taking his place to start spell casting while he's not at the head. It's all ritual.

23369805? ago

ahem... Bill Gates resigned from the boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway 3 hours after POTUS said:

"We know where the virus came from…"

It was a defensive move. His place on both boards was OPTICS as was the resignations.

23367968? ago

Just disliked the video. I don't think it's coincidence that they uploaded a video promoting this satanic witch on Good Friday, the day our Lord Jesus Christ died for all of humanity. The thumbs up count was around 400 and the thumbs down count at 1.1 K in case they start monkeying with the numbers. Also found it interesting that the comments were turned off for that video.

23375515? ago

23373116? ago

Keep in mind that if you're going to thumbs down, you have to watch a specified amount of time before they will acknowledge the thumbs down ... they won't let you visit, thumbs down and leave without having watched it, they won't count it.

23372356? ago

in case they start monkeying with the numbers

In case they do??? Seriously? Anyway, good job on the foresight, including the digits in your comment.

23369041? ago


23368680? ago

1.4K downvotes now

23368566? ago

Yeah wtf are they thinking

23369200? ago

Bill Gates is a dedicated satanist.

23370681? ago

..as well as a eugenicist. His father ran Planned Parenthood and his mother was also involved. Sort clip here where he admits as much:


23370136? ago

So are vaccines with all the garbage added in them spirit cooking concoctions?

23372082? ago

My understanding is that there is something in there from aborted babies.

23370312? ago

Now that you mention it, somebody analysed one of the vaccines intended for children and found the entire human genome in it (human DNA). That is what you would expect from a mixture that contains human blood and semen which is what Abromavich plays with in her spirit cooking.

23370237? ago

Excellent point! We’ve learned there are aborted fetus cells in vaccines, God only knows what else could possibly be in vaccines? Though I think aborted fetus cells have to be the worst of the worst.

23368231? ago

Also downvoated. And happy to see we are not the only ones. I also took al look at the previous videos they uploaded. Funny how comments are not turned off with their other videos.

23370413? ago


23368406? ago

Funny they are even allowed to "turn off comments".

Imagine if you could do that on Reddit.

23372653? ago

what is this Reddit you speak of ?

23371853? ago


23368750? ago

They do that on reddit all the time.

23368738? ago

They do that on Reddit all the time, comments that attract problematic wrong think responses are removed or often "locked" so nobody can reply to them...

23373450? ago

Still not as bad as outright banning discussion.

23387880? ago

Reddit does that, people just don’t notice it. Shadowbanning is rather effective

23373831? ago

Shadowbanning can be worse. It can basically give the indication that no one cares/agrees and stop people from stepping out of the norm in the future.

23370263? ago

I had no idea they were that bad. I still have a reddit account. Once in a while someone on voat links to reddit, and my user name is there, but it says my account is locked because of "suspicious activity," and I need to log in again. I just ignore it because I have no desire to post there, and after about 6 weeks that notice went away. Fuck them.

23368176? ago

My thoughts exactly. Subtlely they’re trying to warm us to the idea of her witchcrafting, spirit cooking shenanigans. Tin Drum... I’m trying to recall where I’ve read that term before? Anyone else out there think she could be the older sibling of Ghislaine Maxwell? 🤔

23376212? ago

23372662? ago

what kind of "art" do you think she produced for the high payers?

23372640? ago

she's murdered children and you all just sit here with your pedantic clichés

23382927? ago

The "cliches" managed to get the video pulled off of YouTube just now.

Thanks for your support.

23382973? ago

that's good? lol

You're cheering censorship now, faggot?

23383689? ago



23381400? ago

go cry some more about it asswipe

23368146? ago

Just disliked it as well.

23377457? ago

Patriots in control

23376079? ago




23372625? ago

wow... that was powerful

how about cutting this cunts head CLEAN OFF, you cucked faggot ?

23375881? ago

LOL but it's not an exaggeration to say thats about all the power of protest we have anymore. The dislike button.

23374731? ago

are you sad you cant suck on her wrinkled demon titties or something, incel?

23378502? ago

I'm not the faggot getting pumped up over disliking vids on YouTube

so incel

23381360? ago

no, you're just the faggot responding to my posts about disliking YT vids

go kys

23374316? ago

how about you do it, you fuckin gamer?!

23368112? ago

Just added 1 more thumbs down

390 to 1.2 k. First the record

23368940? ago


1.6 K dislikes

23374913? ago

485 up, 7.9k down

23370317? ago

2.7k now! Only 417 likes...

23370213? ago



2.5 K dislikes

23370324? ago

Did my part.

23370363? ago

2.7K dislikes. plus mine and counting.

23371137? ago


3.3K dislikes

23378842? ago


17,000 dislikes

23371715? ago


3.7k dislikes now

23373530? ago


5.9k dislikes now

23369700? ago

404 likes (smile)

1.6 dislikes

I feel like uploading this video with the audio replaced with The End by the Doors.

Just for the comments and how fast it get's pulled.

23372068? ago

440 to 4k


23372275? ago

15 minutes later and 441 up and 4.2K down.

23370216? ago

Do it!

23370375? ago

I tried to but the fact the bitches face is on it is revolting.

Besides, I am meme literate and a technology retard.

23368070? ago

Great point!

23367920? ago

fuck bill gates proof he is pizzagater in my mind and now is on the list

23367798? ago

Her energy is so negative and evil. Imagine that,,, they are trying to preserve their energy and presence on the earth. Are they prepping for death? Also, these people all looking the same she looks like a Kardashian whore.

23368827? ago

The “need” to stay on the Earth. Otherwise would be anyhilated.

23367766? ago

Wow, the nerve on these guys... downvoat that shit to hell. On the other side - this is your confirmation on who is who, in case you were wondering about Bill Gates.

23371691? ago

downvoted and reported it to youtube. Not expecting that they'll do anything about it.

23367481? ago

Her sister is Ghislaine Maxwell ;)

23367819? ago

Fuck this talmudic earth

23367296? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=AXCeyFhn6bw :

Marina Abramović presents “The Life” in mixed reality - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

23367288? ago

and they are all connected by one thing

23367234? ago


23369969? ago

Pedovores and Devil worshipers are no longer retarding the truth.

Time to meme the everlasting hell back at 'em. With cold detached vengeance.