23383403? ago

on top of this, Microsoft has the satanic marina abramovic in a freaking commercial that just came out???? someone is really fucking with us.

23383104? ago

Does anyone know what[F] means and what the black sites are he’s referring to? Thx.

23382026? ago


23380884? ago

watched the documentary ... nothing new in there ... we know all of this already.

23378024? ago

I think this documentary is very on point when it comes to the influences of satanic cults and pedophiles on Entertainment, and their ability to cover up and control the media. After all it wasn't even a secret that Obama signed into law a "Mockingbird 2.0" that actually expired under Trump. Remember the "learn to code" thing. That was users mocking the "reporters" who suddenly lost their jobs.

But there are a few things pointed out here that kind of stand out as red herrings in the whole thing. First off is the Nazis. First off, there we about 30 people who "called the shots" in the Third Reich. They were all killed in the war, or in the trials afterwords. Futher the SS officers were ruthlessly hunted down.

This left the many researchers, analysts, and other experts left over. These were the people who had no say at all in what happened in Germany, they were minions, highly skilled, useful minions, but in the end just employees of the government.

Yes, many these people who worked for the nazi government were snatched up by the USA. Some went into intelligence, others went into NASA (Von Braun anybody?) and many more went into private jobs.

MKUltra: From my limited understand was a near complete failure. It was written off because it failed to achieve any of its goals. Yes they could beat, shock, drug, and torture people into a kind of compliance...but it made the victims nuttier than a walnut covered fruitcake in a peanut factory. They were basically useless people who could do little more than follow a very basic order while being obviously, plainly, amazingly fucking nuts the entire time.

And lets not forget their failure in LSD, which kicked off the hippy movement which was everything these old guys hated. Following its massive failure, the CIA went back to ground and focused on the good old fashioned "mind control" that is entertainment as propaganda. This works, its been working for 15,000 years, and it hasn't stopped working today. Words, pictures, music, stories...is the "real" mind control.

And lastly, lets not forget nearly everybody involved in the 1960's CIA shit is dead of old age. The whole lot of them.

I think a much bigger problem today is the satanic cults. Now I don't believe in the devil, and I think black magic is hogwash... But these people do believe its real, and they are hedonistic monsters. And this documentary hits it perfectly on the head. If you want to be a star...want get "in," you have to let them blackmail you, let them gain control over you, you will find they will push your success, with an ally at every turn of your career. And then you are in...and you are helping child murdering rapists manipulate the population.

23383498? ago

“ LSD, which kicked off the hippy movement which was everything these old guys hated.“

This is an interesting comment! Are you equating the older generation (traditional, socially conservative) with CIA scientists and their agenda? Like Michael Aquino or Timothy Leary to name two. There were and are people in intelligence agencies and “seats of power “pushing for the kinds of cultural revolution such as “sex, drugs, and Rock and Roll” of the sixties. Cultural upheaval, war, civil unrest (to name a few) are fundamental tenets of their carefully orchestrated intentions to dismantle Judeo/Christian Western society and to bring in a NWO. LSD was planted on masse among the youth and its had its desired effect.

23383306? ago

“ And its not like the USA was clean.”.

Isn’t this being pointed out throughout the video? Also a ton of research has been done on the operation pperclip as well. I’m trying to remember the name of one woman who wrote a very well researched and documented book about this. I’ll try to find the link of her going through some of these nice little “employees of the government.” I believe that the US forces did try to destroy most of the nazis but also knew of certain ones whom they deemed invaluable for their scientific brilliance. Some may not have been so bad but others definitely were. It is well documented and in the public record.

23374504? ago



23374477? ago

Yeh... nah.

Same old shit.

On the road again.

23373980? ago

Critical mass... stupid gf called me crying about the children yesterday and how she loves POTUS now hahaha.

She took the pill hard

23374591? ago

If she is as "stupid" as you say she is, then that explains why she is with you....

23375135? ago

You're pretty dry

23372538? ago

If you morons think Youtube isn't aware of this video and allows it, then you are truly lost. This is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Anything on a Google platform is BULLSHIT.

23374350? ago

I hate to say it but I mostly agree. I'm cautiously suspicious about anything that manages to remain on Youtube, and the same for the bigger voices who somehow manage to keep their Twitter accounts active.

I guess that's also a victory for ((them)) which sucks...

23371535? ago

not new info for an old anon but still VERY worth watching. and excellent tool for sharing with normies.

23370077? ago

Nunes at 2:04 RUN FOREST RUN

Q 204 What's up Q, please tell me life will get better. Growing tired and need hope.

We are winning bigly.



23369185? ago

Watched it yesterday. Packed with great info. I've been around for awhile and there were things in there I didn't know about. Laurel Canyon for one. The editing is awesome and info flows really well. Highly recommend.

And yes. There are many who are not arrested that we know should be. Remember. This thing is MASSIVE! It's called the Deep State for a reason. Many layers. A building cannot be built safely and strong without a good, solid foundation.

Peace and Love Patriots!

23366054? ago

Pre Q intel

Interesting shout out to the 'EARLIER' Anonymous near the end.

WWG1 - IPOT Presents - 4.12.20 https://youtu.be/KKm3O-gJRHU via @YouTube

23365875? ago

3951 Research Summary

Sounds like Q is saying that foreign black sites, i.e., overseas CIA centers of operation, that run MKUltra programs are being shutdown.

MANY relative themes attached to this one. GREAT Q to share, pointing out the themes. Themes go hand in hand with video.

23383199? ago

Thanks. I was going through the comments trying to find out what that was referring to. It’s amazing the gratuitous abject evil the CIA has been involved in! Aquino is one manifestation of this.

23365601? ago

Little rabbits search at QMAP brings up goodies whoosh

https://qmap.pub/read/2049 one of many


23365107? ago

WOW what a gift!

23363908? ago

1 thru 99?

1 dash 99?

1 to 99? Score?


23363639? ago

Awesome video related to 4/11 drops from IPOT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKm3O-gJRHU

23363453? ago

“Bigger than you can imagine”and not telling is a bitch slap for all anons! SHEEP!!!

23363075? ago

This video has been posted a few times over the last few days.

Each and everytime it has immediately been hit with negative comments and attempts to dissuade us from watching it.

I went back and looked at my comment history so that I could link those conversation (and the entire threads so you could see foe yourself) but now I can find any of the conversations I had about the movie- they have all disappeared.

Bottom line: there was a lot of vocal pushback against Anons watching this video- a concerted effort to dissuade. Then Q links it.

I won't spell it out for you.

23382271? ago

You already did. And thanks. Over the target, as the saying goes. This video is so effective because it is professionally done, broad in scope (covering the history of the CIA, Hollywood, pizzagate etc.). The interviewees are (or were) accomplished professionals in their fields. They don’t come across in an arrogant manner. I can see why Q calls this the best documentary of the year. Very very well done. And I’ve seen a lot of these kinds of videos (some better than others). This may be the best as an overview.

23364923? ago

They don't care if YOU watch it, they just don't want you to share it with the normies. The production value is what they need to believe it because that's how they value the information contained in it. If it's of poor production, they'll dismiss it, if it's MK Ultra quality, they'll go post every fact on their Facebook and tongue lash anyone who disagrees.

23363211? ago


23362928? ago

Same shit, nothing happens

23362744? ago

What is class 1-99? What is F?

23362875? ago

[F]oreign ... I assume the 1-99 are classified things that will be brought to light in the future...

23362231? ago

How do we know the documentary isn't a limited handout

23364281? ago

We don't, but if it is a limited hangout then they must really be losing control. This covers pizzagate head on, and there are other snippets that are unnecessarily revealing like Mika's slip up ("that's our job"). Limited hangout is like being chased by a tiger so you drop a slice of bologna to get the tiger to stop his pursuit. At the point where pizzagate is the limited hangout you are basically throwing your own baby to the tiger as a final hope for your own survival.

23363015? ago

If you think Q is doing that, why are you here?

23363292? ago

It isn't about what I believe.

It is about questioning what leads one to believe something, which I suppose is part of the message of the documentary.

I am following Q's teaching

23363204? ago

Right you are, this is no time or place for weak-kneed wallflowers, we're way beyond that now.

23363367? ago

Not a single arrested traitor in 898 days of qanon

23361771? ago



23361562? ago

this movie is, IMO, the crack in the dam.

23361079? ago

Where is HRC?

Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

23361066? ago

kek, 5 seconds away from 17 posts yesterday, oh well! :)

23360886? ago


Or we’re raising our kids to be Ottawa’s slaves!

23360736? ago

[MK_active). Is Q talking about MK_ultra?

23361700? ago

The mouseover on qmap says MK stands for Michael Kortan. However that mouseover is often wrong.

Btw, who is Michael Kortan?

23360931? ago

Yes, he talks about MK program CLAS in a previous drop. I was researching that when I got pulled away for something else. Its in kill boxes so I am curiuos what the program is about.

23360727? ago

This video has been floating around our community for the last few days. I only watched part of it (1:17) and will now watch all of it. Q picked it up. Affirmation of truth and our Q community putting out valid info.

23360675? ago

We were watching this as Q posted the link. We are the news now. Handle with care! WWG1WGA!

23360657? ago

Hillary Clinton is still free.

23364172? ago

Drinking vodka and eating babies

23365347? ago

She drinks a real bloody Mary.

23364118? ago

Even the FBI lawyer who falsified FISA docs is still not indicted.

23360601? ago

I take this is one to spread.

23360456? ago

I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them.

Q is a false prophet. Please, for the sake of your immortal soul, stop this and return to God.

23365326? ago

How do u discern that?

23361722? ago

I trust god with all my heart and put my faith in none but Jesus. Q is on the side of god.


23360573? ago

Qanon is anonymous, he doesn't ask to be seen as a god. When someone said Merry Qmas he said please do not take away Christ from Christmas. Stop your lies!

23360520? ago

Q shares the gospel, therefore turning others to Gods word.

23360507? ago

For such [are] false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. - 2 Corinthians 11:13.

23365344? ago

The Mormon church is the only church I know of that has apostles. Mmmmm, makes one wonder doesn’t it.

23360449? ago


23361703? ago

How about you just GTFO right now.

23360421? ago

Yes! Share that video far and wide. Very good for Awakening people. 🇺🇸

23360413? ago

Children are being trafficked and their organs are being harvested. But Q is here to save the day with social media links and cryptic statements!

23365695? ago

It is very apparent that you are not awaken, yet you lurk here, full of doubt. Why come here and post negative comments if this is just a farce? Q is here to awaken us to the truth. Your job as a Anon is to spread it to the normies. At this point, until you wake up, you are only dead weight on this site. Open your eyes wide and start thinking with critical thought. Grab your armor of god, open your mind and soul up to the truth.

23360585? ago

You act like that's all he's doing. Smdh. Rightttt.

You don't think there's shit going on behind the scenes, dummy? I don't even know why I respond to you trolls. Think it's time to just downvoat your comments into oblivion and move on.

23364886? ago

And you do think shit's going on behind the scenes? Aw well isn't that special!

23364531? ago

When "shit going on behind the scenes" gets to 898 days and no traitors attested, it probably men's nothing is going on behind the scenes

23365267? ago

I’d like to see some kind of eve since of this behind the scenes action. It seems like there would be something in the news somewhere to give an indication of this, other than stupid photos of Ellen with a so called ankle bracelet.

23360515? ago

He’s doing more than you.

23360522? ago

Were both just some anonymous scrubs posting online. But I'm not claiming to be something much greater than I really am.

23360470? ago

Don't give up, Patriot. You must know that an operation of this size takes time.

Look at the world... Something has happened.

We will find out what it is when it is safe for us to know. The citizens if the world need to be/feel involved - they need to know what's coming.

Be gentle and kind with yourself and others. Let the Q team do their job. Yours is to take care of your family and friends.

God Bless you.

23364550? ago

We will find out what it is when it is safe for us to know

Creepy Soviet Russia language going on here

23360376? ago

Watched it earlier today. An anon shared it in this board. Q team must lurk here!

23381117? ago

hijacking comment to get exposure!!!

i was going through records today and like sorting/purging stuff and found Kate Bush "The Red Shoes" and i never ever ever thought about this ... but it seems like this is possibly something, not her necessarily, but the fact that the red shoes are ballet/dancing shoes on the cover and i was like "oh yeah, a lot of ballet shoes i see are a shade of red...." and then i listened to the album and the lyrics are just ... wow... did she know? was she abused or just exposed to it or heard about it from other artists who helped bring her up in the industry and develop her art and protected her from such evil? it would explain how she never became very hugely successful like the pop stars... but this album, the lyrics, man it does paint the picture of a girl being tempted and tricked and manipulated into loving someone who is abusing her since she was a little girl .... its just ... well, could easily be another odd coincidence, literally, but given that she was being sort of protected by some know to be 'decent' people in the industry it makes it seem extra odd....

23388990? ago

Yeah that was a weird one ... with miranda richardson

23381326? ago

Is there any particular song you could point to?

23372608? ago

Of course. Q would live for the reaction. That’s the whole point of Q’s fakery.

23369858? ago

They do more than lurk. Just for the record, Q helped set up this board I think and endorsed it here:


23380893? ago

yeah ... the team that is saving the planet plays on a message board

23390026? ago

I doubt they play.

I work in the industry where we consume text content like this and we run natural language processors on it for trends and sentiment etc.

I could see the team using this board combined with 8kun’s content for useful purposes.

23382109? ago

why not? it the best game in town and secure, who could want more?

23382020? ago

You obviously don't understand what an information war is. Go live in China if you want to see what I mean.

23382045? ago

so they play on a message board where 99% of the people are supporters ... sounds just like China

23381857? ago

Social media is an effective way to go around the media block. Why wouldn't they use every tool at their disposal. It's a freaking information war.

23381899? ago

if all of this information existed .. pedo rings, satanic rituals etc., and "they have it all" ... just leaking a few pictures to general public should be enough to bring it all down.

23382698? ago

Are you sure? Stuff like the Epstein info has been out in the public for awhile, and the general public is barely aware of it, partly due to the media block and partly due to apathy/cluelessness. For the sheep to take notice, you've got to make a much bigger boom.

23382736? ago

there's not a person I know who hasn't heard of the Epstein case ... not a single one.

Do they all know about Liz Crokin and the "pizza gate" story? no ...in fact most don't. most haven't read the Podesta emails either.

I am disappointed that nowhere in the documentary did they talk about Seth Rich.

23382805? ago

I know a few who have no idea what all of the Epstein hullaballoo was all about. The bubble many live in is hard to penetrate.

I'm about as red-pilled as one can get, but am less knowledgable about PizzaGate than most here, simply because that rabbit hole was making me lose sleep.

The documentary didn't mention Seth Rich because it wasn't really aimed at telling the whole RussiaGate story, at least that's the best excuse I can muster. It was a very good watch.

23387165? ago

Who sleeps?

23382944? ago

Yes the PizzaGate story will make you lose sleep ... and like Q says .. the truth would kill 99% of the people .. .people don't want to know the truth ... they don't want to know what really happens in this world .. that these evil people really exist .. so they write it off and continue to hide behind TV, news and movie hoping it isn't real and it goes away.

23370048? ago

Yes, that's correct. Anons figured out that everything is routed through department of defense servers.

23369554? ago

Also watch 'Shadowring' documentary on amazon prime about the council and American politics. Worth your time

23374885? ago

Who Wants To Suck Some Girl Cock?

23365400? ago

Well good thing i sent it to a bunch of people on instinct. I didnt watch much of it. Will check the rest of it out later since Elvis recommends it

23364565? ago

Highest security clearance on the country eh

23364849? ago

Trolling, eh? You stupid leaf, eh? Fucking poutine eating, maple syrup drinking, maple leaf wearing, Canuck faggot, eh?

23372382? ago

How do you know he's a Leaf? Curious to know if there's a way to link posts...thought it was all anonymous.

23372942? ago

I have his IP address.

LOL JK. It's because he said "eh". That's a Canadian thing...

23363198? ago

Help me understand something. In the Q drop 3951, it says "MK active" and when you hold your cursor over MK it shows "Michael Kortan." Kortan was FBI spokesperson until late 2018, when he "retired" because of unethical behavior. Does Q mean something else by "MK active"?

23382695? ago

Likely, the algorithm that provides the info tips when you hover are general, so if the same initials or letters occur in a different context, it will still provide the hover tip unrelated to the context..

23384481? ago


23366721? ago

The current version of MK Ultra still exists

23363501? ago

Segment in documentary on MK Ultra with claims that the program's continuance hasn't been properly acknowledged.

23363690? ago

Ah, OK thanks.

23373023? ago

There are frequently multiple meanings to Q wording. So we really don't know!