23366651? ago

Hope when nothing happens and it turns into May that you can think back to how many times the phrase is drilled into your kind just like an mkuktra mind control program. Hang on. Just a little longer.

If I'm wrong I will delete my account!

23361027? ago

5 seconds away from 17 posts!

23360430? ago

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23359891? ago

Fucking kek. While the DS/CDC is requiring the world to cover their faces, Q is calling us to SHOW our face! Moves and countermoves? Am I taking this right???

Let's roll!

We are no longer anonymous.

WE are Q!


23359734? ago

Remember those old 419 scams where they would trick the scammer into posting pictures with stupid signs or saying things on video? I got that vibe with the first link there 3935 I think.

23359421? ago

Hahahahahahaha omfg the defeatist shills all hit this thread at once. You guys are such a sad sack of faggots. I love it. Shill harder. SHILL HARDER YOU CUNTS. Is that all you got?

23359420? ago

Q is a psyc op to keep lone wolves dormant

23360069? ago

Don't worry. You'll be hearing more from us soon.

This is Just the Start

23359328? ago

Sometimes I wish Q would post screenshots of the tweets because often when I go back to re read tweet drops, the account is gone, nothing is left haha.

23360013? ago

Refresh your browser. It'll pop right back up.

23359207? ago

Wow. We got links to a bunch of Q tards Twitter profiles and a jpg. That's some real fucking winning right there.

I know 3 more people who lost their fucking jobs this week and oh yeah the whole country is on house arrest while a bunch of pedophile scumbags are still raping kids.

Thanks Q

23360086? ago

No one I know has lost a job or has Covid19.

Prepare for hard times or die because you spent more money than you made. You'll know better next time.

23360195? ago

huh? i laid off all 120 employees, im now on unemployment you fucking idiot. millions are unemployed

23363796? ago

yeah you don't sound smart enough to be in charge of 120 employees. what kind of business?

23359668? ago

Holy fuck, you've been whining about your stupid job in multiple comments in this thread, and in others for the last week. Go figure it out you whiny little cunt. I'm sure there are other shill offices that would take you.

23359816? ago

You'll be dead in a month.

23360359? ago

Reported for uttering threats.

23361238? ago

Oh no! I guess you saw all of those "If you see something say something" billboards and decided to do your duty as a good little shitizen. Snitches get rewards!

23359386? ago

Shills whine ^^^

23359574? ago

^^^ enjoys hearing about children being raped.

23359612? ago

Had no clue about children being raped until Q pointed it out ^^^^

23359205? ago

Q bragging how many Qucks still follow lol.

23359192? ago

LOL, keep moving those goalposts.

23359168? ago

With all due respect, I can do without the cheerleader rah rah post. Without real tangible action, they do nothing for me. For all I know, the Kissinger Plan post might actually be the Q plan

23359152? ago

I have a hard time following now that I am unemployed and can't get through to my state's UI. Trust the plan? My rent is due again in 20 days and I am trying to get work. Everything is part time and under paid for what businesses are open.

23376289? ago

This is why you should be saving money. If you have st least 6 months worth of money saved up, no one can control you and you wouldn't be tapping out so quickly.

23361058? ago

My rent is due again in 20 days

Uh, no, actually, it isn't. Talk to your landlord, evictions have been canceled for now.

23368220? ago

Evictions have been cancelled. Not paying rent.

23361829? ago

The rent is still due even if you can't be evicted. The debt will pile up if it's not paid.

23359979? ago

When your clothes are sweat-soaked and torn and your wet feet are covered in sores, you keep marching with your brothers. This is war, my friend. Don't give up. Pray to our Savior - He will guide you. Psalm91.


23358996? ago

Now is not the time for Q self promotion.

White Q is beating his own drum / masturbating... most of us have lost our jobs and are trying to figure out if we'll be homeless by August.

Hasn't Q got anything better to do that celebrate himself?

23363696? ago


wow you shills are RETARDED.

23359432? ago

"most" of us have lost our jobs. So obvious you are a shill. Most would be over 50% most have not lost jobs

Nice try shill, but you fucks are easy to spot.

23372282? ago

Imagine being an actual shill and calling others shills. Typical fucking loser kike tactic. Millions HAVE lost their jobs and business you small brained fuck. God damn, you losers are easy to spot. Legit, go buy a rope is your new commie government allows it, string it up inside because you’re not allowed to go outside, and kys.

23373389? ago

I didnt say millions didnt lose their jobs, just not most. Reading comprehension is jot your strongest asset.

anyone that starts a post saying q is masterbating is a shill you retarded sbbh faggot.

23377066? ago

reading comprehension is ‘jot’ your strongest

Imagine making something up to get a ‘gotcha’ and just fucking yourself in the process lmao! What a loser.

q is masterbating

You mean ‘masturbating’? And yet another example of your low IQ. Two fold. One, I wasn’t the OP. I just saw your extreme faggotry and called you out for the nigger you are. Maybe you’re a kike. Or a chink. Either way, you’re a fucking faggot who has such a limited mental capacity they can’t comprehend more than one poster in a reply. And two, you can’t spell for shit.

And LOL at the typical response for the low IQ retards who get called out and accuse the winner (me) a shill.

Go back to school. And not public school. You need it. Keep out for the short bus when you do.

23378857? ago

thanks for priving my point. Attacking typos is a libtard thing to do. Now run along you little faggot.

23390441? ago

Attacking ‘comprehension’ is fine though right? Don’t like when you get called out? It’s ok when you do it though, right? Typical lefty. Hypocrisy. Why do you think I went after your obvious lack of how to spell? Always hurt fee fees. You need some more time? More tissues?

Get fucked, retard.

23359353? ago

Shills whine ☝️

23360006? ago

Bro there's no need to whine about your life being systemically destroyed by the government. Just trust the government, it'll solve all your problems soon. No, there's no proof, and if you ask for any you're a shill. So you deserve to have your livelihood destroyed. WWG1WGA!

23372300? ago

Amen. This sub is filled with ‘hello fellow kids’ chink shills who are constantly saying this communist take over of our country is a good thing and that we need to trust the plan. Fuck these chink shills.

Nuke China. Nuke those chink fucks.

23360074? ago

How is it you were raised as such a pussy?

You are owed nothing in life, snowflake.

You don't like the way things are?

Get off your ass and do something about it.

Or just bitch and moan posting on a board.

Fucking grow up.

23360129? ago

Nothing is happening and if you point it out you're a shill and if you complain about getting fucked its because you're a pussy

When they drag you into the gulag, I guess you can take solace in the fact that you have only yourself to blame.

23360196? ago

That won't happen.

But, feel free yourself if that's what your looking forward to.

23360220? ago

Bro if you're complaining about being dragged into a gulag its because you're a shill

Is exactly how you'll respond when it starts.

23359233? ago

A bunch of kids are being raped right now while Q sends the cult to their own Twitter accounts.

23359506? ago

Wrong. The celebrities are all on house arrest so the kids are safe. But they do need to haul in the politicians now. Where is Creepy Joe?

23362866? ago

Oh ok, where's the proof of this besides some wild speculations from anons? You guys will blindly follow this crap off a cliff to your deaths.

23363729? ago

look up alefantis instagram and podesta art,

NORMAL people don't enjoy that crap.

what an IDIOT.

23358967? ago

God bless you ALL!!!!! And God bless YOU Q, Q+, President Trump and team. The patriots love you all.

23358928? ago

God bless you Q team! WWG1WGA!

23358921? ago

It took some manpower to find and select these fifteen tweets.

23358894? ago

Q, you rock! Hope to see the placeholders filled in soon.

23358802? ago

So Q is just showing off by blast twitter wwg1wga how many idiot people he has duped into YET another paradigm of false hope...as we slide into a complete totalitarian mask wearing cunt pussy fear dominated national economically failed state.

HEY Q...


23360028? ago

Sometimes I read these shill posts and imagine it's Alex Soros.

23359418? ago

Or he is doing exactly as intended, keep the patriots occupied and distracted while the DS implements their plan...

Trust the plan... (instead of rioting to fight against the suppression of your freedom)

23363757? ago

sorry rabbi, but we're not going to 'riot'


23360037? ago



23359365? ago

Shills whine ☝️☝️

23372317? ago

Qultists cult. How’s Beijing, chink?

23372513? ago

You mean zipper head, no?

Don't know, never been there whiner.

23373179? ago

Zipper head works too. Wrong location? How’s Tel Aviv, kike? The only whining little bitches are the shills trying to ‘hello fellow kids’ (probably you) and loser Qultists like you who constantly comment on every reply of those are aren’t blind faith sheep Q cultists. Where’s your emojis use, faggot?

23373349? ago

Never been to Tel Aviv.

What's your plan?

You appear to have a brilliant mind. 🙂

23377071? ago

you appear to have a brilliant mind

Smartest thing you’ve ever said. Well spotted.

23380678? ago

Familiarize yourself with the term, facetious.

23390398? ago

Familiarize yourself with the term since you clearly don’t understand it.

23396402? ago

"You appear to have a brilliant mind", he said facetiously;, mocking him.

How's that professor?

23406899? ago

Cringey and full of faggotry like you.

23407220? ago


23358712? ago

We're worldwide!

23358548? ago

Stupid niggers

23358980? ago



You're out

23358663? ago

They want us divided by race

23359037? ago

So did your grandparents you fucking faggot race traitor

23358977? ago

The jews want non jews to be obsessed about NOT dividing by race.

23358856? ago


23360059? ago


the path to heaven or hell is the same for every one.

23361097? ago

Agreed but niggers nig, have you really never been around them?

23358527? ago

Gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. This is real. The world is waking up! God bless you all, faithful anons. Happy Easter. Our world is being reborn!

God bless America and God bless President Donald John Trump. No one else could have saved us. Thank you God for giving this man to our world.

23360670? ago

3944 is Praying Medic - interesting

23359935? ago

The vibration is real.

23360329? ago

That frisson is shared buddy. I love ya.

23360248? ago

It is!! Through my whole body when I saw the first tweet!

23359839? ago

WE Are Q! We are the human race!

23358512? ago

The group from Ghana was my favorite. Pretty awesome.

I think it is about time we come out of our shells.

The world needs to know they are not alone.

23359927? ago

No longer alone.

We're here for you.

For each other.

We are

No Longer Anonymous

23358494? ago

Meanwhile, in Virginia - va-governor-signs-universal-background-checks-gun-rationing-bill.

I cannot link to the Breitbart article.

23360150? ago

Don’t forget the abortion restriction rollbacks he signed on Good Friday. Can someone please wake up the 60% of Virginians who did NOT vote last fall so they can help us take our damn state back next year??

23360699? ago

Sneaky SOB, signing these bills while everybody is focused on the Kung Flu.

Thanks for the link.

23359911? ago


23358535? ago

CO just arrested a guy for keeping his business open.

23359223? ago

But Q just posted the links of 30 Q tards Twitter accounts! Can't you see we are winning?

23372240? ago

This sub in a nutshell. The great awakening photo posted is us being sheep’s lead to our own slaughter. We are under a quasi communist style take over and testers are clapping like a bunch of cultists who’s leader glanced at them.

23360398? ago


23358486? ago

Oh shit, happening on 4-12-20 Easter? Never seen "drops will come quick".

23358963? ago

Q has been saying any day now for 3years

23360416? ago

Grand jury’s announced by John Solomon / Durham

Yesterday’s 4-10-20 happy Trump day.

23370357? ago

no concrete evidence. Just more fluff allegations from Solomon who has been doing this for years.

23361275? ago

That slipped under the radar for most, funny, iirc, was the same day Q posted about not date fagging, and about putting something up and calling it fake as a method of concealment.

23358479? ago

It's great to see this movement grow over time!

It's time for the great awakening!

23358458? ago


23358414? ago


We are not Ottawa’s colony!

23358374? ago

https://archive.ph/yWcGQ :

The Q on Twitter: "Q Patriot from Germany! #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE #Qanon


https://archive.ph/MNwUd :

Colin Skow on Twitter: "A powerful message from Ghana, West Africa. 🇬🇭💗#GreatAwakening #QAnon Please spread!… "

This has been an automated message.

23358358? ago

Humans are FREE!!!

23358276? ago